
Billionaire's Baby Snake

My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... “I’ve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as I’m a busy man and lead an empire. You’ll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.” It’s a Devil’s pact I’m signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dad…. You can protect yourself from harm.

Andra-Cristiana Stan · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 23 - Oh, My Baby...

Hunter's POV:

“Open the fucking door!” I order one of my men to open the door to my house to get inside while some cars get in full speed on my driveway, breaking the tires in a deafening way.

Fucking Clinton….

Yeah, I know it’s him. He won’t give up on her. I’ve seen the look in his eyes at her.

I get inside the house with my baby passing out on me and mumbling something before this. I think she said ‘Brent’. Kurt is calling in my doctors and I’m taking her upstairs in my bedroom. I don’t fucking understand what’s happening to her and my heart is breaking as I sense the danger. Another missing thing in her files. For her medical files, everything is clean. So I don’t know what this is!

“Lacey?!” Clinton is running the stairs behind me, worried sick about her from his voice.

I’ll fucking kill you…. My baby….

“What happened, Markle?! Babe?”

I’m laying her on the bed, feeling her forehead. She’s sweating.

What the fuck is happening?! Baby?

“Fuck…. She’s having it again….”

This is the moment when I fucking snap, and turn with a punch to his fucking face.

“She’s having it again, motherfucker?! Huh?! And you came to take her in a fucking mission?! What is happening to her?! FUCKING TELL ME RIGHT NOW!” I’m motioning in fury my right hand at him, both breathing in anger at each other in a confrontation of Alpha stares.

“You know nothing, Markle! Stop interfering! She’s not your usual woman! What is happening to her is none of your concern! It’s mine! Alright?! You can’t help her! And I fucking know there’s nothing between you and her! Get out of my face and let me deal with her situation! I know her, you don’t! She’s not into you! She did that because she didn’t want me to fucking shoot you! Like I don’t know….”

He twists his head at me and then walks to the bed to take her.

She’s moaning and mumbling in her state, clenching her fists.

“Lacey? Baby?”

I grab him by his suit jacket and throw him aside with all my might. No, I can’t think of anything. I’m out of my mind with all this.

“Don’t you fucking touch her! I have my doctors coming in to assist her! No more dangers on her, fucker! I’ll not allow you to drag her in all that again! Get the fuck out of here! This is my property!”

He’s in a bull stare at me and I’m matching it, waving my hand at the fucking door for him to get out.

“Your property? I’m in active service, fucker! Where I’m stepping in is fucking official! If I’m inside, you have no right to kick me out! I can fucking arrest you for going against my fucking authority! Don’t fuck with me, Markle! I can arrest you only for kidnapping charges of General Lacey Holtrey! She’s still fucking active! She stepped down, but her resignation never passed the official authorities! She can’t get out! Not from this! I kept her out of it! She doesn’t know! And I didn’t want her to go into this mission! But when her name appeared in the fucking video, I couldn’t do anything more! I kept telling them about her dad’s situation and that she still needs a break as she fucking deserves it for her life’s service! They said it’s serious now as her name got leaked and she needs to step in and solve the problem! I can’t cover shit any longer and she’s fucking above me in official rankings! Do you think it’s that simple? Like in your fucking companies? We’re no ordinary people, man. We live two lives.” He’s desperate and sincere and yes, he loves her for real.

I’m trying to calm down and assess the situation. Kurt is coming in with the doctors.

“Boss? Doctors are here.”

Clinton dismisses them.

“You can’t do anything to her. It’s not physical. It’s mental. Something triggered her again. She’ll need to get through that on her own…. She’ll…be fine.” He sighs raking his hands through his hair. “Jesus Christ…. Fucking bastards….”

“Check her vitals and assist her! Now!” I order the doctors who do per my orders.

I turn back at him. He’s watching her and his heart is bleeding as does mine because of her. No, I still can’t think of anything.

“Give me the name of the fucking Mafia, Clinton. Now!” I’m taking my phone out, and his.

Yeah, his phone has been with me all this time.

I throw him his phone, and he catches it. He tilts his left eyebrow at me, chewing from his left cheek, with a crazy stare. I’m serious. They don’t fucking know who I am in reality. My files are covered as well. No, I’m not like them.

“What the fuck can you do, Markle? Do you think this is kid’s play? If it were that easy, would I be here and not there to solve it?”

“JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING NAME!” Yeah, I’m fuming as my orders aren’t followed. When I’m not listened to, things go bad for the other person as I do lose my control.

“Alright! Kiga Mafia! There!”

What?! They fucking did that?! SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!

I have a puzzled stare at him, frowning, twisting my head.

“Kiga? You mean Stan Kiga?” He flashes me a surprised stare.

“You know him?”


My fucking brain is charging in revenge. I call the motherfucker looking at my baby who’s starting to breathe better and get color at face.

“Tell me what happened four years ago, Clinton.” He chuckles. “Now!”

“Easy, man. I can’t tell you that. It’s under secrecy. You’ve got no official authority to tell you. I’m sorry.”

Stan answers my call.

“Hey bro!”

Bro, huh? You’re so fucking dead….

I’m breathing in anger, and I for sure have the ultimate pissed off Mafia boss stare as that’s what I am.

“Stan?” My voice is dictating death.

Clinton changes his face at me. He realizes my real persona.

Yeah, fucker…. But I’m not a bad guy like you think.

“Come to my house this instant. LIKE FUCKING NOW!”

“Boss? What happened? Why so angry?” He’s scared as he knows what means when I’m yelling. FUCKING DEATH SENTENCE!


I end the call and turn to Kurt who’s as perplexed as I was to hear that about Stan. I throw my chin at him.

“Start eliminating the bottom people from his Mafia. NOW! He doesn’t get to fuck with me like this.” I turn at Clinton who’s between being my ally and arresting me.

Oh, don’t think you can arrest me, fucker. You can’t. I have immunity. I’m untouchable.

“Start telling me what happened four years ago, Clinton. And no, you can’t arrest me. You’re not allowed, fucker. I do have high authority even among you guys. Start spilling the info until he reaches here.”

Kurt is calling to give orders and the doctors are giving some shots to my baby who’s like sleeping in peace like a real baby. I’m undressing my suit jacket and throw it at Kurt. I’m fucking burning and I’m like a fucking bull in an arena, ready to attack.

“Who are you, Markle?” He’s watching both me and Kurt, ready to fight if the situation calls for it.

“Isn’t it obvious? Need more? Didn’t you say you know all about me, fucker?” I’m walking towards him, facing him, now breathing against each other.

He’s not intimidated, he’s got balls, but he does have a flicker of concern in his eyes. I’m the Master Alpha in front of him. Assassins? Ha-ha! I’m above that. Nobody fucks with me or with what’s mine. It’s not in my fucking book.

“If you are what I think you are, then we’re on opposite sides, Markle. I can’t tell you.”

You can’t, huh? He, he, he…. Fine. You want a full view over my balls. Alright.

“Show me your badge.” We’re fighting in stares and mine is a winner as always.

He takes his suit jacket aside and shows it to me.


Let’s call your superior now….

I see the symbols of his agency and I know whom to call. I’m smirking at him with a wink. He’s frowning at me, confused. I’m calling….

“Mr. Markle? What a pleasant surprise!”

I’m having the phone on speaker for him to hear. His eyes go wide as it seems he’s recognizing Masterson’s voice, the head of his official agency.

Yeah, sucker. The kid is not really a kid. His balls are the size of a fucking mammoth.


“What’s the problem, boss?”

Clinton is almost deflating his balls. I’m smirking at him.

“Lacey Holtrey.”


“Do you know her?”


“Why missing info from her files?”

“She’s…a special case.”

“What do you mean?”

“Okay. I’m sorry. I heard you requested three months ago a full intel on her. She’s a General and she deals with the special cases. Because she’s not quite active for the last four years, the boys from the intel offices cover her files under secrecy. They are loyal and protective of her. She’s an awarded one and has a lot of power inside still. As a matter of fact, we do have a mission calling for her today. And boss? Stan seems to be dealing again and…he’s involved in General Holtrey’s case. Last warning you gave the family seems to have been crossed and they are making problems again. And it’s not really Stan, but his father. At least, this is what I’m getting from the details.”

“What happened four years ago?”

“Kiga Mafia got involved with Mexican Mafia. That you know as you ordered us to come in and officially shut them down.”

Yeah, I know…. Fuck…. If I knew who you would send…. But I didn’t know her four years ago…. Jesus….

I’m closing my eyes, sighing over my thoughts. Clinton is smacked in the head over the conversation. Like not believing it, but he knows it’s real as he’s witnessing it.

“Tell me what I don’t know.” I’m clenching my jawline, preparing myself for what he’s going to tell me….

“We had a leaked info and the Mexicans got hold of it, reinforcing the perimeter. General with her team were on the case. From thirty targets, on the scene there were over a hundred, armed and prepared to stand in a fight with our people. The team we sent, with our best, were only nine with Holtrey being the top. She’s top in the agency to be frank…. And because she was there, the mission was a success. But she was badly hit. Mexicans sent more people with cars and she had a flow of threats coming in. She was the last one standing and fighting them….”

My heart is fucking my body and I’m seeing red before my fucking eyes, turning my stare at my baby who’s being plugged on IV. Her heart is beating like at a race on the monitors.

Oh, my baby….

“She got shot in the heart and in other vital parts, but she fought, nonetheless. She’s well-trained and her resistance is remarkable, reason why she’s a General since twenty-six, among other skills and levels she passed in record time. She’s top assassin worldwide, undergoing a severe training in her youth to reach her level. She put the targets down, half of them while being with death on her from the wounds. The only agents that survived the mission are her, another teammate under her, Brenda, the one you know by name, and a young girl of sixteen, who unfortunately died later in the hospital because of an abdominal gun shot. The two survived as General Holtrey was with them and protected them while fighting the others. You know the case was a complete mess back then, but you now know who the person was dealing with it. The young girl had been kidnapped, and she found her and rescued her, but they were outnumbered and between shooting she was hit, no matter how much General Holtrey covered her with her body. One gun shot penetrated her body as well, though most of the bullets went into Holtrey. General, even till today, blames herself for the girl’s death. Because she wasn’t fast enough to cover the girl in front of danger. But she couldn’t. They were too many, all armed and dangerous, and on drugs some of them. After the threats were eliminated, General passed out after calling in for medical assistance and reinforcements to take them from there, assuring of a secured perimeter and giving the status of the mission as complete, victims, and all. Our men were already on the way, but she was passed out, bleeding, like the girl and Brenda when they reached the premises. The rest of our people were killed in mission. She had a fast recovery, as always, but mentally, when she heard the girl died, she had a breakdown…. Then, her father was diagnosed with leukemia in advanced stages and she got the final blow, resigning and stepping down, shutting herself down from the world. Obviously, her resignation isn’t valid or processed, but we gave her time to recover this period. She had the breakdown because no one, when she was in a mission or outside, from civilians, died under her protection. And the girl was a kid…. When our doctors checked her up, they concluded she’s sane and able to continue her service, but she refused. And that’s what happened four years ago with Holtrey, boss.”

My being is under beating from hearing all this. I’m next to my baby’s bed, holding her hand while she’s sleeping. The doctors are monitoring her. Though her heartbeats are like at a fucking marathon, she seems fine. Her blood pressure is oscillating, but between normal parameters.

My love…. If I knew…. Fuck….

Clinton is where I left him, in the middle of the bedroom, with his head down, staring at the floor, probably recalling that past as he’s suffering from his face, rubbing the back of his head.

“Get her out of her service, Masterson. That’s an order. She’s going to be my wife. I don’t care how you do it, but I’m considering it as done. The mission for today, I’m taking care of it from this side. I’ll deal upfront with Kiga and with whoever is involved. I’ll have Kurt inform you over the people kidnapped and how things go down.”

I’m kissing baby snake’s forehead.

My baby…. I’ll take care of everything. Don’t worry.