
Billionaire's Assistant

Lexi Moore is studying a degree in Medicine. All she has to do to finish the degree is write the exams. However, being a student comes with a lot of expenses and a lot of money Lexi does not have. She is in a large amount of debt, due to the piled up student loans, she has to use in order to pay for college. So, she started working as a personal assistant to Diether Davis for the past year, to try and pay off her studies, but things did not quite go to plan... Diether Davis. He's cold, arrogant and one of the richest men in the country. He gets everything he wants. Everything except Lexi, and he will stop at nothing to get what he can't have...

imlynzph · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

The next morning, I woke up and moped around the house. I ate almost a whole carton of Ice cream, and called my bestfriend, Lisa and Minhu, who are currently sitting next to me and watching Netflix together.

They have brought me a huge teddy bear, which is taking up half the room. They are currently eating chocolate, popcorn and a whole hoard of coffee. They are both still in their Pajamas, as I am.

"You okay?" Minhu asks me.

"Kinda." I say and shrug.

"Your phone is ringing." Lisa buts in. I groan, and climb off the comfy couch, and scratch around for my phone. It's Diether.

I clear my throat and answer, trying to sound alive.

"Hello Diether." My voice comes out all weird, and then I manage to get into a cough attack, and so my whole alive and normal thing didn't turn out very well.

"Are you okay?" He asks, laughing.

"Yeah. I'm fine. What do you need?" I ask.

"Oooh! She used the fine word! I know something's wrong, but I'm just not going to say anything." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, now what do you want?" I ask.

"I need you at the office." He says.

"Diether. It's a freakin Sunday afternoon. What the hell are you doing at the office?" I groan.

"Do you want to get paid or not?" He asks.

"I'm not coming to work today. I'll see you tomorrow." I order. I almost kick myself, I'm talking to my boss like this.

"Damn woman!" He groans.

"Get your butt home, go spend time with your family. For goodness sake Diether, Dielly is coming home tonight." I order. He huffs.

"Fine." He puts down the phone. I feel like his mother. Honestly, guys are such babies sometimes.

I roll my eyes and go back to sit with my two friends. I have already told them all about Kevin and also Diether.

"How's the studying coming? Are you done?" Lisa asks. I smile and nod.

"Yeah, I'm done. I've studied everything. Here's to acing my exam!" I hold up my coffee mug. Both Lisa and Minhu have finished studying.

Minhu is currently working as a building contractor for a big company, while Lisa is currently working at an art agency. Now it's only me who has to finish. I have been friends with these two morons since the beginning of elementary school, and since then, Minhu and Lisa have been dating. Sometimes, I feel like I'm always third wheeling, but they don't mind. It's sometimes one of those awkward moments, where they kiss each other, and I'm just there like, this is freakin disgusting. Honestly, but they really are very cute together. They suit each other perfectly.

"Alrighty." Minhu says as the show finishes.

"I'm leaving. You two need some girl time, even though I'm best friends with you Lexi, you need some of Lisa's advice. You look terrible. No offence." He says. I shrug.

"Hey, I only expect honestly from you." I punch his arm. He gets up from his seat and hugs both of us, sneaking a kiss with Lisa.

"Bye you two." He says and we wave him goodbye.