
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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Road to Kiri part 2

(At Kiri)

Two days later.

Mei Terumi and her rebellion are looking at the village that's heavily guarded, gates are guarded with a blockade with multiple squads of Anbu.

"What do you see Ao?" Mei asked staring at her right hand man knowing he has the Byukugan.

The man took off his eyepatch revealing the said eye as he looked at multiple chakra signatures in the village.

"I see about at least a whole platoon of Anbu guarding the gates, with Jonin also there as side security." Ao said with her frowning

"What about Yagura? Is he among the platoon?" She asked seeing him shake his head.

"No ma'm he isn't, he must be in the Mizukage tower." Ao replied

"We have to think of a way. We must get in there and face Yagura somehow, if only we had help from the outside." Mei said with a glare knowing the odds of this battle.

"Me and a few of our best men can maybe sneak in and try to lure away the platoon to buy you and the rest enough time to attack and face Yagura Mei-sama." Said Chojuro seeing her shake her head.

"No, it's too risky, Yagura might see through our plan and probably have Anbu already in position should we plot something like that." She said grimly the last time they attempted that they lost lots of good men when that happened and had no choice but to retreat.

Before they could make anymore suggestions they heard loud giant stomps that shook the environment.

"What the hell was that?" Said A rebel as the rest became tense and worried

"You think they spotted us?" Said another rebel

"Relax, everyone relax I don't think they saw us if they did they would attack. Ao can you see where that noise came from?" Asked Mei looking at him

He looked to the side of the village and also looked to the north side of the village. He saw trees rustle, and bushes but he saw a faint glowing red eye in the bushes that made him flinch.

"What is it what do you see?" She demanded

"I cannot make out what it is but it looks very big and huge... and... wait what is this?" He said he looked closely he sees unusual chakra signatures getting off the giant beast.

"I see 10 people... and they all have unusual chakra I've never seen before... six adults and four children? They all have some unnatural chakra." Ao said keeping his eye on them with Mei and the rest of the rebellion looked taken back by that.

Mei raised a brow frowning in confusion six adults and four children? What are they doing here? Especially in a middle of a war?.

"Could they be allies for Yagura? Or backup?" Said Chojuro with Mei shaking her head.

"We don't know for Sure. It's not like Yagura to call for help... and the village and it's country is locked down due to the bloodline purge it's so not him to call for help to take us down.." She spoke calmly wondering who are those strangers out there and what is with their chakra?.

"Mei-sama they seem to be on the move, they are heading to the north entrance of the village." Ao said

"Keep them on your sight Ao. I want to know exactly what they are doing here." Mei said with him nodding.

( With Naruto and co)

Naruto along with his family that he brought with him were all in the bushes looking at the north entrance gate that seemed heavily guarded and has a blockade he turned towards Hinata.

"Hinata what do you see? How many are we up against in order to reach the Mizukage." Naruto asked with her activating her Byukugan looking from all directions in the village.

"There are multiple platoons Naruto-kun. Dozens of Kiri Anbu along with squadrons of Jonin." Hinata said still looking around the village

"What about the Mizukage himself?" He asked

"In his tower which is being guarded and patrolled by his Anbu." She said seeing him nod.

"So how are we doing this?" Sil asked Wondering how were they going to attack what looked like a army of Anbu In the village.

"You guys attack the Mizukage's forces, I'll go after him myself." Naruto said with his skin shifting into his inner alien.

The women instantly transformed into their inner alien forms. The kids can't transform yet because they have to be mature in order to transform yet they do inherit long tongues.

Haku's Inner alien form has a Frost like appeal, icy skin with Ice like claws, icy blue slitted eyes. And a Ice shard like spine on her back, her hair is nothing but Ice for hair. Guess you could say she is a ice like entity.

They all head to the gates.

Zabuza pulled out a scroll and unscrolled it revealing the once famed Executioner's blade. Naruto saw fit that his son should keep the Sword since he no longer needed it. He did some training with the heavy sword and mimic a perfect impression as Zabuza Momichi, having learned The hidden mist Jutsu, Water Style Jutsu prison and water style water dragon Jutsu.

Mizore somehow inherited Ice claws like her mother.

Saeko brought a tanto having learned Kenjutsu styles from her mother Yugao and sometimes spar sword fighting with her Step brother Zabuza.

Motoko brought her a bow with kunai tipped arrows. She pulled out three and fired at three Kiri Anbu who are guarding the north gate.

"What the hell are those!?" Shouted a Kiri Anbu

"I don't know they could be more freaks with bloodlines! Kill them!" Shouted the captain of the guard as he and his men charged at them. Naruto lunges at some with his lethal claws as you could hear flesh being slashed and blood curdling screams echoed.

Sil and Eve stood side by side killing any Kiri Shinobi that got in their path, so much as clawing at them, shooting their spiny tongues out to impale them, even lashed out tentacles from their chest area to strangle them.

Hinata in her alien form was unleashing lethal strikes of her jyuuken breaking bones of every Anbu, Jonin or Chunin that surrounded her and went so far as to shut down their internal organs with a strike to their chest stopping their hearts in the process effectively killing them with ease, as she even shattered their heads with lethal strike to the face sending brain matter across the field.

"We need back up! We must alert the Mizukage and the rest!" Said a Kiri Jonin who was then shot in the kidney by Motoko's arrow.

Saeko and Zabuza made quick work of the Chunin that tried to attack them with their swords.

Mizore had sliced up some Jonins with her ice claws.

Haku breathes a icy chilled breath that freezes anyone solid as she shot ice icicle like projectiles from her hands at any Shinobi even so far as to blast a ice beam to freeze the last Chunin who ran from her.

Anko hissed of that of a Boa, she raised her hand the palm opened revealing a alien serpent, as she shot it out of her hand. It snaked it's way out and impaled a Kiri Anbu to the face as she gripped her snake hand and ripped the head straight off.

A Jonin tried to attack her from behind but her the snakes in her hair hissed she turned and glowed her eyes at the Jonin who looked directly at her eyes and then he suddenly froze, as if he was pretrified or in this case he is dead.

The Anbu captain tried to crawl and tried to alert the village that the north gate is being breached only for Naruto to come to him and behead him with his claws.

After the brutal massacre they now breached into the north gate surprising any Anbu or Jonin.

Zabuza jumped in front and wasted no time weaving handsigns.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Zabuza yelled as a very thick mist expanded throughout the whole village. And now the carnage resumed.

( With Mei and the Rebels)

Mei who looked shocked as she and the other rebels heard what was happening at the north gate of the village. They heard the blood curdling screams from the village.

"Ao... what is going on down there! Tell me what the hell is going on!?" She shouted turning her attention on him who looked white with fear as he watched the massacre from his eye.

"I.. i... I can't say Mei-sama... but whoever those strangers are down there are killing the Anbu in brutal ways..." He answered with a lump in his throat. He hoped to Kami whoever they are hoped they could be come allies.

"They decimated the North gate blockade along with the platoon that was stationed there..." He finished with the rest looking at him with wide eyes.

"Impossible? How can 10 strangers fend off a whole platoon with experience!? Mind you there are what? Six adults and four children?! Now going head to head against Yagura's forces!?" Exclaimed Chojuro with disbelief looking at Ao.

The rest were in disbelief as they noticed a Hidden mist had expanded and covered the village.

"Shit! I can't see with the mist in the way!" Ao said as they heard more screams.

( With Naruto)

Naruto and his Family all fought against the Mizukage's forces as countless bodies fell victim to them.

None of them stood a chance. Some tried to retreat out of fear that they couldn't fight these creatures and 4 children. Only for them to die quicker.

The family indeed put up a hard fight for every Anbu, Jonin and Chunin.

Even the Anbu commander who is in charge couldn't handle them, as he and what remained of his forces tried to surpress the attack.

Yagura now appeared with two more platoons of Anbu looking at the threat that massacred all of his good men who had purged anyone in Kiri with bloodlines that could be a threat to his rule.

Every last one of them killed, looking at their dead lifeless bodies that are just everywhere.

He turned his attention on the red creature with dreadlocks for hair.

Naruto noticed how Yagura is focusing on him.

He had returned back to normal looking at the teen.

"So you are the monsters that killed a good portion of my army That was meant to kill the troublesome rebellion... freaks like you with bloodlines deserve to be put down like animals." Yagura said gripping his staff.

Naruto focused his red eyes on Yagura.

"So it seems you are a Jinchuriki just like I once was, I wish not to kill you." Naruto said hoping to reason with Yagura to not fight to the death.

Yagura narrowed his eyes at Naruto.

"Is that a challenge? I will kill you along with the rest of your abominations that are with you!" Yagura looking ready to fight

Naruto paid close attention to the hazy look in Yagura's eyes.

"Is he under a genjutsu?" Thought Naruto paying close attention to Yagura. Who could put him under a genjutsu? This sounds like a work of a Uchiha that did this, Naruto has to beat him quick and look into his mind to confirm his suspicions.

"If it's a fight you want. I'll be happy to accommodate you." Naruto said flexing his claws.

"Prepare to die!" Yagura said as he charged at Naruto as Naruto himself charged at him too with claws out.

Both exchanged blows and attacks.

Claws met Staff.

As Yagura tried to use the hook side of the staff to cut Naruto who evaded it in time and sent a swift kick to Yagura's stomach sending the teen to a wall who got back up growling and weaved a few handsigns sending coral at Naruto to try and entrap him in it only for Naruto to dodge that.

He charged and it Naruto with the Staff only for the man to grab the Staff and Yank it from Yagura tossing it aside surprising the teen. Naruto then activated his Sharingan in both eyes.

Yagura that took notice.

"Are you a Uchiha?" Yagura questioned trying to think of another way to attack.

"No, just a fake one with good eyes." As Naruto spinned the eyes in a hypnotic way making Yagura fall into a trance once eye contact.

"Sleep." Naruto said as Yagura indeed fell flat on the ground outcold.

As Naruto turned the boy over and touched his forehead now going into Yagura's memories to investigate.

He looked deep and saw that a masked Uchiha wearing a Hood with a single Sharingan stare at Yagura and put him in a genjutsu. So he was the one that influenced Yagura and controlled him to orchestrate the bloodline purge getting rid of anyone with a special bloodline to be killed and feared they would grow to become a threat to his rule. Which started a Civil war here in the first place. So a Uchiha was indeed behind this, and that he could be the one who also mind controlled Ahri to attack Konoha.

He left Yagura's mind and turned towards everyone.

The Kiri Shinobi what was left of them knew then that they lost the war. They lost to 10!?

His wives reverted back to their human forms and looked at the enemy.

"It's over, this civil war is over." Naruto said and no sooner Mei and the rebellion arrived looking in complete shock at what was seen and said.

Her green eyes focused on the handsome blonde man who defeated Yagura.

Naruto turned his attention on her and smiled.

Mei at this time was slightly drooling at him. As she eyed the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life. Examining him he had the body of a god. Muscles in all the right places.

"HE IS SO FUCKING HOT!" Screamed Mei in thought as she blushed lightly with hearts for eyes.

Naruto took notice in her look at him as he flashed a charming smile.

"And you are? My fair lady?" Naruto asked seeing her smile

"My name is Mei Terumi and what is your name?" Asked Mei smiling.

"Naruto, Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki." He answered