
Billionaire's Baby Snake

My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... “I’ve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as I’m a busy man and lead an empire. You’ll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.” It’s a Devil’s pact I’m signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dad…. You can protect yourself from harm.

Andra-Cristiana Stan · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 - Come To The Main House

Lacey's POV:

We reach the location, and he shows me where the guest house is. The entire estate I think is around 200 million dollars. You’re not given to see this in your lifetime. Guest house? It’s a little mansion. Kurt says it’s all mine and no one will come here, but the stuff for cleaning and such. My apartment is a tiny piece of toy on a playboard. I focus on installing myself in the room which he says it’s the main bedroom of the house. It’s a king size bed, a walk-in dressing room, a bathroom and it’s bigger than my entire apartment to be frank.

I finish in placing all my stuff where it should belong and I’m like in a hotel the way I’m acting. I call my dad and have a video call with him, explaining to him the new situation, avoiding the juicy parts to not make him freak out, pretend myself to be happy, and tell him I’ll visit him whenever I can, but one day a week, at weekend, I’ll be there with him. I assure him I have everything covered for the treatment and surgery and the next treatment.

After half an hour or so while talking to him, he gets sleepy and I understand I need not to push him further though he always forces himself to stay with me. I end the call with him smiling and telling me to be careful and that he loves me, and I do the same. Then, I burst into crying as he’s so weak and skinny, nothing from the man he used to be before all this. I cry with my face in the pillow on the bed to not be heard as I can’t stop or control. The pain is too much to handle….

Brent comes and takes me with her car to a club she wants. She’s having an Audi black sports car. Brand new. I get in and we go there. I haven’t eaten anything today and after my dad’s call, I have no appetite though my stomach is growling.

Brent attacks me with questions about the boss, she’s in awe over the location, and she’s concerned about my state. Though I’m pretending to be fine in front of her, she knows the hell out of me, and I can’t hide it. I give her minimum info about the job, no details about the boss as she would never stop asking and hoping crazy stuff, and we hit the club for a while, more for her than for me as I would sleep to get away from reality. My brain is wobbly, and my entire body is breaking from tiredness.

She gets wild and drunk as she usually does, dancing like a lunatic and I cast a glance over the time. It’s almost midnight and tomorrow I start working. Plus, I need to go back to the boss’s house. I attempt in taking her from the dance floor while she’s raping a guy who’s grinning at her, wishing a hot night with her. Another is hitting on me, but I flash him my killer stare. No, I haven’t consumed anything but diet Pepsi. I never drink alcohol, but at home, sometimes. It’s rare when I do that and I need to be soaked in pain and depression to have some, but never to get drunk.

The loud music and all the craze in the club make me dizzy. I finally manage to unglue Brent from the guy who’s stuck on her, threatening him that if he doesn’t behave, he won’t be pleased with the outcome. Seeing my stare and my strong grip on his arm to let her go, he backs off. Yeah, I have a mad look when I want which burns and frightens you if you don’t have real balls to handle the aftermath.

Brent is laughing without reason or air, with her left arm wrapped around my neck to go out. “He shitted his pants, Lace! Man! My crazy babe! You haven’t lost your touch!” Shut up, Brent.

She can’t even walk straight. She’s in a cocktail grey dress on high heels same color with the dress. I’m changed into a pair of skinny black jeans, a dark purple top, a black trendy jacket tight on my waist with a black double belt over it, and a pair of black with dark grey stilettos. My hair is in a messy bun.

“You almost beat him! Ha-ha! Wow! So good to be back to the old you, Lacey! The badass! The Saint badass!” We’re out of the club, walking on the street to the car, and she gets the throwing up wave…. Shit! No! Fuck…. You never listen…. She’s throwing up and I’m holding her, sighing and having myself the throwing up sensation, but I control it. “Oh…. I passed the limit again…. Ha-ha!” She’s throwing up again while I’m closing my eyes and chew from my inner cheek. I know…. I know you have your own suffering. But you shouldn’t revenge on yourself like this…. Oh…. Jesus….

She calms down with the throwing up and when I get her in the car on the passenger’s seat, she instantly falls asleep.

I drive the car to her house and call George Stevenson, her boyfriend, to come outside and help me get her inside. Though he’s older than us, he doesn’t look his age, and he’s fit. He walks to the car and I’m on her side to wake her up. “She did it again, huh?” I bob my head.

“Let’s get her inside, George.” I avoid eye contact with him or further speaking, and I help him take her in the house as she’s in a drunk state with going against us to let her sleep in the car.

George tells me to take her car and go home. He will send someone to take it back in the morning. I say I’ll call a taxi, but he goes against as it’s late. I accept and drive back to my new home which I loathe, but yeah….

It’s another hour trip back to the hunter’s place and it’s already two in the morning. My eyes are drifting, but I’m concentrated on the road, with speed, taking as many shortcuts I can to facilitate a faster reach to destination. I turn the music out loud in the car to keep me company and not fall asleep.

If it wasn’t for Brent, I wouldn’t have gone out. I’m depressed, hungry, pained, and I don’t know what else. The fuck I know what’s going to happen with this guy and what he wants from me with the entire deluxe job offer. Whatever…. I’ll see upon the roll of events. I hope he won’t dare to provoke me. Please, God. Make him be a good one and resume to the normal boss act. I can’t go back to what I used to be four years ago. Not with dad being like this.

I break in front of the gate and the security opens it after they check who’s in the car. I drive on the driveway and go to the guest house, parking it aside. My feet are trembling, and my breathing is labored. My head is aching. I stay inside the car for a while with the engine on and music the same, with my left hand on the wheel, squeezing it, reflecting over everything that happened today and what’s next. I’m trying to take a grip over myself to get down the car and go inside. By the time I want to do this, a car comes in, a limo, and parks in front of the main house, a gigantic mansion. It’s the hunter kid probably. He did say he’ll see Kevin guy in the club.

I ignore what’s behind and stop the engine and the lights but I’m waiting for whoever it is to go inside the main house as I don’t want interaction with no one. I’m unable to even speak. My stomach is at war with me, but I ban it. I ban everything around me. I don’t look in the rear mirror, just in front of me. Like I’m a fly in the sky for no one to see.

My phone is ringing. Who is it at this hour? Hope it’s not about dad…. Please, be it not about dad.

It’s an unknown number, meaning there’s a number flashing on the display, but without a name. I’m frowning and I reject the call. All numbers that could call about my dad are already saved in my phone. So, I don’t bother. I lean my back on the seat and close my eyes with my left hand still on the stirring wheel.

Who the fuck is calling to add pain to my brains? I reject the call again. Just die…. I need no disturbing people at this hour.

It’s calling again and I get pissed off and take the call.

“Just stop calling! A rejected call is a rejected call! See the fucking hour when you’re calling! People sleep at this hour!” Before I end the call, a manly, sexy voice….

“And you’re sleeping in the car, Miss Holtrey? I gave an entire house at your disposal. Why the car?” WHAT?! I take the phone from my ear and look again on the display and then put it back at my ear.

“What?! Who’s this?! Oh…. Mr. Markle.” Son of a bitch…. Of course I totally forgot that he could have my number and call me. I’m in physical pains and with a maze in my brains, so, yeah.

“Why don’t you step down the car and come to the main house, Miss Holtrey?” What’s he saying? AT THIS HOUR?! MAIN HOUSE?! HE’S INSANE! I’m all a frown and fire crosses through me against this kid.