
Chapter 122: A good clear-up of both money and goods, with no debt between each other.

Translator: 549690339

Gu Qichen stared at the papers Xia Yangyang handed to him.

The bold words at the top read "Divorce Agreement!"

Very well.

She was apparently well-prepared.

So, the mask-wearing woman standing next to Chen Yu previously was indeed Xia Yangyang, they had been vacationing for half a month, and she had the audacity to hand him a divorce agreement upon their return.

Clearly, it had been planned beforehand.

"Xia Yangyang, why the rush? Has Chen Yu drugged you or something? You're filing for a divorce as soon as you return?"

The irony wasn't lost on Yangyang.

Isn't it him who's been so impatient? Staying up late at night just to quickly end things between them.

Now that she's giving him what he wants, he has the nerve to blame her and Chen Yu for everything.

Who started things with Shen Manbing while still being married?

Now he acts like she has betrayed him.

Ugh, men.