

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappears without a trace, everyone think it's just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search leads him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He begins to wonder if Jasmine is Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine finds herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Days later…

"Good morning, baby Jasmine," Brad greeted and slumped on the sofa while stifling a yawn. He just woke up to see Jasmine in the sitting room, deep in thought. She had woken up earlier than usual, well, that has become her daily ritual while in the Anderson's family – she does wake up earlier than the Andersons to help the house cleaners take care of the home.

When he did not get a reply for his greeting, he turned to Jasmine and noticed that she was not even aware of his presence there. He snapped his fingers before her and said, "A penny for your thoughts, Jasmine." Jasmine jolted back to reality and coughed awkwardly. She never expected that she would go this far with the thoughts whirling in her head. "Good morning, Brad," she greeted, looking everywhere else but him while tucking her hair behind.

"And what in the world are you thinking this morning? Isn't it too early, huh? Are you always this lost or is this few days so special?" Brad berated her, feeling genuinely concerned. She has been getting lost more lately and he is getting more worried.

"Who is thinking, Brad?" Ava asked sleepily as she emerged from the room, still dressed in her pinky bunny pajamas and scratching her already nest-like hair, she stopped dead in her track when she noticed two pair of eyes staring at her. She creased her brows, yawned, rubbed her eyes while shambling towards the couch, and awkwardly sat adjacent to Jasmine.

"Uhm, Ava, I think you should take a closer look at the mirror," Jasmine told her, stifling a laughter that was threatening to burst out. "No need, that's her look every morning. I advise you start getting used to it." Brad told Jasmine sarcastically, causing Ava to roll her eyes and Jasmine couldn't help it anymore but let the laughter roll out and soon, Brad joined her in laughing at Ava. Ava humphed, folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes; she mopped and thrust her lower lips. Soon, the laughter gradually died down and the air became serious again.

"So guys, I was thinking something," Jasmine spoke after clearing her throat, interrupting the glaring contest going on between Ava and Brad. Both turned to look at her with interest. This is the first time Jasmine is going to say something and it seems like it is going to be a long talk. Perhaps, she is beginning to feel comfortable around them and wants to open up. Ava and Brad exchange quick and knowing looks and smiled. "I want to start working. I mean I appreciate you all for what you have done. However, I want a job, any available job to keep me busy will do for now. What do you guys think?" Jasmine asked nervously. 

She cannot deny the fact that Brad and Ava are playing the role of the big brother and sister she had wished for and now the universe decided to bless her with one. She smiled inwardly. She had once mentioned the idea of working to Brad and Ava but they refused, insisting that she must regain healthiness before looking for work. Now, here she is again, with same request and their silence is not helping matters. She secretly prayed to any god in charge of the universe to help convince them to see the need of her working.

"Brad, I think Jasmine is right. She needs to start working. She cannot continue staying at home. You know, an idle mind is a devil's workshop. What do you say?" Ava said, supporting Jasmine's choice to work. Both turned to Brad and he sighed heavily.

"Baby Jas, are you really sure you want a job? I mean, you can always come with me to the studio, till I'm convinced that you are healthy enough." Brad said, showing genuine concern.

"Oh come on, Brad. I am already doing fine. You can see for yourself, I am bubbling already. Brad please." Jasmine begged; making a cute puppy dog eyes expression.

"Oh please, Jasmine. Don't do that again, you're making me emotional." Brad said talking about Jasmine's cute puppy dog eyes expression. "Okay, fine then. Where would you love to work?" 

"Talking about that, I think I know where will suit her, for now," Ava cut in, depriving Jasmine of answering. "Although, she is still left with an option to accept it or not." 

"Ava please, don't bring your suggestions here, it's of no use. The last time you suggested something to me, it ended in disaster and I would not want Jasmine to experience that. Besides, you aren't the one doing the work, she is," Brad seriously berated Ava, causing her to puff out her cheeks while glaring daggers at Brad.

"Brad, I think we should let her speak. I actually don't have anywhere in mind to work. I barely know the city well," Jasmine chipped in, giving Ava the room to air her suggestions. She actually don't know much about the city since the Andersons doesn't let her leave the house without any solid reason and without a specific location in mind.

"The thing here is that she is going to suggest you work in a club." Brad told Jasmine who creased her brows in confusion while looking at Ava. Ava shook her head in denial while glowering at Brad who rolled his eyes. "Ava, let me hear you suggestion." Jasmine inquired breaking the tension between Ava and Brad. Ava smiled at her and cleared her throat. 

"I was thinking if you do like to work with me in the hotel I'm working at. It is actually one of the biggest five star hotel in the city. I work as a receptionist there; but the only vacancy left is room attendant. I don't know if you're comfortable with that."  Ava said cautiously, while keeping her eyes on Jasmine not to miss any emotions that might flash in her eyes. 

"That's okay by me," Jasmine said, not hiding the happiness in her voice. She could not believe that she is really getting her wishes fulfilled. Maybe, just maybe, the universe is finally working in her favor and this is the confirmation. She turned towards Brad who nodded his head in approval, while smiling at her.

"Good. Since you are okay with it, I think you should prepare yourself. I promise to put in good words for you with the management, okay. Be rest assured you will get the job." Ava said, patting Jasmine on the shoulder.

"Since we are done with this topic, I think I'm hungry," Brad said, said, rubbing his growling tummy. Jasmine and Ava burst out laughing. "Let me do the cooking today," Jasmine announced while standing up and Ava and Brad's eyes widen in excitement. They're going to taste Jasmine's cooking today and Brad was already ready to bet with his life that the food is going to be the best food he has ever eaten. 

"Let me help you out," Ava said, trailing Jasmine. "No, no, no, Ava," Brad cut Ava's short. "Let Jasmine do the cooking. The last time you 'helped' me in the kitchen this apartment almost burnt to ashes. So please, get your ass down here."  Jasmine chuckled hard and walked towards the kitchen while Ava stubbornly followed her. Brad, not having any of that rushed to drag her back and all end up preparing the breakfast.

I am really sorry for being off for a while. But i'm back now and i promise to deliver.

please drop your thoughts, I look forward to reading your reviews.

Love you. kisses.

Khristabelcreators' thoughts