
Chapter 151: who did this?

I felt that I was not in the position how I havd laid down initially, then I opened little parts of my eyes as a faxed at every where.

" Oh, woah, thank goodness I am still in my room, so I decided to put it on since every where was stuffy and I farted every where .

I tried to get up but I felt this pain on my chest and it was as if the pain was added or reduced then I looked at my chest and saw a bigger bandaged wrapped around my chest and plastered.

" Why am I naked? " I asked myself, because I knew I tied a towel befall falling asleep so why am I naked now and why is the duvet used to congratulate you and why is there a plaster on my chest and who did all of this?

I was so curious about who did those things because I was currently with out clothes.

I slowly walked out of the bed and went straight to my wardrobe as I took out a cloth to wear and as I tried the clothe refused to be my size again and I was like how the fuck this this happen to my self.

Then I took out a very big shirt and wore it, thank God it fitted immediately so I did not have to bother myself about it and then the bandaged was giving me a tough time here.

I quickly came out of my room as I strolled down to the sitting room.

" Gawd, my chest hurts " I said and I tried to fall because I miss my step, thank goodness I would have fallen with shame all over their eyes.

There was this manly scent all over the while arena and some one who is sent as spys was also seen then.

' Does this mean that Mr Gavriel is back and that he was actually the one who only change my clothes and  a plan first because he repeated the same thing ' Tina asked her selve because you are no other person so copy. 

I entered the kitchen and saw some used pots and plates.

" So who did this? Who finished washing plates and saw another heep should come because I was so tired and needed to rest but now I woke up to find out that I was sleeping all along, even the sleep did not even work again. " I said to myself but is it possible that Mr Gavriel was the one who cooked because I would not actually believe that.

I was so hungry and the bandages in my chest were some thing else because it made me so uncomfortable and I could not move some parts of my body freely! Buh the question it that who was the person who put on me these bangades, it was indeed hurt and I need to buz.

At a point it got dawned to me that someone had just taken me an advantage of me by seeing my nakedness.