
Chapter 119: Your Woman

The sun shone bright as it emitted it's rays inside Mr Gavriel's room, he turned around on the bed and sighed.

He did not want to wake up, he did not want day to break, all he wanted was to sleep and that was the only thing on his mind.

He rolled over to the other side of his bed and gaped in shock as he widened his eyes.

' What happened here? ' Mr Gavriel asked himself as he forcefully got up from his bed and looked around his bed room.

He could vividly remember that he left his room in a huge mess yesterday before he left for the hospital.

' Who arranged here? who could it be that have access into my room? ' Mr Gavriel kept on asking himself invalid questions because he was not thinking straight.

He kept in looking around, he saw his office files neatly arranged, his wardrobe was put in place and his clothes were neatly arranged in it, his dirty laundry was already washed.... everything was put to place.

" I think this is Tina's hand work, " Mr Gavriel said out loud as he smiled devilishly.

" She is trying to avoid me right? She would see the other side of me sooner than later " Mr Gavriel added as his phone beeped and he moved to get his phone.

" How are you doing dear? How was your night? I just to remind t that you should be home by weekend and come along with the woman you intend on getting married to because I want to introduce my soon to be daughter in law to Raymond's mother and also my other friends.

Your father has also been so worried about you lately, that he drinks, so please to make us happy and make this end, I insist that you come along with your woman.....ELSE "

He glanced at the phone screen for some minutes and sighed, his mother was at it again.

How was he going to get a woman now, he was not even ready to introduce anyone to his mother now and not ever, the worst of all was that he did not want to introduce anyone he did not love to his family.

" What the heck!!! DAMN IT!! " Mr Gavriel screamed out loud as he threw his phone on this bed, resulting in the phone breakage because it bounced and fell on the floor but he did not bother about it at all.

He was so tried about his family pressure, he did not even want his father company, properties or shares because he has worked hard for his own, so why were they pressurizing him to get married when he did not want to.

And why was his father worried about him now, what does he want from him that is resulting in him been worried about him.

He sighed deeply as he walked to the bathroom to have a shower as he hoped that Tina had prepared breakfast for him because he was extremely hungry.