
Billionaire's Secret Daughter

{Mature content} Slow burn: so be warned She is a billionaire's daughter in search of true love, despite all the heartbreaks she has been through... He is a tycoon's son looking for true love... when their paths cross will there be a great love story between these two? ********* "What do you think about Elias?" Esmeralda blinked dumbly at her father, her mind turning blank. Noticing his daughter's expression, the older man chuckled. "I had a conversation with Patrick yesterday." Hearing the name of her father's dear friend, Esmeralda's heart dropped. She didn't have a good feeling about where this conversation was going. "He had brought up a brilliant suggestion." Her father's eyes practically sparkled with excitement, a direct contrast to the building dread in Esmeralda's stomach. "My dear, how do you feel about marrying Elias?" Elias was Patrick's son, someone that Esmeralda had grown up with. However, that was all he was to her. Elias is just a friend and nothing more to her. "I don't like Elias that way, Dad." Esmeralda frowned. "You don't?'' Mr. Fernandez asked after hearing his daughter's reply. Esmeralda exhaled. "Dad, look, Elias and I are just friends. Nothing more." "But you two were so close growing up. It would be a good match, Esmeralda," her father said. Silently, Esmeralda tightly clenched her fists at her sides, trying her best to contain herself. Her father was always like this-- once he had made a decision, he wouldn't listen to any other suggestions, even if he was the one that had asked for those differing opinions in the first place. "But Dad--" "Who knows?" Mr. Fernandez cut in before Esmeralda could finish her sentence. "As the saying goes, no good relationship starts without a good friendship first. After your marriage, you might both develop feelings for each other." "Elias and I--" Ignoring her, he continued, "The boy might even welcome the arrangement. We always thought that he had a thing for you." With a wink, Mr. Fernandez stood up from his seat. "Try talking to him first so that we can get an idea of what he feels about this arrangement, alright? If he has feelings for you, it wouldn't be too bad an idea to get married," he said. Walking over, he gave his daughter's shoulder a light squeeze. All Esmeralda felt were the chains on her body tightening. She didn't want this marriage; she didn't need to be bound by it. However, nothing she was saying was getting through to her father. "I'm sure that after you see how much he loves you and how good he is, you will eventually learn to love him too." With those final words, Mr. Fenandez left the room, leaving his daughter to simmer in the aftershock of the news he had just dropped on her. Like it? Add it to your library your reviews and comments will be highly appreciated.

Zuzu_1 · Urban
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106 Chs


Elias moved towards his father, Dad don't worry yourself about that because we made sure to take care of that journalist."

"Hmm," Patrick replied.

"Just make sure this doesn't happen again or we are going to lose It all Elias," His father warned him.

With his apologetically face, "Am sorry Dad… I promise not to mess p again."

Patrick sighed, "It's alright, as long as you keep your word."


Esmeralda kept crying after leaving the door of Elias's office. But she quickly composed herself when she is almost near Lana's stand.

"Am going to the restroom," she said when she saw Lana looking at her.

And Lana answered her quickly when she heard what she said, "To your left Ma'am."

"Thank you!" Was Esmeralda's only reply.

Esmeralda left for the restroom according to the direction that Lana gave her.

Although she left, Esmeralda also left Lana wondering why the Yong woman didn't use her boss's office restroom if she is coming from there right now.

The way she looked earlier didn't seem like how she arrived either or is she just imagining things.

The young secretary decided to shake the thoughts running through her mind off her head before she does something and get fired.


Esmeralda opened the door of the female restroom, she made sure to check if anyone was around because she really doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of anyone when they see her crying. Because she knows she looks wrecked right now. Besides, the look Lana gave her also confirmed it all.

She kept crying nonstop and let all her emotions out. How could all that has been happening for the past few months be all fake? The sweet and caring Elias was all a lie? The man that said he loved her was also all a lie? All the dates they have gone on were all fake as well, and all the smiles he has given her were also all fake as well.

He never really loved her, it was all a lie.

Her father, oh my goodness, is going to break or worst have a heart attack when he finds out about all this. What should she do?

How can she tell him that it was all horrible a lie, he will surely break upon hearing all this. And she knows the only way to prevent the outcome of what will happen if her father gets to know of all this is to go along with all of this since it has already started.

She might as well as just finish it. And when both she and Elias are finally married as they wanted then she will make sure to show Elias how much she does love him. She is sure if she does that, along the way even he wouldn't be able to stop himself from falling for her either.

Since he just said earlier that he likes her and you can't love someone just like that without liking them first. She is saying this because this was what happened to her as well in his case too. When he was being the most caring boyfriend and fiancé in the world, which just find out it was all an act, she really didn't know when she fell madly in love with him at all.

Esmeralda made her choice and cleans herself up because she knows if she were to be thinking only about herself right now then she might really lose her father forever. And if that were to happen, she will never be able to forgive herself at all when she knows she could have done something if she wasn't being selfish and caring on about herself.

Linda, her ant Vanessa, and Petro as well, will all hate her for sure if they were to lose Mr. Fernandez because of her.

Like she thought earlier about how to win Elias's love, if she gambles as planned, she might surely win but if decides to be selfish, She of all knows the outcome of what that action will do.

Her wedding with Elias will go as planned and she will make sure nothing stops it, "Yes I will make sure of that," she whispered to herself while looking at the mirror in front of her.

Esmeralda made sure her face is well washed before making her way out of the restroom.

"Lana, can you please just let Elias know that I was here but didn't go to his office because you said he was with his father,'' she said to the young secretary.

Because she knows if she were to leave and ask Lana to not tell him and he finds out about her arrival somewhere else, then Lana might end up being in trouble for not being the one to let him know, "Alright Miss… as you wish." She heard Lana reply.

"Hmm… thank you." she gave Lana a timid smile and turns to make her way out.

Lana: ''…"

'Does that mean that the Miss didn't enter the boss's office earlier when she came?'

What on earth happened? She doesn't look good either, although she is doing her best to put up a strong face. She knows that what she saw earlier isn't something to ignore. The Miss's, face was really terrible earlier.

Lana kept muttering to herself in her mind.

But she knows she has to keep quiet for her own good. The woman most has heard something that transpired between the father and son. And it has to be bad for her to end up like this.

Lana kept wondering what Esmeralda could have possibly heard for her to end up like this. Because when she came earlier, the woman was really happy. And not this sad like how she is leaving right now.

Only the woman herself knows what happened and she is not in any position to ask her any questions, after all, she is just an ordinary secretary.

Esmeralda's thoughts kept ringing in her head, did she choose the right thing? Was choosing to marry Elias despite what she learned the best decision? Her deciding to keep what transpired today to herself, is it the right thing to do?

'Mom, please give me the strength I need to be able to digest all this' looking up at the sky, Esmeralda whispered.