
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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Fall of Iwa and Family Reunion Part 1

( Konoha)

Konoha had looked somewhat decent these last three years. As Jiraiya had developed the village with more manpower and more shinobi for this upcoming war against Naruto and his infected Uzumaki clan.

Their forces are still growing and has developed.

The Rookies lets talk about them during their three years.

Starting with the reformed Team 8.

Kiba Inuzuka has grown over 3 years while still a clan head for the Inuzuka clan since both his mother and sister had abandoned it and left with the one person he hated the most. Naruto Uzumaki. Kiba had vowed to get his mother, sister and Hinata. The boy trained himself to the bone so that he could kill Naruto. He even has a new dog since Akamaru was no longer with him and had betrayed him just like his mother and sister did.

He wasn't going to give up. He is determined to kill Naruto or die trying. He will get his mother and sister back and free them from whatever hold Naruto has over them.

Other than training and getting himself a new dog named Rocky. Kiba is seeing someone and her name is Tamaki. Who is a cat lover? She and Kiba have been seeing each other for three years. She's helping him with the pain of losing both his mother and sister to their enemy.

Shino hasn't changed one bit. He was still the same as always, stoic and calm, as he knew it was illogical to fight Naruto having heard Kiba's rants he warned Kiba that it wasn't wise to fight Naruto. But the dog boy refused to listen. While he did miss Hinata and Kurenai Sensei he knew it was illogical to try and defeat Naruto. Even with their new jutsu's and skills they probably won't stand a chance.

As for Hinata's replacement, Yakumo Kurama had been the new replacement. Her condition and insane power for genjutsu had been fixed by Jiraiya who helped her and reinstated her into the shinobi system. While the girl was happy to be a kunoichi but it wasn't the same without Kurenai. She had wanted to learn from Kurenai because Kurenai was the best here at Genjutsu.

She was determined in getting Kurenai back.

As for their Sensei. It was Tsubaki Mizuki's ex-girlfriend. She became the new team 8 sensei in place of Kurenai. She has trained team 8 for three years.

Team Asuma.

Shikamaru Nara. Still the lazy shinobi who liked clouds and Shogi. He hasn't changed much, the said could be said about Choji, both of them haven't changed and in some way miss Ino their former 3rd teammate.

Speaking of a third teammate. Ino had been replaced with another student. His name is Kuroi.

(An: He's an Oc)

Asuma Sarutobi he had somewhat changed... Since he was sent to a mental hospital for 6 months and later recovered and had come to terms of what happened to Kurenai. He still has nightmares about her being with Naruto and them having sex in his dream while he was forced to watch her enjoy it. But his revenge and hatred for Naruto have never left. He wants to kill Naruto too. And like Kiba he trained himself hard too just so he could kill the bastard himself. Deep down he still loved Kurenai... But he knows what must be done. He has to kill her and her child... This is something he never wanted to do, but If He couldn't have Kurenai and be happy then so couldn't Naruto.

Team 9 was still the same

Only difference is that Neji was still the current clan head for the Hyuuga Clan. He vowed to kill Hinata for her betrayal in the clan and murder of Hiashi. Though he has been seeing Tenten who is his love interest.

Team 7.

Team 7 was the same.

Sasuke Uchiha is still determined to fight Naruto and kill the dobe and take his whores to restart the uchiha clan. Kakashi had trained him to his fullest so that he could also kill his brother and Naruto.

Sakura Haruno has learned Medical jutsu and learned some genjutsu. If only she could have learned from Tsunade Senju. But she will have to learn with what she has now.

Sai. The sole surviving root member changed somewhat. And given that he is the last root member alive Jiraiya removed the seal from the boy's tongue. And he was starting to experience emotions for the first time since Danzo and purged all emotions from his root Anbu. But with Danzo dead, he is free to have emotions again.

Kakashi is still the same. Training all three of his students for this war. Knowing exactly what they all are up against.

He was willing to beat Naruto.

At the Hokage Tower stood Jiraiya writing paperwork which was boring to say. He never had time to do his research or make a new story for his books... He really wanted an Icha Icha Movie only for it to be shot down since Koyuki is with Naruto.

He heard news that Koyuki had a new movie recently and it was called "Shinobi Species"

Which upset Jiraiya.

Right now the toad sage was waiting for the right moment to attack Uzu in 4 weeks the war will begin. Since the alliances are still preparing.

Though Jiraiya was unaware of what was to come.

He wasn't aware that Naruto had already struck.

Suna had fallen right under his nose and now iwa will be next.

( Uzu)

Miranda, is currently at Motoko's workshop as she spots her half-siblings, Motoko, Zechs, and Char working on their machines.

"Heya Toko! Char and Zechs! What you three working on?" she as came towards them.

"As you can see. We are building something for the future of Uzu once we conquer the elemental nations." Motoko would say holding a handgun inspecting it.

"You guys are working on machines?" Miranda would ask.

"What does it look like," Zechs says with annoyance looking at his blueprints for two mobile suits, The Talgeese and Epyon mobile suits which will be his armor for him to wear.

Char is also doing the same thing. He made his red Zaku prototype and plans on evolving it into a Gelgoog. Along with his next project the Sazabi.

"Since Spring Country was nice enough to hand us materials and resources for us to create machines, weapons and much more.." Motoko says looking at her gun locker

"Neat" Miranda says looking at the many inventions and weapons Motoko, Zechs and Char made.

"Hey you guys," says Saeko who now came in.

"What's up?" Zechs answers

"Just to inform you guys that Dad is back along with two new women." Saeko would say holding her katana.

"Neat!" Miranda would say as the others stopped with what they are doing and got up to go see dad.

( With Naruto)

Having returned from his mission with both infected Pakura and Temari. As he turns toward his Kids.

"You guys go tell your moms and siblings that I'm back along with two new clan members."Naruto would say as Kuzan nodded and decided to deliver the news.

Naruto smiled as he led both Pakura and Temari into the house and take them down the basement so that their cocoons will manifest.

( Later on)

Now at the Dinner table with all his wives and children eating their massive dinner both Ayame and Sanji cooked.

"Now that Suna is with us. Iwa will be next. We are going to crush the village that hates my father." Naruto would say.

"Try to be safe Sochi.. Onoki maybe old but he still got it in his age." Kushina warned having known Onoki wasn't all talk and who knows what he's capable of after the last shinobi war. Rumor has it that the reason his back always hurts is from Minato when Onoki tried stopping the man from killing so many Rock Shinobi in the 3rd war.

"Don't worry mother. The old geezer will but put down. I'll finish what father started." Naruto stated

"Also. The man has two jinchuriki. The four and Five tails. I'm going to convince them to join us." Naruto would say.

"Who's going with you daddy?" asked Akame

"Sil, Eve, Mikoto, Azula, Rinko, Koga and Saeko will come." Naruto would say.

"We will leave for Iwa in a week. So be prepared." Naruto would say with everyone nodding

As they ate their dinner and went to bed.

( The Next Day)

In the basement, Temari and Pakura's cocoons opened as they fell out of it Naked with endowed bodies that any man would lust for.

And just in time Naruto had arrived as he smirked

"Let's play ladies.." He would say.

To be continued

( Omake- Premier of Shinobi Species)

"What!? What do you mean I cant come in and see this movie!" growled Jiraiya while behind him was konoha jonins and students.

"Sorry. But konoha shinobi are not allowed to see this movie. By order the Daimyo of spring." Says the boxer.

"What! Come on! I want to see it!" Jiraya would say.

Out of no where the Five predators uncloaked themselves and had money to pay for the Movie.

"5 of us... For Shinobi Species..." Spoke Artemis in a thick female voice as she paid the boxer.

"Ok yourin and keep your money you guys are on the special guest list." says the boxer as they went in as Jiraiya and the others face faulted.

"How come they get to go in!?" Yelled Jiraiya

"Because they are on the special guest list." Replied the Boxer dryly

"No fair! Come on I'll give you my special edition Icha icha book! For free if you let us in!" jiraiya begged.

"Sorry. No can do. You lot have overstayed you're welcome SECURITY!" cried the Boxer

Loud steps shook the ground standing 50 feet tall was a Tyrannosaur Rex growling at them.

This made the konoha group shake in terror.

The T-rex bellowed a powerful sonic roar at the whole group blowing them away.

"Good idea to have that T-rex from Jurassic park as our security guard." says the Boxer seeing another customer.

"You can thank me later." Says Zero Arashi Uchiha As he walked in the movie theater to see the movie since he's VIP.

"Hello. One person for Shinobi Species." says another female voice.

"Ah! Miss Natasha Henstridge! the actual actress who plays Sil and Eve! Wonderful surprise!" The Boxer says as she smiled pulling out her money.

"No need. I just got a call from Zero-sama to say that your allowed to come in. Your Vip just like he is." The Boxer says with her smiling and walking in.

( Meanwhile Jiraiya and co)

They've been blasted into a building.

"What the fuck was a Dinosaur doing at the Movie theater!" Yelled Kiba.

"Forget that! More importantly, where are we?" asked Asuma it was then they heard beeping.

"Wait a minute? Where's konoharumu?" asked Iruka.

"Yeah! I Don't see Tenten or Yakumo?" Asked Sakura.

Neji looked around and saw a sign that says place building due to demolition.

"Oh... We need to get out of here now!" Neji yells as everyone now suddenly realized

And before they could try to escape they were too late as the building exploded.

"Did y'all hear something?" Says the Boomer?

"Nope." Says another who shrugged

The konoha group were sent flying into the sky all the way back to Konoha.

( Movie Theater)

Yes.. where is Yakumo and Tenten. Both are knocked out and gagged. About to be taken to Uzu.

As for konoharumu he snuck in.

As he found a bucket of popcorn sitting besides him was a female teenager.

"Enjoying the movie?" Asks the girl.

"Yeah. But most likely like all the boobs..." He would say with a perverted look and blush. Not even aware of who he was talking to and didn't even look at the stranger he was talking too.

He reached for his drink only to touch something soft and earn a moan. He blushed and turned to see who was he touching and he saw a Hyuuga girl who was looking at him with lust.

"Ah!" He screamed pulling his hand back,

"What's your name cutie." Says the Hyuuga girl

"Konoharumu Sarutobi..." Says The boy

"Well my name is Hitomi Hyuuga Uzumaki. Daughter of Naruto Uzumaki and Hanabi Hyuuga." She greeted with Konoharumu paling realizing who's daughter he just groped.


Spoke a voice as they turned around and saw Naruto. Who was a Shadow clone. While the real him was at the Spring Daimyo's booth watching the movie with his wives and Koyuki.

"Hi Daddy! I found a new mate! Can I keep him!" Asks Hitomi With Konoharumu flinching at the look Naruto gave him.

"Please daddy! It's not fair that Sara gets a mate first! Why can't I!?" She pleads.

"Very well. You can keep him." He gave Konoharumu a glare that any father would use towards their daughter's boyfriends or potential prom dates.

"You better be good to my daughter. Your lucky she's interested in you. Hurt her and I'll end you." Naruto threatened with konoharumu nodding his head vividly

"Good" Naruto poofed in smoke

"Now Maru-kun! Come sit in my lap." Hitomi says with him doing just that.

"Your coming with me to Uzu. You'll like it there! And together we can create a child together!" Says Hitomi with Konoharumu now realizing what he got himself into...

Thing is, is that he doesn't realize how lucky he is right now.