
Billionaire’s Baby

As I walked out from the bathroom, I felt someone collide with my shoulder. I quickly turned, ready to apologize, when my eyes locked onto the most stunning man I had ever seen. He was tall, with chiseled features and a captivating style. His eyes were a piercing grey, and his hair was a shock of dark brown waves. I felt my cheeks flush as he looked down at me, his lips curling into a smirk. I swallowed, trying to find my voice, but all I could manage was a breathless 'oh'. *** Amelia's perfect life comes crashing down when her boyfriend dumps her. Alone and heartbroken, she turns to her best friend Cara for support, only to find that Cara's not the friend she thought she was. With a mix of spiked drink, clubbing… the outcome isn’t so good. When Amelia wakes up the next morning, she's terrified to discover that she's had a one-night stand with a stranger. But the real terror begins when she realizes she's pregnant, and the stranger is nowhere to be found.

GentleRoses · Urban
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7 Chs


Amelia POV

When the timer reaches zero, I take a deep breath and slowly look down at the test.

My stomach drops-

I see two pink lines. I AM PREGNANT…

I slid downwards till I was now seated on my bathroom floor. It was like I had been punched in the gut.

I had to tell someone, but I had no idea where to start. I felt so suffocated with this new information and I could basically feel my world crashing down.

Hell, I didn't have any idea about where the father was either!

In other words, I am doomed.

I reached for my phone and called my best friend Cara.

"Hey-" I sobbed out after she answered my call.

"Hi, what's wrong?" She asked curiously.

"Can we meet up, I don't think I should be having this conversation over the phone. Also I need to get some air" I replied.

"Okay. See you in ten minutes, our spot at the cafe" she replied.


Few minutes later we were now both seated at the window corner at the cafe. I sat across from my best friend, Cara at the cafe table, holding my coffee cup with both hands and avoiding eye contact.

"So…? The suspense is killing me" Cara groaned.

"I just found out...I'm pregnant," I whispered, as if the people seated at the other tables would overhear us. My voice was trembling as I talked. 

"I have no idea on what to do." I almost sobbed.

Cara just stared blankly at me like she was still processing the new information. Finally, Cara spoke, her voice sounding shocked.

"Oh my gosh...are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied quietly. 

"I took the test and it was positive. I really had no plan on being a mom just yet. What will my mom say?" I sobbed even harder. At this point we were starting to get some questioning glances. 

"You're pregnant?" Cara repeated my words, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

 "Like, knocked up? With child? With a bun in the oven?" She lets out a chuckle. 

"I mean, seriously, how did this happen? Was it an accident, or you were just stupid?"

I felt my cheeks turn red. I had never been so embarrassed in my life, not even when my ex boyfriend broke up with me. 

"It's not funny," I said, my voice sounding hurt and defensive.

"Trust me, it really is. Something like this is actually what you deserve. Convincing you to come to the party really paid off" she smirked.

"Cara WHAT THE FUCK did you do to me that night?!" I whisper yell.

Cara's face darkened as she leaned forward. 

"You're saying I'm the cause for what happened?" she asked angrily. "You think I had something to do with you sleeping with some random guy and getting pregnant?" She sneered.

I felt my heart sinking. "No, sorry. I didn't mean to say that," I muttered apologetically. "I just...I don't know what happened that night. I don't remember anything after we got to the party."

Cara was silent for a moment, then she spoke, her voice cold and distant.

"That's convenient for you, isn't it? It suddenly lets you off the hook for any responsibility." She mocked.

My eyelids tingle with unsteady tears "I'm not trying to do that," I said. 

"I just have no idea on what happened, but I don't think you had anything to do with it. I know you'd never do something like that."

"You don't know anything!" Cara snapped. 

"I did it! I fucking did it!" She confessed.

"I spiked your drink to get your innocent ass drunk so you'd finally get rid of your virginity and stop pissing me off with that you're so holy act. Gosh I fucking hated you for that. Trying to act like such goody two shoes. So yes! I planned this… you were always horny while you're drunk so it just made my work a lot easier. And by the way your pregnancy wasn't part of my motive but I guess I could call that a cherry on top" she smirked, an evil glint in her eyes.

"But fuck! It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I already arranged a deal with some horny older man but you got lucky by sleeping with that hot billionaire. You bitch! I bet you don't remember him, good, cause I'm not helping you find him. Go raise your baby alone" she smirked.

"H-how could you?" I stuttered. My tears were uncontrollable and I was glad not much where paying attention to my ongoing drama.

"Fuck. You. Bitch" Cara sneered. She picked up her purse and exited the cafe.

A few people turned towards my direction with questioning glances, but quickly turned away again, as if they didn't want to get involved.

My whole world felt like it a huge mess. My best friend, the one person I had trusted with everything, had betrayed me. I felt sick to my stomach, both from the betrayal and from the baby growing inside me.

I walked out of the cafe, not caring about the tears that ran down my face. 

The whole time, I couldn't stop myself from replaying the conversation with Cara over and over in my head. I couldn't believe what I had heard or rather I didn't want to believe she did this. How could Cara do this to me?

When I finally arrived home, I went straight to my room and collapsed onto my bed, and began sobbing uncontrollably. 

After a while, I heard a knock on my door.

"Honey? Can I come in?" My mother's voice came from the other side of the door.

 "Yes." I answered reluctantly.

I made sure to wipe my tears and sat up as my mother entered the room. My mother sat down on the bed next to me and looked at me curiously. 

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked with concern.

I didn't know how to explain what had happened. But what was the point of hiding this from my mother when the signs of my pregnancy would become prominent very soon.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered, very scared of what her reaction would be.