
Chapter 108: Messed up

" Well if you say so then we have to do the chores quickly " Nicole said as she tied her hair upwards into a ponytail style and walked up to Tina.

" Yeah, I will do the laundry, then you can help me clean the sitting room, dinning room and hallway, then I will quickly wash the dishes and when we are through with that we would leave. " Tina says as she gets up from the couch and picks up her phone.

" Okay, let us get this job done as fast as we can " Nicole said as she walks behind Tina as they leave her bedroom.

" Right now, I have to go upstairs, I would go and get Mr Gavriel's dirty laundry while you go downstairs and start the cleaning, I will join you as soon as possible " Tina says and Nicole nodded as they go their separate ways.

Nicole goes straight to the store and picks up a vacuum cleaner, she easily accessed the rooms in the house because it had similar settings to that of her parents, so it was an easy job for her.

She entered the sitting room and started dusting the chairs before the cleaned up the place as she moved to the dinning room where she did same and also to the hallway, she made sure she was doing all of this as fast as she could so they could leave the house.

Tina walked into Mr Gavriel's room to get Mr Gavriel's dirty laundry, what she met shocked her and she gasped.

" Aaarrgghh " she almost screamed but she covered her mouth to avoid a sound from coming out.

She looked around his room and saw how every where was messed up, the bed's duvet was lieing on the floor and the sheets were totally out of the mattress, she could not help but wonder why every where was so disorganized.

Some of his clothes were lying on the naked bed, his shoes were out of place, files were scattered all over the place, the lights were turned off and the curtains were no longer hanged up there, they were lying on the floor and rays of light shined inside the room and it helped her see.

' What the hell happened up here? ' Tina asked herself and definitely she could not answer that question because she was not there.

It totally looked like a war was held in there, she slowly put on her phone light and turned on the switch, she wondered what she would do at that moment because she had to be quick with the laundry and wash the dishes so they could leave before he arrives, as she wondered what to do at that moment a thought striked in her mind and she smiled widely at herself.

She quickly picked up the bed sheets and wore them on the mattress and put on the duvets and with that through with the bed, she quickly picked up the files and arranged them on the study table and also put other things like the laptop and covered the books then she placed them beside the files.