
A kiss

When Marco saw him in his living room, he said, "Look who's my visitor."

He gave an old friend a friendly smile. They were no longer best friends. Harry has no intention of bargaining with the traitor. He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch.

"You're going to greet your visitor, aren't you?" he questioned, somewhat giggling.

Their predicament is absurd. They used to be like twins, barely distinguishable. They share the same interests in life and can get along with anyone. Marco's rapid transformation was triggered by only one thing he knew. He was certain he wanted Amanda as well. He is, after all, the one who should be with Amanda right now. He was the first who met and loved her.

He challenged Marco again, "Don't you remember how many bottles of beer we just drank in this living room?"

He simply ignores him, which irritates him even more.

He pretended he wasn't hearing all he said.

"Don't worry, Marco, I'm not here to take anything from you; I'm come to fulfill Harold's wish to meet me," he said.

"I know," he replied, his jaw clinched, "but I want to inform you that this is the last time you see Harold."

He laughed.

"How could you be so disrespectful in deciding what I would do?" Harry retorted sarcastically.

The living room was filled with tension. Amanda, fortunately, was out of place.

"Because I have the right to do it," he said calmly. "Enjoy every second of your stay here."

He stood up from his seat. He's gradually lost his temper with Marco. He wanted to punch him, but Marco was correct.

"So, that's it?" he chuckled. "It seems like we never spend time in pain and happiness together, and you treat me like I'm nobody."

"Calm down, Harry," he said, "you must be really upset."

He approached him, got closer, and quickly grabbed his t-shirt.

"How dare you insult me? You are nothing without me, Marco!" he exclaimed angrily before walking away.

He left Marco's location and proceeded to the pool.

His whole body shook with rage; he really wanted to kill his old friend, but he was scared that doing so would cause Amanda to avoid him. He could never let her go again. He will make certain that she is his again one day.

His phone went rang.

"Yes," he said, and his face was, lack of any emotions. "What do you want, Dina?"

She inquired, as if she possessed him, "Where are you?"

She was still demanding as usual, but he wasn't a puppet.

"If you don't have anything essential to say, just shut up!" he exclaimed, annoyed.

He wasn't having a good day due to Marco, and he didn't want Dina to make things worse. He will not be controlled by anyone.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Harry? Did you forget we have a date today?" she yelled.

Even though Dina hadn't finished her sentence, he hurriedly disconnected the connection. He was enraged and angry.

He was powerless to stop Marco from insulting him. He wanders back and forth along the pool's edge. He came across a little rock that appeared to be lost in the area because it was the only one there. He hurriedly snatched it up and tossed it into the water.

A voice from behind him said, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I know what I did," he said, "but don't worry, I'll get that fucking stone right now." He immediately leapt into the water.

He must locate the stone he threw into the water, or he will be defeated. Amanda keeps a close eye on him.

She was dressed in her white robe.

He smiled as he held the stone and said, "See? It's not that hard to find it?"

When he saw Amanda, however, his jaw dropped.

She's dressed in a black bikini and prepared to jump into the pool. Because of what his eyes were viewing, he could barely breathe.

When he approached her, she stated, "I think it's time for you to leave; Harold is waiting for you inside."

She's alluring.

"I don't think I have to leave." He responded.

He could tell she was nervous.

Why was he so affected by what he had seen?

He finds this woman incredibly provoking. He can't deny that every time he sees her, his yearning for her grows greater. Her beauty is like a paradise; it is the epitome of perfection.

Amanda was ready to swim away from him when he reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Don't you dare tease me, Amanda, or you'll regret it," he replied firmly.

He noticed her cheeks were flushed.

She fearlessly inquired, "What are you going to do then?"

He is currently pulling her close to him. He sighed when he realized his eagerness.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

He noticed Amanda's body reacting to his breath. He could tell she was trembling and nervous at the same time.

"What are you doing, Harry?" she asked, her voice trembling.

He could tell she was uneasy. But she never makes him release her.

He drew her even closer to himself. Her lips were already pressed against his chest. He was topless and had taken off his t-shirt before going down to the pool to retrieve the rock he had thrown at it.

She was averting her gaze from his chest. Instead of staring at him, she tried to stare at the water.

"Don't provoke me again, Amanda; you have no clue how badly I want to kiss and touch you," he added emphatically before releasing her. However, he was taken aback by what she did next.

She gave him a short kiss on the lips. It was abrasive and longing-filled. He didn't squander any time. He reacted to her ostensible kiss. He began to close his eyes, but he was stopped.

After kissing him, she said, "This is the last time I'll see you in this place, Harry."

She climbed out of the water and began walking away. Her gorgeous butt is on display. He was genuinely interested in her. He and he alone had authority over her. He'll figure out a way to reclaim her.

He was abandoned like a rock. He was left hanging since he was unable to move.

He couldn't figure out why Amanda was acting so strangely. She's behaving strangely and is quite perplexing. She was furious with him when she first saw her. But now she's attempting to tease him perfectly. Even though she was already in Marco's heart, she might still adore him. She's unpredictably unpredictable.

He went straight up to the pool. He was going to say goodbye to Harold.

"Mommy, Tito Harry was wet. Can you get him a pair of pants and a shirt?" Harold shouted when he saw Harry approaching.

"No, Harold, he is leaving," she replied to her son.

She didn't want to see him again after what happened. She was ashamed of what she had done. She couldn't understand why her chest throbbed every time she heard the man's name. It gets worse when he sees him and every time he gets close to her. That is not a possibility.

Harold added, "But, Mom, he's wet, he'll get sick."

Her son had upset her a little. He couldn't avoid approaching Harry. She absolutely despises it.

She didn't see Marco in the entire home when she saw him leave with his car. He didn't say anything or reveal his destination.

With heavy feet, she proceeded to Marco's room. She looked for proper clothing for Harry, her demanding visitor. She wouldn't be talking to the guy if it weren't for Harold. In a few steps, he'll be in Marco's room.

Someone suddenly grabbed her. He dragged her into a different room. Fortunately, it was her room.

He was about to say anything when he kissed her and crushed her. He does not stop his actions. She had no choice but to bite the lower half of his lip, which forced him to pause what he was doing.

She asked, gasping for air, "Why are you doing this?"

She noticed that his lips were bleeding slightly.

He said, "Because I know you want it."

She sighs deeply. She was still struggling to breathe.

She tried to calm herself by saying, "Harry, you should leave; I don't want Harold to see us like this."

She's worried that her son will emerge out of nowhere and see them in this scenario. She didn't want Harold to have any questions about them. She refused to give an explanation. She has a major secret to keep and must keep it safe.

"Why are you so afraid? Harold likes me, so telling him I'm his mother's lover won't be an issue," he laughed.

He hadn't let her out of his arms yet. From behind, he was embracing her.

She almost screamed, "That was so stupid! Let me go and leave this place!"

But all he did was tighten his grip on her. From behind her, she could feel his hardness.

He said, "Tell me, Amanda, is Harold my son?"

She couldn't say anything for a minute.

"In your dreams, Harry" was the only thing she said.

The shorter the response, the better.

She heard him chuckle.

"Then we can make our own son right now in this room."

He swiftly pushed her into the bed after saying that.