
Billionaire's Secret Daughter

{Mature content} Slow burn: so be warned She is a billionaire's daughter in search of true love, despite all the heartbreaks she has been through... He is a tycoon's son looking for true love... when their paths cross will there be a great love story between these two? ********* "What do you think about Elias?" Esmeralda blinked dumbly at her father, her mind turning blank. Noticing his daughter's expression, the older man chuckled. "I had a conversation with Patrick yesterday." Hearing the name of her father's dear friend, Esmeralda's heart dropped. She didn't have a good feeling about where this conversation was going. "He had brought up a brilliant suggestion." Her father's eyes practically sparkled with excitement, a direct contrast to the building dread in Esmeralda's stomach. "My dear, how do you feel about marrying Elias?" Elias was Patrick's son, someone that Esmeralda had grown up with. However, that was all he was to her. Elias is just a friend and nothing more to her. "I don't like Elias that way, Dad." Esmeralda frowned. "You don't?'' Mr. Fernandez asked after hearing his daughter's reply. Esmeralda exhaled. "Dad, look, Elias and I are just friends. Nothing more." "But you two were so close growing up. It would be a good match, Esmeralda," her father said. Silently, Esmeralda tightly clenched her fists at her sides, trying her best to contain herself. Her father was always like this-- once he had made a decision, he wouldn't listen to any other suggestions, even if he was the one that had asked for those differing opinions in the first place. "But Dad--" "Who knows?" Mr. Fernandez cut in before Esmeralda could finish her sentence. "As the saying goes, no good relationship starts without a good friendship first. After your marriage, you might both develop feelings for each other." "Elias and I--" Ignoring her, he continued, "The boy might even welcome the arrangement. We always thought that he had a thing for you." With a wink, Mr. Fernandez stood up from his seat. "Try talking to him first so that we can get an idea of what he feels about this arrangement, alright? If he has feelings for you, it wouldn't be too bad an idea to get married," he said. Walking over, he gave his daughter's shoulder a light squeeze. All Esmeralda felt were the chains on her body tightening. She didn't want this marriage; she didn't need to be bound by it. However, nothing she was saying was getting through to her father. "I'm sure that after you see how much he loves you and how good he is, you will eventually learn to love him too." With those final words, Mr. Fenandez left the room, leaving his daughter to simmer in the aftershock of the news he had just dropped on her. Like it? Add it to your library your reviews and comments will be highly appreciated.

Zuzu_1 · Urban
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106 Chs


Somewhere in City D, "So are you telling me now that Edward is taking over Miller Globes and not Lorenzo? Martin?" sipping his drink beside Martin Miller, Mr. Lee asked.

"Yes, Edward is taking over and not Enzo…" Mr. Martin replied

"But your youngest son has no interest in business at all?" Mr. Lee asked again because since the kid was young he always used to say he will never be a business man whenever he visits their home.

"Yes, you are right Edward has no interest in business at all." Mr. Martin answered his friend.

Mr. Lee who is wondering why Edward is taking charge and not Enzo who is the oldest, the one who studied business as well.

"Then why is he taking over?"

"You know, Lee even I am wondering the same thing as well… and even if I were to ask the both of them, none of them will tell me anything at all." Mr. Martin said because he knows both his children very well and how much of each other's compliances they are all the time.

"But what if Edward wants to follow his own dream then, what will you do? You most make sure to have a back up plan and talk to Enzo as well… so that he will be ready to take over when his brother decides to step down as the CEO of Miller Globes out of the able to follow his passion career." Mr. Lee said to his friend because he knows and always see Edward as someone who is not interested in business at all. And beside the young man always said it himself as well.

"Don't worry Lee because I know my sons very well and beside Enzo might be a womanizer and all about women but does love his brother and also knows what he wants… that's why I have no fear at all because I know when Edwards decides to step down and chase his dream career, Enzo will take over from him when he decide so." Mr. Martin answered his friend because he knows Enzo is smart and sensible.

He might be all about women but he is the best brother and son there is.

"You are really lucky you know when it comes to those two sons of yours, I can't even remember when last I saw Lee Qian and Lee Jinnian talk to teach other in a properly and brotherly manner." He said with his face full of sadness when he remembered his two sons who have turned into each other's enemies.

"That's why I can't even think of imaging them in Enzo and Edward's place right now." He added.

Both his two sons are always in constant competition with each other, the competition is something that he doesn't mind because it will help boost them and make them do better.

But the way they do the competition that has even turned them into enemies now is what he doesn't like at all, not one bit.

He has tried so many times to talk to them and make them be more compassionate towards each other but all his efforts were in vain.

"If they were to be the ones, I will have already been in the hospital by now with all the chaos that will have been created."

"That's why I will make sure no one comes in between my sons, I will make sure nothing will be able to destroy their brotherhood relationship and the bound they share."

"I will make sure I destroy it all." He added with his eyes raging with fire…

"Don't forget if you need me at all when the time arises in the after, I will be right here…'' Mr. Lee said.

"Ha ha ha ha… I know old man!" said Mr. Miller while laughing.

"Am not an old man…" Mr. Lee protest.

"Yes, you are!"

"Am not…"

"You are!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha…" they both laugh out loud in unison at their childish bantering and behaviours.


Three months have passed since Esmeralda agreed to give Elias a chance and marry him; they have been going out on dates together and more so, she is convinced he really loves her like he confessed because he never fails to show That and prove it to her whenever they are together all this past couple of months.

The only thing she wished and hopes for is that things stay like this even after they get married.

And if things continue to stay and be like how they are right now with him then she is sure she would fall hardly in love and head over heels for him. Because she is already developing feelings for him as well already right now after spending all this quality time with him.

Esmeralda's dress was something Elias couldn't get his eyes off and how her beautiful curves and shape are so damn visible on that dress was something that has him wrapped up in a single zone not knowing what to say to her right now.

She is in front of him looking so dead gorgeous for their engagement right now and he has nothing to complement her with.

She is looking so…

What to say, he lowered his head down out of embarrassment because no words are coming out of his mouth right now no matter how hard he tried.

"Oh my gosh…'' is what he was able to utter when their eyes locked at each other.

Smiling at him she asked "Why Mr. Watson?"

"Because you are looking so…'' he smiled shyly and lowered his head down again out of embarrassment because he is still unable to give her a proper complement that she deserves tonight.

"So what Mr. Watson she purposely asked because she knows he is having a hard time complementing her right now.

Beside the shyness is written all over his face and how he keeps lowering his head out of embarrassment right now says it all too.

"Say something Mr. Watson… look at how I took time and dressed up all this much for you and you are not even complementing me at all, but just keep looking at me or no I should just say you only keep lowering down your head when ever our eyes meet.'' Esmeralda said to Elias who is standing in front of her with his head lowered down.

"Alright… since you are not going to say anything then am going back inside but you can still go and get engage to yourself and your shyness though.'' She said to Elias in anger and turn to leave.

She turns to leave out of anger but Elias immediately pulled her back towards himself when she was about to...

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