
Billionaire's Secret Daughter

{Mature content} Slow burn: so be warned She is a billionaire's daughter in search of true love, despite all the heartbreaks she has been through... He is a tycoon's son looking for true love... when their paths cross will there be a great love story between these two? ********* "What do you think about Elias?" Esmeralda blinked dumbly at her father, her mind turning blank. Noticing his daughter's expression, the older man chuckled. "I had a conversation with Patrick yesterday." Hearing the name of her father's dear friend, Esmeralda's heart dropped. She didn't have a good feeling about where this conversation was going. "He had brought up a brilliant suggestion." Her father's eyes practically sparkled with excitement, a direct contrast to the building dread in Esmeralda's stomach. "My dear, how do you feel about marrying Elias?" Elias was Patrick's son, someone that Esmeralda had grown up with. However, that was all he was to her. Elias is just a friend and nothing more to her. "I don't like Elias that way, Dad." Esmeralda frowned. "You don't?'' Mr. Fernandez asked after hearing his daughter's reply. Esmeralda exhaled. "Dad, look, Elias and I are just friends. Nothing more." "But you two were so close growing up. It would be a good match, Esmeralda," her father said. Silently, Esmeralda tightly clenched her fists at her sides, trying her best to contain herself. Her father was always like this-- once he had made a decision, he wouldn't listen to any other suggestions, even if he was the one that had asked for those differing opinions in the first place. "But Dad--" "Who knows?" Mr. Fernandez cut in before Esmeralda could finish her sentence. "As the saying goes, no good relationship starts without a good friendship first. After your marriage, you might both develop feelings for each other." "Elias and I--" Ignoring her, he continued, "The boy might even welcome the arrangement. We always thought that he had a thing for you." With a wink, Mr. Fernandez stood up from his seat. "Try talking to him first so that we can get an idea of what he feels about this arrangement, alright? If he has feelings for you, it wouldn't be too bad an idea to get married," he said. Walking over, he gave his daughter's shoulder a light squeeze. All Esmeralda felt were the chains on her body tightening. She didn't want this marriage; she didn't need to be bound by it. However, nothing she was saying was getting through to her father. "I'm sure that after you see how much he loves you and how good he is, you will eventually learn to love him too." With those final words, Mr. Fenandez left the room, leaving his daughter to simmer in the aftershock of the news he had just dropped on her. Like it? Add it to your library your reviews and comments will be highly appreciated.

Zuzu_1 · Urban
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106 Chs


Both Patrick and his wife hurriedly follow them to Elias's quarters as well.

They all were on their way when they saw Esmeralda coming back with Diane hand in hand.

"Sis, why are you coming back? Dad also has to see his true colors as well." Linda said in anger when she saw Esmeralda coming back from Elias's quarters.

Esmeralda couldn't say anything and ran to hug her father. "Dad, why. me why?" she continuously asked her father as she sob in his arms.

"Sis, don't worry because you aren't marrying that bastard anymore," Linda said to Esmeralda in a reassuring tone.

"What is going on here?" Robert asked once again.

Mrs. Watson: "…"

What is Linda talking about? Esmeralda not marrying that bastard anymore, does that mean that her earlier feelings of uneasiness have something to do with what is going on right now.

"Let's go, dad, you will see for yourself what is going on here." Linda continues moving to Elias's room with her father hand in hand.

"…You feel so good Lexi… ahhh… hmmm" Robert opened Elias's door and his jaw dropped. What the hell. Is this the Elias he has known all this while?"

Robert immediately turned to face his daughter after witnessing the devastating scene she also witnessed earlier.

His poor child, why did Elias have to go ahead and do this madness?

Patrick immediately went inside as well and to his dismay, he saw his disappointment of a child in action. Who didn't even notice he was already caught in his devious actions.

"Elias," he shouted which startled both Elias and his Blondie.

"Dad, I can…" he couldn't complete his words when he saw; that his father wasn't the only one present at the door at all.

There Robert was also and Linda, oh my God, all hell will break loose he is sure about it. His father might end up disowning him now. He messed up one big-time he just knows it. But he didn't invite the girl here.

The bitch came here when he was in the bathroom while trying to get ready for tonight. Lexi came when he was showering and said she was here to say goodbye to him people rly.

Because he had already broken up with her since that day that journalist followed them and captures their pictures.

If only he knows he was going to get caught, he will have sent her back the moment she arrived at his quarters. If only he can turn back the moment Lexi arrived. He will send her back immediately.

Ivy Watson immediately realizes the strange feelings she was having earlier and why. It was all because of this. Her son has really crossed the line.

"Esmeralda, dear…" Esmeralda ran off when she heard Patrick call her name.

Robert turns back to look at Elias, "I thought you love!" and turns to follow after his daughter.

"Jerk, bastard, I was right all along about you…" Linda spurted at him and follows after her family.

Elias's face turns sour, he is a big disappointment.

Diane gave her brother a look, how could he do this to her big sis, she didn't deserve it. She also immediately left the place.

"And you. Are you waiting for a formal invitation before you leave?" Ivy Watson said to Elias's lover. She immediately picked up her remaining clothes, took her bag, and ran off.

Ivy glared at the girl's back, that bitch just destroyed her son's chance of marrying an incredible woman. She also knows very well she can't blame the lady alone, her foolish son who let himself, get seduced is also at fault.

"How could you do this again… didn't I warn you that day Elias? But you still went ahead and do it again." Patrick shouted at Elias and follow after the Fernandez family.

Patrick hopes he can convince both Esmeralda and Robert to give Elias a second chance. He himself thought they will, considering how shameless enough his son was, and went ahead to bring a woman into his house. This only means that this is not the first time Elias has been doing this in his house.

Patrick really thought he has put some sense into Elias that day when that reporter sent him pictures of Elias. Now that he has seen this girl in person, she is exactly the same one in the pictures the reporter took.

"Robert let's talk about this please!" Patrick pleads with Robert Fernandez.

"No… tomorrow Patrick Esme is not well right now… I have to be with my daughter right now."

"My child needs me now," he added and left.

Patrick was dumbfounded for sure this is the end of this relationship, because Robert has never spoken to him in that tone before, not even when they have disagreements.

He is just worried this might affect their friendship.

"Why did you have to bring that woman here son?" Ivy demands an answer from Elias.

Elias moved forward to his mother, "Believe me mum when I say I didn't bring her here." Elias said to his mother.

"But you didn't even send her away when she came or did you?" Ivy shouted at Elias.

"No I didn't and I know that was a very big mistake on my part."

"A terrible one in fact,"

"You had to sleep with her in here and what's worse… you were caught right in the act. And you choose today of all days Elias hun?" Ivy lectured her son.

"I know mum… it's just that when Lexi arrived I was tempted and I…I"

"Shut up right now and don't talk to me about that whore of yours," Ivy angrily spurts.

Elias hugged his mother, "Mum, please help me! Get Esme back."

"How am I supposed to help you when you didn't even bother running after her hmm?"

No matter what Elias does, good or bad he is always going to be her son. She is not proud of what he did but she is a mother and she will always be his mother no matter what.

"Run after her now… or better yet Robert instead, go and try talking to him and be begging Esmeralda for forgiveness as well at the same time. And make sure Robert sees how regretful you are of your actions or he will think you are not regretful at all. And doesn't love his daughter at all."

Esmeralda must forgive Elias, she is the perfect and right woman for her son and she is sure that when they both get married, Elias will be a better man and only that girl can make that happen. Because she knows deep in her son's heart, there is a special place for her.

Ivy has always liked Esmeralda since she was little, her manners and etiquettes are just incredible. Robert did a great job in raising her.

"What are you waiting for? Runoff now!" Ivy shouted.