
Billionaire's Innocent Mistress

Heart has no other option but to seek help from her manager. Her father needs a heart operation worth five hundred thousand pesos. As the eldest child, the weight of this responsibility falls on her shoulders. She needs to find a way, even if it means making a difficult decision. For several weeks, she'll be at the mistress of an unknown man, for two hundred fifty thousand pesos, because she's a virgin. That was the offer from an unknown, unscrupulous man. Take it or leave it. She'll let herself be used while she's asleep, so she doesn't have a chance to get to know the man she's selling herself to. Due to extreme desperation, she agreed immediately to save her father, who is on the brink of death. She no longer has the opportunity to learn about the man who will be intimate with her and own her. She has to save her dying father, no matter who takes her. But the man she briefly saw is not ugly. He's incredibly handsome and her boss, the billionaire Deluxe Montesalvo, who has been married for three years!

mochamilk · Urban
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76 Chs


Chapter 25

HEART kept on glancing at the digital clock. She was ready to go to work, but Lux had not yet arrived at the condo. She continued to tie her shoelaces and then stood up. Lux had told her earlier that he would come to meet her and bring her some money. She was worried that he might have changed his mind, but she was even more concerned that something might have happened to him on the way, or that he was with his wife and couldn't come.

She suddenly felt a pang of jealousy, and her brows furrowed. She took her cellphone and composed a message for Lux.

Heart: Sir, are you still coming? I'm on my way to work.

She also sent a message to her mother.

Heart: Mom, I'm going to work.