

Leila grew up poor and abused. After graduation from high school, she vowed to get over her past. She decided to take whatever means to marry into a rich family and get as much money as she can. Jake, on the other hand, grew up as the heir to his father's billions. He wasn't contented with the money, he just wanted a woman he loves and share his life with. Will both of them fulfill their dreams together or is the marriage doomed from the very start?

Feluz · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



There was a knock on the door. Jason came in followed by a middle aged couple. They looked very distinguished. The man was wearing casual clothes, but he had a commanding air that showed he was used to managing people. The woman looked more approachable. Her hair was slightly curled with golden highlights. She had well-manicured hands and wearing a casual cream- colored Gucci dress. She has medium-heeled Prada shoes. It's a relief I remember branded clothes.

They were all smiling, even Jason. But there was something in his smile. As if he was faking it. What was with him? I wondered. I wonder what they talked about regarding me. Are they really serious about adopting me?

"How are you doing, Leila?"

Finally, I learned my name! I gave an uncertain smile. "I'm doing good, Sir." I replied very politely.

"You look a lot better today,"Jason commented. I saw something flash in his eyes. Like he was planning something sinister.

"I can talk better than yesterday.""I smiled at him warmly. I decided to ignore his sinister look. He did looked nicer today. He did look worse yesterday. I looked at the bag he was carrying.

"These are my Mom and Dad." He introduced them.

I felt a bit shy and humbled. Even though I couldn't remember exactly their financial and social status, it showed in the way they handled themselves. They were the top of the cream. One of the richest families in the United States. The nurses kept talking about them, telling me that I was so lucky that the Zieglers were taking care of me. I heard they live in a mansion with servants.

Mrs Ziegler smiled warmly at me which comforted me somehow. "It's good to finally meet you, Leila. We are looking forward to having you as part of the family."

She looked at Jason. "Jason has been telling us how talented you are."

I smiled sweetly at her, trying to look so naive and innocent. "It was really very nice of you to want to adopt me Mr and Mrs Ziegler. Jason has really been caring towards me since I woke up. I promised him I would help him with the computer issues at his work."

Jason's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows. He knew I was lying.

"Don't worry about it, dear," she said, looking at Jason warningly. She bit her lip and turned back to me. "Just concentrate on your health, dear. You need to take it easy. She stood beside the bed and took hold of my hand gently.

"We brought you some fruits, another milkshake, and something else." Jason placed the fruits and milkshake on the food trolly. And he took out a small teddy bear.

"Oh…you have Maica." My face lit up when I saw my teddy bear. "How did you get her?"

"You sent her to me." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh." I was smiling happily.

Since I couldn't move a lot, I had was contented having her beside me. My arms were heavy and painful.

Mr Ziegler was looking around the room, frowning. "This room is too small. They should have placed you in a suite. The tv is too small. There should be couches for visitors."He turned to Jason. "Didn't you tell them the Zieglers will be paying for everything?"

"I did, Dad." He was lying. "But it doesn't matter. I want Leila to be transferred to Pennsylvania so it would be easier for me to look after her when school starts. I want her moved as soon as possible."

"I was also thinking of asking both of you that I take full responsibility for her."

"What do you mean? You're too young to adopt her."

"Not really.I'm already eighteen. I'm the CEO of Emzitech. It's time I step up."

"You want to make sure you keep an eye on me?" I smiled sweetly at him.

Mr and Mrs Ziegler stared at me for nailing the truth.

Jason's face hardened. "Oh. Dad's health is failing. He needs as much rest as possible. I'm sure you also want to get some training from our company while you're studying. So better if I adopt you to make work easier for both of us."

I beamed at him, while looking at him suspiciously. Maybe he also wants to throw me out of the balcony once I restore Emzitech's system. Can't trust that basta*d.

I tried my best to look pleased at his decision. I grinned at him happily. "That's a great idea, Jason! That's a dream come true! I would love to work for Emzitech!"

"Oh, Leila…," Mrs Ziegler tried to intervene.

Jason didn't allow her to intervene. "It's settled then! Why don't you take a look at our systems right now? You might already be able to help us restore them."

Mr and Mrs Ziegler looked at Jason dumbstruck. "She's still sick."

I just had a seizure yesterday and here he was pressuring me to do some mind-boggling work. Well, let's see what he'll do if I get a seizure again.

"Can you buy me a laptop then so I can do some work?" I asked him, still smiling and looking like a cherub.

"Yes, sure! I will be right back!" Before his parents can protest, he turned and left us.

"I don't think it's a good idea that you work on it now." Mr Ziegler looked very uncomfortable and guilty.

"Oh, don't worry about it Mr Ziegler, I will immediately stop when I feel tired." Actually, I already felt very tired. I was fuming at Jason for pressuring me to work on the programs. But I won't back down if he insists. I will work on Emzitech's programs until I kill myself.

Jason came back an hour later. He was in a very good mood and proudly showed me Mac's latest laptop model.

I can't even move my arms. I can only move my fingers. Aside from my headache, my whole body hurts. But I didn't show how much pain I was going through. Jason placed a few pillows under my arms. I didn't tell him I still felt very uncomfortable. As long as I can still type, it's alright.

My hands flew, a lot slower than normal, but a lot faster for Jason to realize what I was doing. So in less than half an hour, I was able to hack Emzitech's systems again. I started removing the virus that I had installed. Before I started, Emzitech's system was down by eighty-five percent. Now, in less than two hours, I was able to restore the system by twenty-eight percent. All of them were looking at me with amazement. Jason's mouth was hanging open. They all couldn't believe their eyes how fast I worked, despite the bandages on my hand and arms. It was a lot easier before, when I wasn't sick. But I pushed myself. I pushed myself like never before.

But by now, my headache was really intense. My head was pounding. At first it was just a tremor. Then I couldn't control my pupils. In a few minutes, I went into seizure again.

Mrs Ziegler screamed. Jason ran out to call for help.

I was shaking so much. My teeth were chattering. I couldn't control myself. I felt them inject a tranquilizer again in my arm. I heard my new laptop crash to the ground before I thankfully

lost consciousness.


I was with my Dad again. We were admiring the beautiful landscape. We were on top of a mountain. We were alone. It was so cold but I liked feeling the coldness sip through my skin. There was a big lake below. Funny, I know the exact number of fish in there.

My Dad had his arm on my shoulder. I missed him. I missed our times together.

Then he told me, "You have to be easy on him."

I frowned. "I never gave him a hard time."

"You knew you wouldn't be able to take the străin. Now he felt awful that you are in ICU again and he's to blame."

I gave a mischievous laugh. "Serves him right." Then I looked at my Dad when realuzation sets in. "You like him!!" I told him accusingly.

"Well, he's the perfect son-in-law," my Dad admitted. "I know he will take good care of you. Just stop trying to fight him."

Geeze. My Dad siding with Jason. "Dad, I'm too young to have a boyfriend" So who's the adult here?

"You think I would get along with his parents?"

"They are really very nice people."

I was with my Dad for several days. It was a relief not feeling any pain or sadness. Everything was so beautiful, a lot more beautiful than what was on earth. I had never been this happy. So contented. So at peace. If everyone can experience heaven while they were alive, they will do whatever they can to stay there.

Maybe that was the reason why God gave me a glimpse of heaven. So that, when I lose my way, when living the billionaire's life, when I was able to get everything I could dream of, I would remember my Dad. I would remember heaven. I would remember that I don't want to be in hell.