
Chapter 174: Brain Tumor 2

 " Phillip, I need you to do some thing urgent for me... Really urgent " Mr Gavriel said as Phillip was on the other side of the phone.

" Okay sir...I am always at your service " Phillip responded as he was all ears to hear what Mr Gavriel wanted him to do.

" I need you to track my wife..where ever she is just make sure to bring her to me before the day runs out okay...no matter what I need her at the mansion " Mr Gavriel ordered, he could not believe that his daughter was going through this and she was not aware, he was sure that she was having fun where ever she was and her family is currently in pains....he tried to imagine the look on her face when he tells her that Karina has been diagnosed with brain tumor.

" Okay sir, I will do just that...as you have said, I will bring her before sunset " Phillip replied with courage in his voice, the moment when Mr Gavriel had asked him to get his wife, he knew that definitely all was not well and it gave him this courage to help his boss out even if he did not know where to start or how to get his wife but if it means making his boss happy he would do it.

" Good " Mr Gavriel said as he hanged up and kept his cell phone back into his suit pocket as he entered the elevator with Mr Hassami, though he did not know where they were going but he just followed along as far as they were in the hospital premises.....where was his mind going to?? 

He also wanted to see his daughter so badly as he wondered what she must be going through, she was still a kid and too small to go through it.

The elevator beeped and they walked out of it as they paved their way into a broad hallway where Mr Hassami pressed on a botton and a large door opened.

They walked into the room, looking at it once, you would know that is is either a conference room or a presentation room, it was a large room that could contain a hundred person's, a dark curtain was hanged all over the room along with some medical charts and there was also a projector standing in front of the room which was placed in a way every one could see what was on the screen.

" Mr Gavriel...please sit down " Mr Hassami said as he walked to the projector and used a light pen to tap on the screen and it turned on.

" So what is your reason of doing this? " Mr Gavriel asked calmly.

Doctor Hassami had always known Mr Gavriel to be a straight forward person and always prone to anger but his daughter's condition had made him weak to his limbs and his face dull, he felt hurt but the doctor felt that the pain was too much for him to bear.