
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Revelations and departure

( Konoha)

Sil and Eve run on the streets of Konoha in their alien forms killing all who gets in their way. As both twins stopped, Sil decided to use a summoning Jutsu as summoning Xenomorphs.

Sil summoned a pack of Xenomorphs that consisted of 30 of them in a total.

The lead Xenomorph hissed looking at Sil and Eve as blades sprouts out of its wrists.

"Help us! Defend us from the enemy! Help us escort our family out of the village!" Sil said mentally

The Lead Xenomorph screeched as it told it's fellow hive members to protect their summoners. As they lunged at attacked any nearby Konoha shinobi, Sand and Sound Shinobi as Both sisters looked at one another.

"I will go gather our children from the house, go assemble our bride sisters!" Eve said mentally towards her sister who nodded as Sil ran a different direction heading to go get Ayame, Hana, Yugao and Tsume.

Eve went to go to the Namikaze estate to gather the children.

( Konoha Hospital)

Hiashi was currently in his room awakened after hearing the explosion and attacks coming from outside, looking worried he is still bedridden worried for his clan.

He turned over as he heard the door open revealing it to be his adult daughter who sent him to the hospital in the first place.

"Hinata? What are you doing here? What is going on?!" He demanded as she slowly walked towards him staring at him.

"Well Father, I am here to say goodbye and that once I kill you, I'm taking my little sister with me." She said with a hint of coldness in her tone.

"Kill me? What are you talking about? And where are you taking your sister!?" He questioned.

"You honestly think I'll leave my little sister here at the hands of those pathetic Hyuuga Elders who would turn her into the "perfect" Hyuuga heiress like how you tried to do with me. I think not, besides my daughter wants to meet her aunt and wants her aunt to join our new family." Hinata said seeing her father raise a eyebrow and look confused.

"What Daughter? You don't look pregnant you wouldn't dare taint the Byakugan with that commoner!" Hiashi spoke seeing Hinata snarl as she slapped him so hard that a bruise formed on the side of his face.

"That "commoner" as you call him is my husband, my lover and Alpha. We made love and have such a beautiful daughter, too bad you won't live to see her." Hissed Hinata seeing her father stare into her eyes and could see that she is speaking the truth

"You Whore! You did taint the Byakugan by spreading your legs for that demon!" He snarled wishing he could strike her but he can't.

"You old fool, I made our byukugan much better, my lover made me into something very special that it enhanced our bloodline. I'm so looking forward to having another child with him and my dear little sister will have his child as well." She said smiling at the idea of converting her sister into the fold.

"Over my dead body! You are no daughter of mine! I will not let you taint and corrupt Hanabi!" He said struggling to get out of his bed to try and at least strike his daughter.

But Hinata was quicker as she grabbed him by the neck and snapped it.

Hiashi Hyuuga the magnum of the Byukugan was killed by his own daughter.

Letting him go she watched his dead body fall limp on the bed.

"Goodbye Father."

She said as she made her way out of his room and is going to the Hyuuga Compound to get her little sister.

( Meanwhile with Naruto)

Having found the root base he growled.

He started to take the appearance of the Root nin he recently consumed and started go inside and find what truly angered him.

He could smell Root hidden all of the place. As he started to transform into his alien form and began the purge of all Root Nin and doctors.

"Oh my Kami what the hell is that!" Said a Root Captain as he and a few Root nin all tried to attack Naruto in his alien form which they stood no chance despite they have been slashed to pieces by his claws, impales, decapitated.

Naruto let out a vicious roar as it echoed throughout the Root base as Many Root Nin have tried to contain and defeat Naruto in his alien form but to make the massacre even more deadlier he used the Hidden Mist Jutsu and continued his killing spree as you could hear the blood curdling screams.

( Inuzuka Compound)

Kiba was having a very bad day indeed, an invasion, he and Akamaru are running their way to their clan home wondering if his mother or sister was alright.

Once he went inside he was unprepared for what was going to happen.

"Mom! Hana! Are you guys alright- Sil-Chan! What are you doing here!?" The dog boy questioned looking at his mother, his sister and Sil.

"Oh hello runt , what brings you here my Dumb little brother." Said Hana

"I came to check on you but-" He stopped as he realized something seemed off with this picture, his Mother, his sister are carrying bags and bags of scrolls as Tsume's dog companion was by her side so was Hana's dogs.

He then looked at his mother who had a straight face at him.

"What's going on mom? Why are you and Hana packing?" He asked.

"Well my ex son, since you asked I'll answer your question. Me and your sister are leaving the clan to be with our alpha." Said Tsume as Kiba then widened his eyes at that, his mom and sister are leaving the clan? For a Alpha? But who? Then he looked more shocked once he realized who this "Alpha" was

"No, No No No No NOOOO! Don't tell me that!-" He said until Hana cut him off.

"That's right my annoying Former Brother, Naruto-kun here marked me and mother as his mates, we are going to be his bitches that will breed a new breed of Inuzuka's ." Hana explained seeing Kiba looked betrayed as he turned to who mother.

"Mom... please tell me Hana isn't telling the truth?" He asked looking worried.

"She is indeed telling the truth, he marked us as his." Tsume answered.

"How? When?!" He demanded feeling a surge of anger build within him.

"That, runt is no longer any of your business, we belong to Naruto-kun now, and where he goes we go!" Hana stated causing Kiba to growl

"That bastard! It's not enough he steals Hinata-Chan, Sil-Chan and Eve-Chan but now he takes the two of you from me!? Is where I draw the line!" Growled Kiba looking pissed.

"What makes you think Hinata-chan, my sister or me would be interested in you? Naruto-kun is a much better alpha then you little boy." Remarked Sil

"No! I will not accept this! I'm not letting that bastard take you away from me or the bitches I want!" Kiba growled getting angrier.

"As if you were ever Alpha material, you never will be. Even Akamaru thinks your not alpha material." Hana commented with Kiba looking at his puppy companion

"Akamaru!" He said but his dog companion barked in disapproval of him and told him he could never acknowledge the fact that Naruto is true Alpha. The little puppy ran over to Sil who picked him up.

"Akamaru! Get back here! Don't you dare leave me side!" He said

"It seems Akamaru no longer considers you as his master and companion, he will be coming with us." Tsume said with Kiba looking more betrayed and could feel his rage grow heavy.

"NO! I refuse to let this happen!" He roared out and lunged at his mother only for Hana to backhand him across the face sending him to the wall knocked out.

"Goodbye Kiba my bastard child, hopefully when Naruto-kun and I get settled in he might just give me a new son." Said Tsume as her, Hana, Sil and their dog companions left the compound.

(Meanwhile with Kurenai)

She had split up with Asuma fighting more sand and sound Shinobi by trapping them in a genjutsu and slit their throats with a kunai After that She would try to go to another direction only to be stopped by Anko.

"Anko? What what are you doing? We have a village to save!" The Genjutsu mistress said as her friend smiled

"Kure-Chan, just the person I came to see." Anko said walking towards Kurenai

"Anko now is the time to not chat! We have to defend the village and stop the invasion!" Kurenai exclaimed

"Oh fuck the village, let it get destroyed, forget about staying here in this no good village Kure-Chan, why stay here when you could be with me and my lover." Anko said catching Kurenai off guard.

"What are you talking about Anko? This village is our home! we can't just-" She paused as she realized Anko was not wearing her Konoha headband

"Anko... don't tell me you're-"

"Resigning and leaving the village? Yes. And your coming with me, Naruto-kun would love to have you in the fold." Anko said causally making Kurenai Widen her ruby red eyes slightly

"Naruto? Are you in a relationship with him!?" Kurenai said as Anko nodded.

"Come join us Kure-Chan, Naruto-kun will give you lots of love and sexual relief which is something Asuma can never provide for you." Anko said making Kurenai now glare at her.

"Don't talk about Asuma like that! And you know as well that I hate perverts!" Kurenai hissed.

"Once you bed with Naruto-kun your life will change. Now will you join us, or stay with a man who can't provide shit for you, don't stand there and lie to yourself, because in truth you like Naruto-kun too." Anko said as Kurenai looked away.

"Th-That's not true." Kurenai spoke

"Bullshit. I see how you blush when you look at him, don't deny it, you know Naruto-kun looks much more sexier than Asuma." Pointed out Anko as Kurenai continued to look away, as much as she loved Asuma she couldn't help but admire Naruto's appearance.

"So what do you say Kure-Chan?" Anko asked with a wide smile.

Kurenai wasn't sure which to pick, whether she should stay here loyal to the village and remain with her secret lover Asuma, or go with Anko and be with Naruto.

"I'm sorry Anko, but I can't do it, I cannot abandon the man I love, I cannot abandon the village I consider as my home, and once this is all said and done I will turn you in to the Hokage." Said Kurenai with the ounce of defiance in her tone as Anko frowned.

"What a disappointment Kure-Chan, I had a feeling you would say something like that. But your coming with me whether you like it or not!" Shouted Anko as she shot a strand of snakes out of her trench coat sleeve Kurenai reacted quicker and dodged just in time out of the way of her snakes.

Before Kurenai could try to entrap Anko in a genjutsu she was struck in the back of the neck Knocking her out as she fell losing consciousness the Culprit who knocked her out was Yugao.

"What took you so long?" Said Anko now picking up her best friend.

"Sorry, I had to say farewell to my squad they didn't take my resignation very well." Replied Yugao As her and Anko who carried Kurenai now ran off in direction of the forest of death where everyone should be at.

( Hyuuga Compound)

Hinata thrashed and crushed any Hyuuga that got in her way, as she came to pick up her little sister.

She had just finished ending the Hyuuga Elders.

Having made it to her Sister's door to her room her Bodyguard Ko came out.

"Hinata-sama stop this!" He called out as she turned to him.

"Just what do you think you are doing!?" He said

"What does it look like? I'm taking my little sister with me." She answered

"I'm not letting you! I can't let you take Hanabi-sama!" Ko said as he lunged at her with a Jyuken strike only for her to counter him and break his arm

He let out a scream clutching his left arm that she shattered.

"Be grateful that I don't kill you Ko, stay out of my way." She said coldly as she went to go grab her little sister

"Big sister what's going on?" Hanabi asked looking at her older sister.

"You're coming with me Hanabi, this is no longer our home." Answered Hinata as she grabbed her sister who looked afraid at the look her sister was giving her.

( Root base)

After a long massacre of every Root Nin that has fell to his claws Naruto is now entering the lab.

Four root Nins charged at him with their weapons only to be beheaded by his scythe arm blade and lunged at a Root Doctor Stabbing him with his claws.

He stepped up to two cylinder like glass objects and inside the two are Women.

One woman with Black raven hair, and the other with Red hair.

He looked down at a notepad seeing the subjects names.

Mikoto Uchiha and Kushina Uzumaki.

Growling he turned around and faced the one person he loathed and standing at the Entrance of the lab was Danzo himself with a army of Root behind him.

"I see you made it here Uzumaki-san. Not surprising all things considered I have your Mother here in this little creation of mine along with Mikoto Uchiha." said Danzo, as he now revealed he had two arms rather then just the one, and saw Naruto's eyes looking at him with a look of pure death.

"So you were the one that held my mother here prisoner all this time... along with Sasuke's mother." Naruto snarled with his killer intent flaring dangerously

"Yes, I did. And in hopes that someday I could have you join my Root Program and help me mold Konoha to the greatest! Along with your two whores who are creations of Orochimaru could help breed powerful super soldiers for my men." Danzo said unsheathing his cane sword.

"You think I'm just going to join you? After holding my mother against her will? And want to use my mates as breeding tools? I think not, because I'm going to tear you to shreds and send what's left of you to hell." Said Naruto as he called upon his claws.

"I'll make you submit to me soon boy, because either way your fate will be in my hands for the good of konoha! Root After him!" Danzo yelled as all of his root charged at Naruto who in turn charged at them with claws out turning into his alien form which surprised Danzo and even made the man have a look of fear at the sight.