
Chapter 114: Lessons

" Nicole.. I am all right, totally not insane and I think I would be returning to Mr Gavriel's house as soon as possible, I would not go to work today but I will go tomorrow, I would just have enough rest, then tomorrow I will go to work the normal way I have planned, it is definitely high time Mr Gavriel stop treating me like a garbage!! Even though I have feelings for him, I would try my possible best not to show it off, I would not let him know but I will try my very best to teach him how to treat woman right, even if it cause my life " Tina suddenly started blabbering nonsense and Nicole who was shocked at her statement stepped on the break and the car stopped with a full force.

" Tina, I really need to take you to a doctor, what rubbish are you spitting out of your mouth? You will give your life for a man who is ready to move on in a twinkling of an eye? What the hell is wrong with you Christina? Please it has not gotten to that extent okay, just cut that trap right now so I can peaceful drive us home because I would not want to have a critical heart attack here on this spot, on the high way " Nicole said fiercely.

She could not believe that Tina could say some thing like that, some thing was indeed wrong with her friend and it was because of Mr Gavriel, how dare he have a bewitching body and trys toake her best friend start developing a crush for him when he maltreats her...like her treats her like trash.

' Gawd, I think Tina need some prayers right now ' Nicole said to herself as she started the ignition again and zoom off.

There was utmost silent in the car through out the rest of the journey, none of them dared to speak to each other as they kept stealing glances at themselves and sighing.


Mr Gavriel successful got home as he packed his car in the garage and lazily strolled to his apartment.

He had totally forgotten that he was a billionaire who was supposed to walk composed, he totally forgot who he was as a result of the stress he was going through at that moment, he had a long day, indeed it was a long day.

He opened the entrance door and walked into the house as the door closed by itself,  then he perceived a fresh scent all over the place and it striked in his mind that someone must have done it, it would not be some one other than Christina.

' so you did this in other to avoid me right? after you brought your best friend toy house to make a fool out of me.. sometimes I wonder if you learn any lessons from your various punishments lately ' Mr Gavriel said to himself as he strode through the hallway way and noticed how fresh every where was, it was so clean.