
Big Time Love

Harlow Abram has been a huge fan of Big Time Rush ever since she first saw them perform at a concert her friend was performing in November 2009. Her friend introduced the new band to her and they all seem to hit it off. 11 years past and she's grown apart from the band and hardly sees her friend. Soon she is reunited with the guys along with her childhood best friend, Christon, who is a famous singer. A spark rekindles between her and someone in the band... make that two someones. Who will have a bigger tug at her heart between the two she's fallen for? Will a true romance spark between her and one of them? Or will feelings get hurt and her friendship with the band die?

RenFestLovrr · Celebrities
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Chapter 3

Harlow's face was kissed pink like a summer rose as she just stared at James' bare chest. He held back a smile as if he knew why she had that facial expression. He had to be honest with himself, Harlow's blushing face made her even more attractive than she already was. It gave her a sort of childlike demeanor to her. It made her look cute and vulnerable and he enjoyed how he seemed to make her feel.

He stepped closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder to try to pull out her trance. She blinked a few times and shook her head, finally making eye contact with a still smiling James. As if it registered with her what had happened, her face became even redder.

"Sleep well… the sofa pulls out into a bed," she said quickly, turning on her heels and walking off. "Good night."

She closed the door as quickly as she could and put her back against the door, her hand flying to her pounding chest. She gulped and closed her eyes tightly, flashes of James' chest flickered in her mind which made her palms sweaty and stomach hurt.

"Crap, calm down, Harley," she said to herself, pounding lightly on her chest.

She turned to face the door and slightly opened it to peek out. James was sitting up on the bed that he had pulled out from the sofa, playing on his phone. His back was towards her, so he couldn't see her checking him out. She felt her entire body grow hot and her heart raced. Harlow closed the door quietly and sighed.

"He was good looking before when we were younger, but now…" she whispered to herself.

Clearing her mind, she soon fell asleep and woke up to her alarm blaring. Remembering she didn't have to go in to work early this morning, Harlow just laid there and stared at the ceiling. The smell of eggs and bacon tickled her nostril and she shot up, realizing James must still be there.

"Good morning sunshine," James smiled, standing in front of the stove with a white t-shirt and gray sweat pants on.

Harlow slowly took a seat at the table, her eyes focused on the back of his head so her eyes wouldn't wander his body.

"Is scrambled eggs okay?" he asked, turning to look at her.

She must've been staring him down hard core, his body shook and a smile crossed his face with a slight chuckle.

"If you keep staring at me like that, you're going to burn holes in the back of my head," he joked, glancing back at her to see her reaction. "Did seeing me shirtless last night make you feel frustrated?"

"Don't even joke like that," she said, rubbing her eyes. "You must really have a big ego, James."

He snickered and opened his mouth to retort but she held up her hand and motioned for him to give her her plate and they both sat there quietly for five minutes.

"So, I have an interview with Christon today at lunch time," Harlow said, breaking the silence. "Feel free to stay here if you want."

"I'd rather tag along," James said. "I don't have anything else to do so I'm free."

Harlow raised an eyebrow. "James, this is for work. You can't tag along."

"Are you still working for Derek and his fake company? Why haven't you gone and worked for Christon as her songwriter?" James asked.

Harlow put her fork down loudly and glared at him. "It's my life, James. I'm happy with the work I'm doing, the place I'm living, the people I know, and the life I have. I wish everyone would lay off and leave me alone about that."

James stared at her in surprise. "I'm not trying to make you angry. I just think you're worth more than working for Derek. He won't give you the credit you deserve like Christon and her people. What are you afraid of if you work with them? Does someone make you uncomfortable?"

"Her producer tried to come onto me," Harlow said quietly. "I don't like being around him and I've recommended she find some new producer."

James got up from his chair, put his plate up and knelt beside Harlow so he would meet her eye level. "I wish I would've known about her producer. And you're right, she needs someone different. But please, Harley, rethink Christon's offer. I will be with you so he won't hurt or touch you."

James stroked her cheek with his thumb and looked at her natural pink lips and back to her light green eyes. Her face was champagne pink again and he gave a slight smirk at this. His touch was truly making her blush and he got a kick out of it. He leaned in closer with every inch drawing closer his eyes would divert to her lips.

Harlow held her breath and licked her lips nervously. Did she really want him to kiss her? Did he mean what he said about protecting her from Christon's producer if that moment called for it? She certainly had a lot to think about, her feelings for James being the main one.

"Um, I need to make a trip to the market," she suddenly said, breaking the moment that made her heart race.

James pulled away and stood up after patting her leg. The awkwardness was thick as Harlow stood up and went to her bedroom to get into something comfortable. She could feel James' eyes on the back of her head as she closed the door. Harlow sighed and rubbed her temple.

"That was close," she said to herself as she took off her pajama top.

"Hey, Harley, I need to change my clothes so I'll meet you at the market," James said through the door.

Why doesn't he ever ask if she's fine with him tagging along? Harlow asked herself with the shake of her head. She said okay and continued getting ready.

James was nowhere in sight when she left her bedroom and gathered her things. The feeling in the room felt empty and lonely. She took one more look around and left for the market.

At the store, Harlow was looking around at the flowers. She didn't have a real reason to be there, she just wanted to get out of the awkward moment that was happening between her and James at her apartment. Harlow placed her hand over her heart and felt her heartbeat fast as she thought of the moment.

Harlow made her way towards the perfumes inside the store and looked around. Her attention was distracted by James coming around the corner.

"Find anything you like?" he asked, looking at the perfume she was holding in her hands.

"No, I don't wear perfume much," she said, putting it back.

Harlow browsed around more, James watching closely. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and noticed he was staring at her as he leaned against a shelf.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Just admiring you," he said, chuckling. "You've changed so much over the years and it's attractive."

Harlow's eyes widened and she quickly looked away from his gaze as her cheeks flushed red. Why was he saying things like that? James smirked and got closer, putting his hands on the shelves behind her with both arms on either side of her. She turned to face him in shock.

"What are you doing?" Harlow asked, beet red.

James got close to her ear. "Testing a theory."

Harlow's eyes widened and she felt herself losing her breath as he slowly pulled his face away and looked into her eyes. James' eyes roamed her face and rested on her lips.

"James…" she whispered. "Please back up…"

He got closer, his breath on her lips. Harlow began to shake, her body tensed up as she closed her eyes and closed herself off from James.

James backed up slightly, noticing her sudden change. He felt her body shaking under his touch as he gently put his hand on her shoulder.

"Harley, are you okay?" he asked, worriedly.

Harlow looked pale. "I… I'll be fine… just give me some space."

James stood there for a few seconds studying her face as she darted her eyes everywhere and avoided his. He stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets. Harlow stood there, body still tense and arms pressed against her chest as she tried controlling her breathing. James glanced at her with a worried look.

"Harley… is there something you haven't told me?" James asked, keeping his distance but assuring her he's there for her.

She took a deep shaky breath and finally looked at him, her eyes glossy. "Just a past I don't like to remember, that's all."

"I need you to tell me what happened so I don't screw up and hurt you accidentally" James said softly.

Harlow sighed. My last relationship was abusive. He forced a lot on me too… including sexual."

James' tightened his jaw and shook his head. "I would never do such a thing to you. I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't know and I was just messing around. I'm sorry if I scared you."

Harlow shook her head. "It's okay. I guess I should've informed you when we met up for the first time in a while. A lot has happened since the last time we all hung out."

Harlow looked at her phone to check the time.

"I have to meet up with Christon for the interview," she said, walking towards the exit door.

James gently grasped her arm and once she looked at him he pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair slowly.

"I'm here for you, Harley," he said kissing the top of her head. "I know I wasn't before, but I am now. And I will always be here for you."

Harlow closed her eyes and hugged him back, unknowingly melting in his embrace. James was nothing like her ex boyfriend even though he seemed to have a big ego about him. But when James and Harlow hung out a lot when they first met, he'd always be the first one there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on.