
Chapter 165: Bad news


Phillip walked up to the auditorium where Mr Gavriel was giving a presentation, his blood in his face looked drained up as he hurriedly walked towards his boss.

The audience all turned their ficus to him because no other person apart from the host was allowed to get up to the stage for no reason, it always had to be the host.

" We hope to serve the nation to their utmost ...... " Mr Gavriel was still speaking when he got interrupted by Phillip who had started whispering into his ears immediately he got to him.

" Mr Gavriel...we need to leave now, we need to be on our way " Phillip said as fast as he could, he was so tensed about the situation and it made him take a heisty decision that would destroy the presentation that was been rounded up, he had no choice.

" What is going on? Can you not see I am rounding off my speech! Or do you want to get fired from this job " Mr Gavriel whispered furiously back at Phillip who's hands were already shaking as a result of been tensed.

He decided to tell Mr Gavriel about the situation because of his relationship with Karina, he really loved her how a father should love his daughter but their bond was extraordinary, so Phillip thought that telling him the news was the best option....he believed that work could come after that.

" Sir.... Karina has been rushed to the hospital...I just got a call from the doctor, your presence is needed immediately sir, I am sorry for breaking the news in this manner " Phillip said as he apologized also, he made Mr Gavriel understand that he did not break the news out of ignorance or stupidity but rather he did that because of his relationship with Karina.

" What?? Did my wife call you or did she send a message " Mr Gavriel asked.

The audience who patiently sat and watched what was going on started to get impatient as they began to whisper among them selves but because of the respect Mr Gavriel had gained all over the world made it known to them that he was not a child's play or someone to be disrespected so they kept their voices low but due to the large crowd voices were still heard all over the place.

" No she did not convey any message, I do not think she is aware yet " Phillip said as he nodded his head in disapproval.

The host who had been watching silently as the duo were discussing remained calm but at a point he walked up to them.

" Mr Seamus...is every thing okay? The audience are already getting to their peak " the host explained.

" Phillip, arrange for our flight back to the united states now....I would be leaving from here " Mr Gavriel said as he rubbed his fire head in a confused state. 

" Okay sir, I would do just that " Phillip said as he walked out of the stage.