
Billionaire’s Baby

As I walked out from the bathroom, I felt someone collide with my shoulder. I quickly turned, ready to apologize, when my eyes locked onto the most stunning man I had ever seen. He was tall, with chiseled features and a captivating style. His eyes were a piercing grey, and his hair was a shock of dark brown waves. I felt my cheeks flush as he looked down at me, his lips curling into a smirk. I swallowed, trying to find my voice, but all I could manage was a breathless 'oh'. *** Amelia's perfect life comes crashing down when her boyfriend dumps her. Alone and heartbroken, she turns to her best friend Cara for support, only to find that Cara's not the friend she thought she was. With a mix of spiked drink, clubbing… the outcome isn’t so good. When Amelia wakes up the next morning, she's terrified to discover that she's had a one-night stand with a stranger. But the real terror begins when she realizes she's pregnant, and the stranger is nowhere to be found.

GentleRoses · Urban
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7 Chs


Amelia's POV

Sebastian leaned forward, locking eyes with me.

"First, during our week-long pretense, no one can know this relationship is fake. Second, you'll attend a family dinner with me. And third, you'll act naturally, with no over-the-top affection. Just enough to convince my father."

I took a deep breath, his terms were not as bad as I expected, but they seemed reasonable.

"Alright," I nodded slowly. "Agreed."

Sebastian smirked, seemingly satisfied.

"Well then, Ms. Amelia. Welcome to the charade."

• • •NEXT DAY•••

I was in a haste to get everything in place as quickly as possible. I packed both mine and my son's belongings, I made sure we had everything we needed for the week ahead.

As Sebastian had mentioned, he had sent a car to pick us up, There was a luxurious SUV parked in front of my apartment when I walked out.

Sebastian stepped out of the car, looking breathtaking in his black tailored suit.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded, holding my son's hand.

"Yes," I replied and I followed his lead into the car. My son and I sat in the backseat next to Sebastian.

The ride to the airport was smooth, with Sebastian engrossed in his phone and my son curiously looking out the window.

Once we arrived, we were swiftly escorted to a private hangar where Sebastian's jet awaited. The luxury of it all was overwhelming, and I could tell my son was excited, his eyes wide as he took in the beautiful interior of the plane.

Luckily Aiden and I didn't have issues being on air so I didn't have to worry about my little boy. The hours ran fast, and before I knew it, we were descending towards a lavish estate nestled amidst well-trimmed gardens and large pools.

When we came down, there was already an elderly man waiting to welcome us. It wasn't hard to detect it was Sebastian's father because of the resemblance and how well-dressed and powerful he looked.

"Welcome, both of you," his father said, smiling warmly at my son and me.

We were ushered into a grand living room adorned with portraits and antique furniture. Refreshments were served, and my son was soon engaged in a game with one of the housemaids.

"You guys must be starving, I made sure a big dinner was prepared for you guys" Sebastian announced.

"Come on Aiden, time to eat big boy," Sebastian said as he picked up Aiden and carried him toward where I assumed was the dining room.

Oddly, seeing Sebastian being all relaxed and holding Aiden in his arms made me feel some type of way.

When we all sat down for dinner, I noticed Sebastian's father observing my son with a serious expression. His gaze shifted between the child and his son, he stared at them in confusion.

"He has your eyes, Sebastian," he remarked.

"The more I look at the both of you the more similarities I see" he continued, his words silenced the room.

"Perhaps it's just a common trait. Many people have similar features without being related." Sebastian replied.

His father raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced, but chose to let the matter slide for the moment.

When we were done eating it was already a bit dark and was about time we went to bed. Aiden was led by the housemaid to their little nursery room where he would be spending the night.

Sebastian led me to a large room. The room was charming, filled with books, awards, and pictures from his younger days. The soft glow from a bedside lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm hue over everything.

"Here's my childhood room, extra guest rooms weren't prepared since my father assumed we wouldn't mind sharing a room," he said.

"Oh," I muttered.

We both noticed the single bed almost immediately. There was an awkward pause, neither of us addressing the issue concerning our sleeping arrangements.

Sebastian cleared his throat, breaking the silence.

"Look, Amelia, I know this is... unconventional. But given the circumstances, I think it's best if we try to get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow."

I nodded, avoiding his gaze.

"Of course. I'll just... change in the bathroom." I said and walked into the door which looked like it had to be the bathroom.

A few moments later, I walked out, wearing a simple nightgown, my hair cascading down my shoulders. Sebastian had already changed into a set of pajamas, his posture a bit rigid.

We both climbed into bed, positioning ourselves as far apart as the narrow mattress would allow. However, as the minutes ticked by, the space between us seemed to shrink, the boundaries nonexistent.

Sebastian's eyes were on me, his gaze intense and probing.

The sexual tension between us was at its peak.

"Amelia," Sebastian whispered, his voice husky. Before I could respond, he leaned closer, his lips hovering just inches from mine.

The world around us faded as our lips met, the kiss deepening with every passing second. All the pent-up emotions, the suppressed feelings, came rushing to the surface, igniting a passion that neither of us could deny.

At that moment, we were no longer pretending. The line between reality and pretense blurred, and all that mattered was the undeniable connection between us.