
Chapter 147: Sympathy

I was feeling some pain on my chest and it scratch me so much and because I was asleep, I just had to scratch with out knowing what I was scratching or where I was scratching.

I kept turning around all over the bed because of how itchy it was and I could not bear it, I just had to do some thing even though i was deep asleep.


Mr Gavriel noticed some blood stains on the towel she was wearing around her chest and then he went closer and sat on her bed as he took a closer look at it.

' ohh, it is from the burn, I think she scratched it alot ' Mr Gavriel said to himself calmly as he immediately felt bad for her, she was in this condition because of him, if he had not poured her that hot tea, she would not be going through this at this moment, he began to wonder how she would feel when she wakes up to see herself in a much more worse condition, he tried his very best not to look at any other parts of her body to avoid distraction because he was fully ready for that but not with her and not when she was asleep.

If she ever wakes up at this moment and sees him on her bed, he was so sure that she would either throw a tantrum or withdraw her self totally from him.

It seemed like she just took a shower before drifting off to the wonder land and then he wanted to leave but his heart kept saying otherwise, his heart kept on telling him to help her out because he was the reason for the  pain she was passing through at the moment and he even called her disgusting because of that.

' I must have hurt her so badly, but why am I having these feelings, why am I feeling bad for her, I did these things to her because she made a fool out of me ' Mr Gavriel said to himself as he frowned at his heart desires.

But he still needed to help her out because at that moment she needed help and since he was already in her room the best thing was to help her out and not to behave like the demon he really was.

" Gavriel have...some sense of human sympathy " Mr Gavriel said out to himself in a low voice as he got up from her bed and walked out if the room then he closed the door behind him.

He walked up to his room and pulled off his shoes and suit as he put in his casual wears and then searched for the first aid kit.

' ohh, there it is ' he exclaimed the moment he saw it lying on an empty space inside his wardrobe.

Then he walked out of his room and back to Tina's room and closed the door behind him, he dropped the first aid kit on too of her bed.