
Billionaire's Baby Snake

My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... “I’ve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as I’m a busy man and lead an empire. You’ll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.” It’s a Devil’s pact I’m signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dad…. You can protect yourself from harm.

Andra-Cristiana Stan · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 15 - Don't Be Crazy For Crying Out Loud!

Hunter's POV:

“Miss Holtrey? You’re not going to do that. Do you hear me?”

She’s stubborn…. LACEY!

She’s ignoring both of us and she’s motioning her right hand at the driver to give her the leather gloves and jacket as those are filmed in the car.

“I’m going to show all of you what real balls look like, kid. And no, I’m not crazy. I’m real. Watch and learn, you pathetic soul. And look at me not asking even a penny for it and I do have a family at home, too. STRIP THE FUCKING GLOVES AND JACKET RIGHT NOW! WHAT YOU FUCKING WHINE ABOUT, I CAN DO IT IN MY FUCKING SLEEP!”

The guy is mortified at her, as we all are, but she’s so real and airs such superiority that you can’t go against her. Like she does that in real life.

What the fuck is going on with this?!

“Lacey? It’s dangerous!” George is desperate.

“Miss Holtrey? You have order not to interfere on that.” She turns at me with a killer stare, different than the one she served me before. Like a real killer as her eyes are somehow changed.

What do you mean?!

I’m so fucking confused, and my heart is beating everywhere as the guy is right, it is a death trap if you don’t master it. I tell her that in all seriousness, frowning at her.

She’s taking a gun with blank bullets from the props’ table and acting like she knows this stuff since forever, smirking at me with a sly stare.

“Well, Mr. Markle, you wanted to know who Clinton is. I’ll show you what I am for you to understand who he is as well. And maybe from now on, you’ll be aware of the fact I was really not joking this morning. And don’t worry, guys. I won’t need assistance, I won’t die, and the car won’t have a fucking scratch on it.” She’s placing the gun at her back and now taking the jacket from the driver who’s trembling a bit looking at her as she’s so fucking imposing like a true lion of the jungle who means business.

I’m baffled and worried sick.


“Ma’am? Please, change your mind…. It’s dangerous. I’m honest, not playing for more money.”

She’s ignoring him, flashing him a crazy look with a mischievous smile, putting on the gloves.

“Kid? How old are you?”

“24, ma’am.”

She’s bobbing her head at him, zipping the jacket.

“Well, kid, when you were 14, I was playing good guys on bad guys in more dangerous ways than this and all for real. You’re a pro at your job. But you’ll see a real pro. Watch and learn, kiddo. Maybe you’ll make more millions.”

She’s turning to George who’s having his blood pressure at refusal.

“George? I’ll do it only once and all clean as I saw the route and the tactics necessary for the scene. Make sure you cover it on screen and keep up with what I’m doing there.”

She’s fucking serious!

“Miss Holtrey! You’re not allowed to do that! There’s no joke in here! I’ll pay whatever for the person hired to perform it! NOT YOU!”

“Mr. Markle? I’m not hearing you. I’m in my coffee break. I’m entitled to that. He, he, he…. And you are all supposed to be men with balls, yet a woman has the entire river of balls. Awesome.” She’s grinning, and I’m going mental house!

“Brenda? Baby? Tell Lacey to stop with the madness! Maybe she’ll listen to you, or I’ll order for her to be restrained! It’s dangerous!” George has called Brenda and he’s having her on speaker.

“Yeah, babe? Stop? What madness, honey? Lace is crazy, but never on bad stuff. Ha-ha! Don’t aggravate her, babe. What’s the matter and what’s dangerous? I don’t understand.” She’s now sipping from something.

Little crazy is amused over George and Brenda. George is freaked out and real.

“A stuntman drifting driver refused to perform a dangerous scene and Lacey is taking his place as she snapped because of his behavior! IT’S FUCKING DANGEROUS! IT’S NOT A KID’S PLAY! PUT SOME SENSE INTO HER! IF THE PRO IS SCARED OVER THE STUNT, I DON’T WANT TO THINK WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO….” George stops his yelling as Brenda snorts into laughter. “I’M SERIOUS, BRENDA! STOP LAUGHING!”

“That’s dangerous? Ha-ha! Babe? Stop yelling. Your blood pressure…. Listen. Let her do it.”


“You guys should be honored for her to do it. Wonder what triggered her though…. Don’t worry, baby. It’s nothing for her. No matter what you guys consider dangerous and that kid who’s scared, as for sure he’s a kid acting like that…,” Lacey is nodding with a wide smile at Brenda’s words, “it’s kid’s play for her, honey. Oh! Live stream it to me, too! Haven’t seen little sexy saint do it for the last four years. I miss her like that!”


“Brenda! Are you drunk, baby?!” George is at his limit and I’m the same. We’re both fuming bulls!

“George? If you call me drunk one more time, I’ll call Lacey over there to beat the shit out of you. Try it. Just let her do it and stop being a fucking pussy! She’s more of a man than all balls out there on set! I fucking know her! If she said she’s doing it, she’s going to do it! What’s dangerous for you guys, for her is just a fucking play! You do your job as a director! And you, mister! Be prepared to get the real feel on the fucking screen before your eyes! No stuntman can do what my girl does! You fucking pussies…. And George? The drunk woman is not going to fuck you for the next month. Live stream it to me, too! OR WE’LL FUCKING BREAKUP! NOW! BYE!” George is shocked, so am I.

“What the….” George is staring at the phone. I’m breathing like a fucking monster, eyeing MY CRAZY!

“Well, George, if you want her to forgive you for the calling her drunk part, live stream it to her.” She’s devilishly smiling at him. “Oh, this will be fun! Alright, boys. Who’s the other driver?” She’s looking around and the guy walks to her.

“I am, madam.” He’s shitting his pants as she’s so confident that she submits you to her, especially when she casts those sword eyes at you.

“Alright, kid. Listen. For you to be safe…,” he’s absorbing her words with utmost attention, “at fifth lap, you count to ten and then push the nitrogen button. Understood?”

“Yes, madam.”

“I’ll turn the car around faster than you would expect and we’ll have the front of our cars almost glued to each other as the scene requires. You don’t focus on my car, kid. You focus on yours and on the road. Don’t lose it, no matter my moves. I’ll have nitrogen speed backwards and you keep yours at the speed mentioned. I’ll have it mine above yours to maintain the safe distance between each other. When next drift comes, move it left and right after me without losing it. Remember you’re on the safe side of things as you are driving in the normal way. The only danger for you is if you get scared for my car hitting yours and send you off the mountain. It won’t happen. Alright?”

“Y-Yes, madam.”

“Now, at the seventh drift, I’ll turn my car around as your car is supposed to get eliminated in the script. Before the seventh drift, you count to ten and break the car. You can’t reach the side cameras to capture your car. And after the eighth drift, I’ll stop my car for the real actor to take his role. Are we on the same page?”

“Yes, madam.” He’s gaining confidence in her as she’s indeed a pro at this from how she’s speaking and explaining.


“For the shooting part, I’m the one who’ll do it, so don’t worry, kid. Your only focus is your car. Don’t worry, I won’t lose control over the car with my left hand out the window to shoot. Alright? Do you trust me?” She’s penetrating him with her stare, and we are all fucked in the brains.

Well, yeah! She’s a fucking woman! Not a stuntwoman! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE MY ASSISSTANT AND BABY! NOT TO DO THIS!

“Yes, madam.”

“Good. Remember, don’t lose it, no matter what. And don’t worry for me.” She’s walking to the car assigned to the detective, a Hyundai red sports car. The team has just refilled gas and did the last checking for the cars. “You guys don’t know what we do in real world to save stuff and people…. Ha-ha! Amateurs….” She’s getting in the car, making a bun out of her hair.


She has just flashed me her middle finger with a smirk and a wink.


I’m opening my suit jacket and taking off my tie in rage, unbuttoning my shirt at my neck. I’m crazy to let this go through!

“Mr. Markle? Watch my balls…. He, he, he….” She’s just closed her door laughing like crazy inside, putting on her shades.