
Chapter 12: First day in Seamus Group of Companies

" Aaaaggggggghhhhhhh " I screamed as the young man turned and faced his other side.

" Oh my goodness, what happened last night and why am I here I hope nothing stupid happened " Nicole said to her self as stared at the young man who was sleeping peacefully.

" Oouuccchhh " she screamed slightly.

" Why does my head hurt?? " she asked no one in particular

All she needed to do now was to get out of where ever she was at that moment.

Nicole glanced around the apartment in order to find her hand bag, which she saw on the couch and then she saw a notebook.

A thought striked to her mind as she picked up the book and took out pen out of her bag.

She stared at the man on the bed with a blank face then she faced the book as tore out a sheet of paper and scribbled some words on the it.

She then dropped it on the dinning table as she headed for the exit.

She knew she was going to come back an ask the young man what happened last night but now she needed to leave.

I started moving towards the building, of course I had to take the elevator to the second floor because I was few minutes late already.

I entered the elevator and pressed on the second floor button and in less than five minutes I was already on the second floor.

I practically moved with a fast pase, I went to the receptionist table and couldn't believe what I saw, where the receptionist was placed was like where the General Manager of one of those minor companies had as their office but here in this company, a receptionist was enjoying it.

I totally forgot that I had an interview the moment i let my mind become endorsed with the beauty of the place.

It has heaven on earth.

I also saw some men on suit moving out of the company.

Oh I remember Seamus Group of Companies share rose today and that would help me to in getting this job because probably anyone who was going to interview me would be actually happy about the new and wouldn't waste time to employ me.

I snapped out of my amusement

" Oh my Goodness, Christina you are here for an interview not to stare at the awesome beauty of this place " I warned myself.

I turned around and saw the receptionist leaving so I had to move fast because she was the one I was to ask some questions then she would direct me.

" Hi, good morning. " I greeted her as she turned to know who was greeting her.

" Good morning " she responded with a look on her face that meant how may I help you.

" I have a scheduled interview here, I'm so sorry I'm minutes late " I replied to her unasked question and apologized also for being late.

" Okay " the receptionist replied and entered her own type of office as she sat down and faced her system.

She the clicked on the mouse and the system became on.

" What's your name?? " she asked as she was doing something on the system which I couldn't tell and obviously it didn't concern me.

But I had a feeling it had something to do with me.

" Uuhhm, my name is Christina Ezekiel " I replied her as she glanced on her system, I could tell she was searching for something and I could hear her whispering my name as her finger were moving fast on the system.

At that moment, she said out my name.

" Christina Ezekiel, right?? " She asked me

" Yes, Christina Ezekiel " I replied her waiting to hear another response from her.

Then I saw her relax on her chair.

" Please be patient " she emphasized

" Okay, I will " I replied back to her calmly even though I knew I was late.

Then seconds later, a paper came out of the printer as the receptionist got up to get it.

She was beautiful, I saw her flexible curves.

" Okay, take this " she said as she handed over the printed paper to me.

" Thank you " I appreciated her.

Then she pointed at an elevator and it wasn't the elevator I use in coming there.

" Oh, am sorry, I made a mistake, do not bother going through that elevator "

She apologized as she pointed a door.

" You have to go through that door, you will see about twenty-five or more elevators actually, then you take the seventh one from your right, you are going to the thirteenth floor " she explained so calmly but she was a little bit fast do I had to grab every single word that same out of her mouth.

" Do you have any questions?? " She asked me 

" No..no..no, I understand every thing you said " I practically stammered as I responded back to her.

" Okay " she said as she smiled at me.

" You should get going now else you would be late " she told me.

" Yes, I would do just that, Thank you " I appreciated her because of her kind gestures towards me as I walked out.

" You are welcome " I could here her say.

" Hey " I could hear someone running as I turned back to see the receptionist moving very fast to meet up with me, then I stopped to hear what she had to say to me.

" Uhhm, Christina you have to walk fast and not just how you were moving few minutes ago, Mr Aaron hates when people are late especially when it is an interview and I forgot to tell you that the elevators are under renovation and there is only three elevators available at this moment but we are not permitted to use it, it is only available to the C.E.O, the Managing Director, and Board Members.

Yes, and also those with high offices, so I suggest you use the stair case " she explained.

I was dumbfounded when I heard what she said most especially using the stair case.

How in heaven's name am I supposed to use the stair case when I am heading to the thirteenth floor.

This is definitely a Bad Omen.

" Okay, now I'll take you to the receptionist so he could help you out, " she said as she walked towards a group of people sitting together, they were about seven of them and they were in an intensed conversation.

" The receptionist??? " 

" I thought you are the receptionist!! " I asked because all this while I thought she was the receptionist, I had the feeling that she was more than that because of how she dressed and how she acted past minutes ago.

" Oh, I'm so sorry about my non chalant attitude, I didn't get to introduce myself " she apologized sincerely.

" No, why are you apologizing to me?? , its no big deal " I replied calmly while I stared at her.

" My name is Anabelle Johnson, I'm the one in charge of the affairs of the employees in this company " she said with a heavy smile showing on her face.

I couldn't believe it because she acted calm and showed no sign of her been proud of her position.

" Wow, I envy you " I replied

And truly I envied her, she just looked like Nicole in terms of character.

" Luca " she called a out a person and I wondered if the person was the receptionist she was talking about.

" Luca " she called out again as she entered into the office where the discussion was held.

A bronze skin, blue eyed guy turned.

" Anabelle... I'm so sorry, I did not hear you calling " Luca apologized to her as he stared at me.

" No offense taken " Anabelle stated and I think that was true, because it was obviously clear that he didn't hear her calling him.

" And who do we have here?? " Luca asked while gesturing his hand out for a hand shake.

" Hi Luca, my name is Christina Ezekiel " I replied as I stretched out my hands to return his hand shake, it will definitely be rude if I didn't, and this was my first day in Seamus Group of Companies so I would not want to make enemies so fast, even though I haven't gotten the job.

" Luca, please I need you to take Christina to Mr Aaron's office, she is here for an interview " Annabelle said neither making it look like an order or a plea, and for that I instantly loved her.

" Okay, on a condition that i will get you lunch " Luca replied and stated his condition to take me with him.

And why would his condition be to buy Annabelle lunch when his the one helping her out.

Well something is really fishy here but I will think about later if that will be possible after all.

" Okay, Luca, you will get me lunch later, hurry and take Christina remember she is here for an interview, moreover she is late and you know Mr Aaron doesn't like lateness. " Annabelle said to Luca who was busy smiling as if she wasn't talking to him.

" Okay, Ms Christina please follow me " Luca said as Annabelle left the office while I followed Luca.

" You know the elevator's are under renovation and our only option is the stair case " Luca said with a slight frown on his face.

" Yes, I am aware of that, Annabelle told me earlier " I answered him as I checked my watch to know what the time was, Lo and behold.

" Oh my God, it is almost 9:00 am, I am terribly late and I don't think I can get this job, I mean I'm an hour late and who the hell goes to an interview one hour late " I told Luca as my voice began to tremble and he began to laugh.

" You are so funny, Ms Christina, there's actually nothing to worry about, I can help you get to the thirteenth floor " Luca said as he continued laughing

" Are you serious?? " I asked as I wondered what was funny.

" Yes, but the only available elevator for you to get to the thirteenth floor at this moment is the C.E.Os elevator, and we have no other option, so are you in?? " Luca explained and asked if I was interested and yes I was totally interested BUT..

" Yeah I'm interested but I thought minor employees are not allowed to uses the elevators available especially the C.E.Os own?? " I asked him but you know what I didn't care, I need to get this job today and I can't change that.

" You know what, let's go " I replied.

I said that because I could not afford to lose this job and I would do anything to get it. ANYTHING.

" Okay then let's go " Luca said as he explained some things about the job I was applying for.

Not long we got to the elevator and entered it.

While Luca pressed on the thirteenth floor bottom.


The elevator beeped as the door opened.

We went through the the large hall with several offices while I and Luca were chatting.

Then Luca knocked on a door and went in along with me.

" Good day Mr Aaron " Luca greeted

" Yes, good day Luca " Mr Aaron replied as he looked at Christina.

" You must be Christina Ezekiel " Mr Aaron said with the tone of been sure that I was Christina Ezekiel.

" Yes sir, I am Christina Ezekiel " I replied in a formal way.

" Okay, Luca you may go now " Mr Aaron said as he waved his hand at Luca indicating that he should go and immediately Luca headed towards the door.

" Miss Christina Ezekiel, you are late for your interview, why?? " Mr Aaron said with a stern facial impression as he relaxed on his chair.

" I'm so sorry sir, actually I got here early and was told to come up to the thirteenth floor but I got to find out that the elevators were under renovation, so Luca had to help show me the way to the staircase and your office... " Christina was still explaining when Mr Aaron interrupted her.