
Chapter 162: Worth it

Shortly after I stepped out of the car and ran to where he was sitting, I got the shock of my life as I paused and watched from metres away, Mr Gavriel was crying, he was crying.... How????

' what the hell is going on? ' I asked my self as I summoned enough courage and then I walked towards him and at first I squatted beside him but then I was not so comfortable so I sat down beside him and looked at his face.... gosh, this man was really crying..how?...why?

At that moment, all the thought that were occupying my head was the question that was like ' why was this man crying? Why was Mr Gavriel in tears? ' 

I began to wonder because I was pretty sure that some thing huge must have happened to warrant this, because definitely it was no joke... Mr Gavriel was crying.

It seemed like he had not notice my presence even at the fact that I was sitting so close to him. I stared at his eyes and it was all swollen, his face was red and his hands were shaking so badly.

" Mr Gavriel, it's okay...stop crying, I am here, I am here for you " I said as he turned and stared at me and it just looked like a dream to me, immediately Mr Gavriel turned his face and stared directly to my face, iwas sure that he was so shocked to see me there, I was sure that he did not expect to see me there but then the next thing happened.

' what the heck is she doing here and how did she get to know that I am right here ' Mr Gavriel asked himself as he kept on staring at her innocent and childish face, then and there he felt the ugre to throw his arms around her, he needed a shoulder to cry on and probably the Lord has sent her, he was so down and devastated but he refused to let him self get depressed.

He threw his arms around me and I gasped in shock, I never expected him to do this to me because of how he had treated me lately.

' why is he hugging me after he had called me disgusting? I thought he hated me but now why is he hugging me like there was no tomorrow ' I asked my self but I could not get a response, I tried to savage into my mind just to think of the smallest reason that would have gave him such an idea to hug me but there still was not any thing so I did not bother any more about it as I just let my self relax binto his warm embrace and to my surprise it worthed it.

Shortly after wards, I raised my hand slowly and placed it on his back as I patted him slowly, he acted like a kid whosed parents had just disowned him, some one who had been abandoned.