
Chapter 113: How is this possible?

 " Okay, lady.. we will be fast about this, you just need to relax okay " the first lady said and Sarah became scared.

" What do you mean by I need to relax? What are you guys planning to do to me because I have no idea what is going on here " Sarah said out of frustration, she needed to know what was going on.

" Okay, Sarah we are not going to hurt you so I will advise you to stay calm so we can do our job " Davin said and the second lady intentionally stepped on his feet.

" Why would you talk to our customer like that? " She asked Davin as she turned around and faced Sarah.

" Sarah we are not here to hurt you I promise, we are here to do our job and I am sure you would love it so please we have to start because our time is going, we currently have less than seven minutes to get this done, so please keep calm " the second lady said and Sarah became calm at that moment, it seemed like the lady's words were soothing her already scared heart.

" Okay guys, let's get to work " Davin said as the trio gathered around her as the first lady opened the box and they all took out some thing each from it, it looked like a make up kit.

Immediately they began to apply it on her face but she could not see her face because they had carried out the mirror, she wondered and tried to imagine what her face would look like with the fact that three people wear working on her face, how possible was that.

In nothing less than four minutes the trio left her face and stood in front of her to see what they had done, then they all smiled while they looked at her and she wondered what they did on her face because she did not feel any single thing on her face and she could not see her face either.

Then the first lady urged her to stand up of which she did then Davin brought out a bag and handed it over to the first lady after which he walked out of the room.

" Sarah we have to help you out this on " the second lady said to Sarah as she collected the bag from from her colleague and unzipped the bag as she brought out the clothes and shoe inside the bag.

" Okay " Sarah said as she unzipped her dress and it fell off her waist after which she stepped out of it leaving behind her bra and panties.

The two ladies helped her out on the dress and the shoe, then the lady who carried out the mirror and hanged it back as she urged Sarah to go take a look at her self I'm the mirror.

Then Sarah walked towards the mirror and stared directly into it as her jaw dropped and she touched her face.

" How is this possible? How is it possible that I look like Mrs Bianca, how?"