
Chapter 148: her beauty

 He dropped the first aid kit on top of her bed as he entered into the bath room to wash his hand so he could treat her and after some minutes he came out with a little towel which he used to dry up his hands.

He walked back to the bed as he carefully used his knees to climb on the bed as he carried her in a bridal style and placed her to lie down very well and in the process of doing that her towel fell off from her chest.

" Fuck " Mr Gavriel exclaimed immediately her towel fell off and he felt her soft delicate skin on his hands.

' Damn, why is she so soft? ' Mr Gavriel asked himself as he laid her down properly but his eyes could not go off her, he gazed from he face down to her chubby cheeks, her soft pink lips, her jaw bone, her neck, her chest, her round plumpy breast, her navel line and then when his eyes got to her v shape, he quickly used the duvet to cover her up as he placed the end of the duvet under her breast so he could treat her therefore leaving her breast to his full view.

She was perfect for any one but he had done the worst by destroying her beauty, he was so angry at him self for pouring her the hot tea and now it has made her look so bad.

' Tina, I am so sorry I put you through all of these ' Mr Gavriel said subconsciously as he ran his fingers through her lips as he inched closer, he could feel her breath on his nose and then it dawñ at him.

" No, I should not be doing this, I am taking advantage of her with the fact that I have just seen her fully naked, gosh, how would she feel " Mr Gavriel said as the feeling of guilt began to eat him up, he had never felt like this in a long while, neither has he underestimated himself in a long while but now he was questioning himself, he was questioning his actions.

He quickly picked up the first aid kit and opened it as he took out a hand glove and put it on, then he took out a cotton wool and dipped it into a hydrogen bottle and began to clean up the blood that was gushing out of the part where she had scratched open, he tried his best to be careful so she would wake up.

As he cleaned up her wound, she kept on bringing her hand to the injury to touch it because probably it would sting her.

Mr Gavriel suddenly remember the night she offered to help him treat his wound and he shunned her down because she offered to help him out, at that point, he knew he had crossed the line and hurt her countless times.

Then he applied an ointment to the wound as he wrapped it with a bandage and plaster to avoid her touching it.