

"In the bustling city of Los Angeles, billionaire Richard Vanderbilt embarks on a whimsical quest to find the perfect wife. He marries three women, fully disclosing his unconventional plan, leading to a hilarious and dramatic series of events as secrets unravel, suspicions mount, and genuine love is discovered in unexpected places."

Charles_Crowntouch · Urban
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7 Chs


In the heavenly realm, God, surrounded by His 24 elders, watched the unfolding drama of Richard Vanderbilt's unconventional marriages on Earth with growing concern. It was clear that this billionaire's plan was not in line with God's design for marriage, and it troubled Him deeply.

God turned to His council of elders, wise beings who had served Him faithfully for eons. Together, they discussed the situation. One elder, known for his wisdom, spoke up, "This situation with Richard Vanderbilt's multiple marriages troubles me. It goes against the sacred bond of marriage we have established on Earth."

Another elder chimed in, "We should send angels to him, urging him to reconsider and choose just one wife, as is the divine order."

God nodded in agreement. "Yes, let it be done."

So, angels were dispatched to Earth to speak with Richard Vanderbilt. They appeared before him, radiant and awe-inspiring. "Richard," one angel began, "we come as messengers of the divine. God is concerned about your choice to have three wives simultaneously. He urges you to reconsider and choose one."

However, Richard, stubborn in his ways, refused to heed the angels' advice. He argued that he was within his rights and that his love for all three women was genuine.

Seeing Richard's determination, God decided to grant him the free will to choose but not without a warning. In a vision, He revealed to Richard the potential dangers of his path. He saw how his marriages could become tangled webs of jealousy, deceit, and heartache, leading not to happiness but to a chaotic existence.

Despite the warning, Richard chose to continue with his three marriages, confident that he could make it work. Little did he know that the challenges and dangers that God had forewarned him about would soon test the limits of his love and his ability to keep his promises.

In the end, the billionaire would come to understand that even with his wealth and determination, he was not immune to the complexities of human emotions, and he would need to navigate the stormy seas of love and marriage with wisdom and humility.