
Chapter 2: Surprise

Dipper hadn't expected a party once they walked in, nor did he expect to see Wendy, Candy, and Grenda. Soos was there, too, the third person to wrap the twins in a bear hug. After greeting everyone, they went to unpack, up in the small, attic-like room they shared. Mabel was hanging her sweaters in her closet and Dipper had been trying to hide the journals. "Are you sure your ok, Dip?" He put the journals on his bed and started hanging his clothes up. "Yes, Mabel, I'm perfectly fine. See?" He grabbed one of her sock puppets, and went to talk for it, but remembered how he had been a puppet once. And it had been anything but fun. "Uh, heh. Let's just....leave this guy alone." He laid it back in her suitcase and she smiled. "Good to know a demon hasn't possessed my brother. I would've gone crazy!" She flapped her sweater sleeves, as if trying to become waves, and he couldn't help it. He laughed. His sister was already crazy, but she could figure that out on her own. She finished unpacking before him, and asked if he wanted help, but he told her no. Sometimes, even he needed a break from people. Anyway, he finished hanging his clothes, and went to put his toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom. "Hey, Pinetree!" Dipper jumped so high, he almost knocked his head on the roof. He looked in the mirror....and ran for the door, but it slammed and locked on its own. No, not on its own, but with the help of-"Dipper, is something wrong?" It was Stan this time. "No, nope, everything is fine..." He tried unlocking the door, but every time he did, it locked itself. He looked in the mirror again....but it was just him. "Can you come out? This party ain't gonna celebrate itself." He undid the lock and turned the knob. The door opened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to slam the door, Grunkle-" "Don't apologize for that, kid. Even I accidentally slam it sometimes." Dipper mustered up a smile. "OK. I'll just head downstairs, then." And that's what he did. Well, after he stuffed one journal in his jacket, the other in his pillow, and the third behind his nightstand. As long as they were never reunited with each other, what happened last summer wouldn't happen this summer. Then he went downstairs to enjoy the party. He could figure out what had happened in the bathroom later. Even if he was pretty sure he knew, since only one person called him Pinetree.