
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Find Tsunade part 2

( With Jiraiya)

Hoping he wasn't too late he had a feeling where Tsunade would be at, he would find her at a bar who is sitting by Shizune her apprentice. Sighing in relief that nothing hasn't prevented her from leaving he yelled out.

"Hey Tsunade-Hime!" Said Jiraiya as she turned and looked surprised seeing him here.

"Jiraiya what the hell are you doing here!?" She demanded seeing him walk over to her table and sat across from her.

"What's the matter? You don't miss me?" He asked with a fake pout as she frowned

"Why would I miss you pervert?" She said with a stern look seeing him frown as he saw her look that told him to 'Get right to the point'

"Well Tsunade-hime I've came looking for you, Sensei is in a bad shape. And we are in need of another Hokage." Said Jiraiya with Tsunade scowling already know where this was going as he began telling her of what Orochimaru tried to do, and the invasion of konoha and that Sarutobi-sensei was wounded by Orochimaru's sword.

"So you came all this way just to get me to become 5th Hokage? And bring me to a village with bad memories? I think not." Was her answer as he frowned

"Tsunade, you have to come heal up sensei, the sword Orochimaru used has poison and it has poisoned Sensei and is making him ill! We don't know for sure how long he will live. And we have picked you as Hokage plus there is another thing or favor I need help." Jiraiya said making her eyebrow raise.

"And what favor is that?" She asked With him having a serious look.

"I need you to make some kind of cure for my godson." Said Jiraiya with Tsunade now putting it all together then narrowed her eyes at him.

"Godson? And what cure? For what reason?" Asked Tsunade as Jiraiya began telling her about Naruto who is aquatinted with two lab creations of Orochimaru and that they have infected the boy somehow and made him into something that is not from their world.

She looked intrigued no wonder the boy looked like a adult. Because it made no sense of how Kushina's son just became a adult out of the blue when he should be 12 years old and do look in his mid 20's or early 30's.

"An interesting tale." She commented with Shizune wanting to open her mouth to mention Naruto was here but the stern look from Tsunade told her not too.

"Please Tsunade I need your help, Konoha needs your help and Sensei needs your help." Pleaded Jiraiya with her thinking it over.

"What do I gain from curing Naruto?" Said Tsunade wanting to know his exact intentions on why.

"Well after he's cured and once you become Hokage I request that you lock away Orochimaru's experiments." He said as she then frowned

"And why would I lock them away? From what you told me he seems happy with them." Questioned Tsunade with Jiraiya now frowning

"They are changing him, they are corrupting him into what they are, I don't trust them being around him." He answered as she narrowed her eyes knowing there was more to the story.

"Is that so? You act like they are making a bad influence on him." She said with him scoffing

"Because they are Tsunade! They are not normal! Orochimaru made them! They are far from human and I can feel it in my gut!" He pressed on.

Tsunade was watching her ex team mate's body language and could tell that there was more to this, and that he seemed so adamant about Naruto's girlfriends.

"Please Tsunade, I want to fix him and not want him to become something too dangerous that will make him lose his humanity!" Said Jiraiya fearing that Naruto will let his inner Alien consume him.

"I will see about it Jiraiya. But first, I have something important to do before going back to the village." Said Tsunade with him having a look of slight relief

"Oh? And what is that?" He asked

"That will be discussed in a few days, give me three days." She said with him frowning wondering what is it that she has to do for three days.

"Shizune let's go we are leaving. To our motel." The Senju woman said with her and Shizune now getting up and leaving

"Alright see you in three days!" He said with a smile, little did he know he just might not be able to see her in three days.

She ignored him as her and Shizune decided to leave the bar. And is heading for the Rising Sun Motel where Naruto would be at.

( Rising Sun motel, room 24)

Naruto was in the room by himself as he sent the girls to go get some food, while he stood there taking his time waiting for Tsunade Senju and her apprentice to come to him, and like he expected they were on their way. Yet he felt annoyed that his God Father was here too trying to prevent her from coming to heal his mother and Mikoto.

He is going to claim both Tsunade and Shizune.

Especially Tsunade considering she is the only Senju alive in existence and would be great to have her join the fold and to help her create a brand new child with Senju genes and Uzumaki genes.

Heard the door knock as he turned and went to it.

Opening the door he saw Both women.

"Oh you've come." He said smiling seeing Tsunade now frown.

"Naruto, I just want to get right to the point After I heal up Kushina and Mikoto I have to go to Konoha and heal up Sarutobi-Sensei they are asking me to become the new 5th Hokage." She said with him raising a brow

"I'm afraid that is out of the Question of you going back to Konoha and become it's next Hokage." He said seeing her frown Along with Shizune

"Why the hell not?." Questioned Tsunade not aware of the gleam in Naruto's eyes.

"Because, you will be at your Real home and to help me." He said flaring his pheromone making both Tsunade and Shizune's minds feel clouded and felt their bodies heated up for some reason and have a Husky like look at Naruto

"What is going on? Why do I feel so hot? Why do I feel so-" Thought Shizune not understanding what was happening

"What the hell? What is this feeling?! Why do I feel the urge to kiss... to kiss Kushina's Son!? My mind is clouded my body is hot..." Thought Tsunade Huskly trying to fight whatever it is Naruto is flaring upon her only to find that she can't fight it and is losing the will, this was the same feeling she felt when he first saw her, her face blushing as she sweats, she began to pant. Not aware that he was walking up slowly to her.

"Help? Help you with what?" She asked once he was right in front of her.

"To help restore my clan, and to become Mine." He said leaning in and kissed her, surprising not only her but Shizune once she was kissed he already transmitted the virus into her she looked ready to try and punch him only to drop her fist and accept his kiss, kissing him back.

"Tsunade-sama!" Cried Shizune who tried to get her Sensei to snap out of it but Tsunade wasn't listening as she felt her DNA and molecules rearrange. Releasing her from the kiss he bit her neck marking her.

"Let go of her!" Shizune said trying to fight the pheromone that was intoxicating her and tried to aim her senbon launcher at him only for Anko to appear and restrain the girl.

"What is this!?" Demanded Shizune as Sil walked in with the food

He laid Tsunade down on his bed seeing she passed out Then turned his attention on Shizune.

He walked up towards her and stroked her face.

"You will thank me for what I'm doing to you and your Sensei. I'm granting you both a gift. You should feel honored to be turned into a much better species that will help us rival humanity." Naruto said as he flared his pheromone more on her, she was starting to lose the fight as once he saw her becoming submissive he leaned in and kissed her transmitting the virus into her and the same thing happened to her just as it did to Tsunade, she suddenly blacked out.

( With Jiraiya)

Jiraiya unknowingly winced and flinched as if he felt like someone had stole his dream of kissing Tsunade.

"Something isn't right... no no pull yourself together Jiraiya no one hasn't stolen Tsunade's kiss." Was his thought as he still felt worried and something in his gut told him that something has happened and Tsunade is involved in it.

( Back with Naruto)

"What should we do with them?" Sil Asked looking towards her lover.

"Let's take them with us, to a abandoned building, their transformation will take place there. We'll give them three days." He said as he picked up Tsunade with Sil picking up Shizune.

They left the motel jumping from rooftop to another and went someplace secluded and vacant like a abandoned building.

Before Naruto could advance his nose caught something and he caught two scents. Two different ones.

One that smelled of that of a Uchiha and another that smells like a Fish...

Meaning danger is around.

"What's the matter Naruto-kun?" Asked Anko seeing him tense.

"Take Tsunade, there's something I have to take care of," He gave Tsunade to Anko who struggled to carry her as she watched Naruto leave.

"Damn she's heavy, what the hell she be eating?" Asked Anko who carried her soon to be mate sister to the building