
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Teen
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25 Chs

He Is Sticky

The cheerful chatter of the cafeteria is interrupted by a loud female scream. A girl can be seen running out of the large hall with horror written all over her face. The cause of said horror would be Carter Miller who had accidentally spilled his drink on her

Honestly, I don't blame Emily for panicking. This had to be the third time this month Carter had spilled his blood bag all over her. I was beginning to think he did it on purpose just so he could see her freak out and have a panic attack. He was probably still bitter about Emily breaking up with him after finding out what he was

Carter Miller was one of the few vampires that attended our school. More than half of the school population was made up of what we call supernatural. Those were things that we had all thought had been nothing more but stories, yet they turned out to exist. And scarily enough blended well with humans to the point one couldn't tell them apart from us

Half a decade ago the existence of supernatural beings was made known to the human population. Now they lived freely alongside us, as long as they didn't hurt anybody then they were free to live as they liked. They attended our schools, worked among humans, lived with humans, and interacted with us

Ghouls, werewolves, witches, incubuses and vampires, all lived with us now. Despite the world accepting their existence some of us were still scared shit out of them. People like Emily who happened to find out that her childhood friend and long-time boyfriend had all along been a blood-sucking vampire had trouble accepting things. And for people like me whose mom happened to be married to a vampire and had a vampire as a stepbrother had no choice but to accept it

It was weird. It was scary. It was unavoidable. Living with things we once thought didn't even exist, knowing the fact that my step-family could one day lose control and suck all the blood out of my mom or me was terrifying. This was why I planned to save enough money to take both me and my mom away from this town. To a place where only humans lived without fear. Things could go back to the way it was before. I don't the world is going to change back anytime soon. I mean I just saw on the news last night that the president of the state was a werewolf.

I sigh to myself taking a bite from my apple. I glanced over my shoulder to see that the boy behind me was gulping down a stake, raw and uncooked. He was munching so loudly and making contempt hums with each bite that it sent shivers down my spine. Geez, a girl wouldn't even eat in peace

I grab my apple and make my way out of the cafeteria. I take a big bite out of it and make my way over to the bathroom. I knew I would find my best friend there. I find Emily hunched over the sink while trying to be to wash off the blood from her shirt.

" Are you okay Em?"

She looks over at me from her shoulder and shakes her head. Her eyes were red and it seemed to me that she had been crying. " I don't know why he keeps doing this to me. He knows how much blood scares me"

" I know" I walk over to her and grab some tissues to help her with her cleaning. Most of the blood has been washed away leaving behind only a red patch. " We have only a year left remember? After high school we can move away to Hawaii, they don't have supernatural there"

" How do you know that? These people...they are everywhere!"

" We can only keep to ourselves Besides, I think Carter is only doing this because he still likes you"

" I know" Emily sighs, her gaze softening as she thinks back on her childhood sweetheart. " I miss him too. It's just that..he drinks blood you know? I know he needs it as much as we need food but I can't handle it sometimes. I hate blood, I love him but I hate blood"

" You'll figure it out, I know you will" I give her a friendly nudge and she laughs. " Clean up, I'll get your books from the cafe"

" Kay"

I hand over the tissue to her and make my way out of the bathroom. The hallways were empty because everyone else was still in the lunch room. I had hoped it would remain empty for much longer but when I heard the sound of male laughter approaching me I knew that my hopes would soon be dashed. The school's pretty boys were approaching. I stood my ground and waited. I needed to have a little word with Carter about the stunt he pulled today

It doesn't take long before their group makes their appearance. Western High PB ( short for pretty boys) was made up of four members. The handsome playboy (incubus) Kevin, The sports guy ( Ghoul ) Ashton, The Genius Walter (Werewolf ), and the most popular guy in school, Carter ( vampire). Those four jerks were the dream and nightmare of every human girl in school. Girls both loved and feared them at the same time. All girls but not me

" Carter" I called out causing all of them to look in my direction. I didn't care to look at any of them as Carter was my only target

" Well hello there Kerry?" He gives me a wide grin. He probably knew why I was talking to him but didn't care. The fuck face!

" I warned you from last time never to spill anything on Emma again"

" It wasn't like I did it on purpose. She's such a woos sometimes "

" It happened three times now" I hold up three fingers in his face " If it happens a fourth time, I'll send a wooden cross through your heart. Got it? "

Carter winces slightly at my threat but doesn't give a response. I walk passed him towards the cafeteria knowing that he got the message. I know that he knows I have a rather large cross which I kept under my pillow, It might not kill him but it will sure as hell leave a scar

This was my way of preparing myself. I didn't trust my stepfather and I didn't trust my stepbrother also. He stares at me weirdly. Ever since the first time, Mom had introduced us over dinner, I noticed how Silas watched me. What could he possibly be thinking in that big brain of this? Maybe he was contemplating how just how sweet my blood would taste, or how soft my neck would be when he sank his fangs into it

Yeah, I didn't trust Silas.

But it's only one year. I'll graduate high school in a year and will be old enough to look after myself