

Alexander and Jessica's lives had unfolded along distinctly divergent paths, shaped by disparate backgrounds and molded by contrasting personalities. Their worlds collided at the intersection of a shared anxiety—both harboring an acute fear of entanglements and commitments in the realm of relationships. This fear, deeply rooted in their pasts and experiences, became a formidable barrier to the prospect of any meaningful connection. Yet, fate took an unexpected turn when Alexander Benjamin, a man of immense wealth and a reputation as a playboy, emerged as a pivotal figure in Jessica's life. The scenario seemed implausible when Alexander, faced with the imminent need to secure a bride, set his sights on Jessica Peter. The reason behind this unlikely proposition lay in the approval of Alexander's discerning grandmother, who found in Jessica qualities befitting the stature of the Benjamin legacy. For Jessica, the sudden intrusion of Alexander into her world brought about a seismic shift. The initial shock transformed into apprehension when Alexander, driven by urgency and an unyielding determination, resorted to a coercive tactic. Threatening Jessica by leveraging the fragile well-being of her ailing mother, he created a situation where compliance became the only viable option for her. Reluctantly, under duress and with a heavy heart, Jessica found herself acquiescing to Alexander's demanding terms, setting the stage for a relationship born out of necessity rather than choice. Somewhere along the way, Jessica discovers she is pregnant but is unsure of the father's identity. Afraid of becoming a subject of ridicule if her husband or anyone else discovers the truth, she decides to terminate the contract and venture to a foreign country to start a new life with her child and family, leaving behind her friends and the love of her life, Alex. She realizes she has fallen deeply in love with Alex, and suspects he feels the same way. Alex had even planned to marry her again. However, burdened by her secret, she cannot face him and chooses to escape. Will Jessica reunite with Alex? How will she react when she unravels the truth about her child's father? Can she find it in her heart to forgive him for everything? Find out in this thrilling tale.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs



Alexander, Richard and Mr Benjamin were all seated in the living room silently. They've been sitting that way for about 30 minutes now and no one has uttered a single word. Grandma Imelda had gone out of the house to get some groceries. 

"It seems you had a lot of fun last night." Mr Benjamin spoke.

"I don't understand what you mean dad," Alex replied. Richard who knew exactly what he meant just smirked.

"Where were you last night?"

"I was in my house. I left as soon as I dropped grandma off."

"And you couldn't come in to greet your father." Mr Benjamin continued his interrogation

"I was in a hurry that's why."

"Hurry to do what?"

"What's with all the questions dad?"

"All I want is a straight answer."

"Had an online meeting to attend to."

"Online meeting in a club am I right?" Mr Benjamin thundered

"Okay, I get it. So this what all of this is about? You know, I don't get why you had to go through all that trouble when you know where I was already."

"Alex, have some respect for uncle." Richard finally spoke up.

"Don't you dare mention my name with that hole on your face." Alex yelled standing on his feet

"No sit back down, I'm not done talking to you" Mr Benjamin instructed and he complied

"I know Richard is behind all of this and you know what I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of getting a reaction from me."

"Do you realise Richard is older than you are?" Mr Benjamin asked

"Then he should learn to respect his f***ing age and not snooping around other people's business"

"I have watched your reckless attitude and I've come to a conclusion."

"What conclusion father? Don't tell me you are seriously taking sides with this ungrateful ba****d." Alex asked scrutinizing Richard

"You will not be made CEO of Elle's cooperation..."

"What do you mean by that dad?" Alex asked cutting him short. 

"Allow uncle finish speaking, will you?" Richard scolded with a mocking smile on his face which, only Alex could see.

"You won't be made CEO until you are married. And all your funds would be ceased until you find yourself a wife. That's the only way to make you act responsible." Mr Benjamin spoke. Richard who had a smile on his face became furious but decided to act as if he was in support of his uncle's decision.

"What the hell dad? Taking away my trust fund is the height of it."

"Uncle, I think you made the right decision but do you really think Alex would change just because of marriage?" Richard tried to convince his uncle.

"Yes, I have thought about this and I think the only reason he's so unreasonable is because he doesn't have a wife. Behind every successful man lies a woman."

"What if he's still reckless even after getting married?" Richard asked glaring at Alex secretly

"Then I'll have no choice but to give the company to someone who is more capable."

"You both realise I'm sitting right here. Anyways if that's what you want then I'll get married." Alex said confidently.

"I don't want you bringing any random girl into my house. She has to be a decent girl with good manners. You have just 3 days to do so." Me Benjamin cautioned and Richard smiled knowing his cousin was not in any relationship and would fail to find a wife in such short notice.

"You don't have to worry about that. I think I found the right girl for him." Grandma Imelda announced as she walked into the living room. She has been listening to their conversation since she got back. She was only waiting for the right time to chip in 

"What do you mean grandma?"

"I found you a wife. Remember you promised me if you ever decide to get married, I'll choose your bride."

"I remember grandma, but..."

"And now you need a wife and I have picked the right girl for you. I don't want you arguing against that. I'll fix a date between the both of you. So you'll get to know each other. And I want you to make sure you convince her to accept you." She warned

"I guess it's settled then. Since there is nothing else to discuss, you are free to go" Mr Benjamin announced. Richard just kept fuming.


Jessie's POV

She sat with her friends who have been trying to console her ever since she got back.

"Why do I have to suffer this way? First it was my dad who left me and then Eric cheated on me, now my mom is fighting for her life in the hospital. Jeremy's fees needs to be paid and I have no money left. I feel like I should just die." She sobbed

"Don't say that Jessie, how do you think your brother would feel if something happens to you? " Bella cautioned

"It's not the end of the world. There's hope as long as you are still breathing." Tina advised

"What about the old lady you told us about? Why don't you call her and tell her you are searching for a job. Who knows she might help you." Bella advised

"I don't have her number. I only gave her mine. Besides, I don't think that would be smart. She'll think I'm trying to take advantage of her." I dismissed the idea

"Yeah you're right. Do you think she'll call you?"

"I don't think so these rich people are usually very busy. I bet she won't even remember your name in a few days." Bella huffed. As if on cue, Jessie's phone began to ring. It was an unknown number.


"Hello dear, it's the granny you helped earlier today."

 "oh, good evening ma'am."

 "you have to stop calling me ma'am, I'm Imelda but you can just call me granny." She laughed 

 "okay, Granny." I said and I could bet she'd be smiling right now.

 "so Jessie, I would like to have lunch together with you tomorrow what do you say?" She asked. I wanted to tell her I won't be able to make it tomorrow but I decided against that.

 "sure ma... I mean granny. Just send me the location and I'll be there tomorrow."

 "alright dear, I'll see you tomorrow."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Guys!

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