
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Teen
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25 Chs

A Steamy Night

I ran my hands down the red floral dress that clung to my body. The color brought out the paleness of my skin, and the tight-fitting dress also brought out my curves. For maybe the first time in a long while, I put a lot into looking girly ( as Emily would put it). Tonight was supposed to be my getaway and I was going to make sure I had the most fun possible

I grabbed my phone from my bed and made my way downstairs. I heard the sound of the TV and Tammy's voice. I resisted the urge to groan in frustration. It wasn't that I disliked her or anything... okay maybe I didn't like her that much but it was only because she kept showing up in my house. She talks a lot, ignored me most of the time, and was always obnoxiously loud whenever she and Silas....damn her!. She was one of the major reasons I wanted to get out of the house more.

" Silas" My step-brother glanced over his shoulder at me. I saw the way his eyes ran over my body, there was that hungry look in his eyes again that always sends shivers down my spine. Why did he always have to look at me like that?

" Where are you off to?"

" Kevin's throwing a party," I said casually "Can I maybe borrow your car keys?"

" You're not going out dressed like that," he said with a frown. I rolled my eyes at him and made for the door

" I'll take a taxi then" I go out of the house and shut the door loudly behind me. I huff in annoyance thinking about the fact that I had to walk to the streets in my heels just because Silas wanted to " play brother ". I squeak when I feel a pair of hands wrap around my shoulder and spin me so fast that my vision goes momentarily blurry. " Silas what the hell!"

" I never said I wouldn't give you the car keys. I don't get why you're mad just because I asked you to change"

" Why is it that you suddenly care what I wear or do?! You've been ignoring me all week!"

" I haven't been ignoring you.."

" Don't lie. I don't get you anymore, I already apologized countless times but you still wouldn't talk to me. I don't know what to do anymore"

Silas watches me intently. There is an emotion in his eyes that I can't read no matter how hard I try. He takes my hand and places his car keys in them. " Be careful" was all he said before turning around and stalking back into the house. I stare after him for a minute before sighing and turning on my heels. He was so cut off sometimes that I found it impossible to read him

I walked over to Silas' car and hopped in. The whole thing smelt like him reminding me all the more that I couldn't get him out of my head no matter how I tried. Then I'll just try my hardest. Tonight was going to be fun, I need to focus on that

* * *

Silas pulled up at Kevin's house. He lived in a large house with two swimming pools and a basketball court, I know this because I've been to two of his parties before. I step out of the car and make my way into the building, waving a quick goodbye to Silas. I can hear the loud music even from a distance.

Despite the house being extremely big it was still filled up with people. The smell of alcohol and sweat was high in the air, it was a bit suffocating. I look around the room trying my best to locate Emily, She did tell me she was coming after all

I saw her at the far end of the room making out with some guy, David probably. I wanted to talk to her but I didn't want to interrupt whatever they were doing so I decided to go get myself a drink in the kitchen. The moment I entered the kitchen I spotted Carter leaning against one of the counters. His gaze was distant and he looked incredibly bored

Thinking back on how freaked out he had looked after I confessed to him yesterday I couldn't help but smile to myself. Maybe I could entertain myself before Emily stopped sucking David's face

" Carter" He visibly tensed when he heard my voice. I walked to stand beside him making sure there was only a little space between us. " Hey, I didn't know you were coming"

" Yes you did"

" Okay, yes I did. So why are you standing here alone? Do you wanna dance or.."

" Will you stop that!" Carter snapped looking at me. I smirked at the way his eyes momentarily wandered down my body before hardening.

" Stop what baby? Why are you so against the fact that I like you? Or do you want me to show you?" I pulled myself against him and held tightly onto him. I took Carter's hand and placed it on my behind. "We can go up to one of the rooms, we can do a lot of fun things that would wipe that bored look from your face" his breath picked up as I nuzzled my face on his neck. " I bet Emily can't do nearly the things I can"

" Damn it, Jones! Stop messing with my head"

" Carter.." I held myself from stumbling as Carter shoved passed me and walked out of the kitchen angrily. I giggled slightly shaking my head in amusement

" You manage to get in his head" I was startled by the sudden familiar voice behind me. I turned around only to meet Matt's smiling face

" Matthew?!"

" It's Matt"

" What are you doing here?"

" This is my house"

" Are you somehow related to Kevin?"

" My younger brother"

" Of Course" I glared at him accusingly. " You didn't call me, you said you would and then you didn't "

" I know," he said. " Would you believe me if I said I overheated my phone? I can see by that look that you don't "

" Go away" I turn and begin to walk away, but Matt chases after me. " I can't believe I gave a guy my number and he didn't call me"

" Am serious Kerry, I wanted to call you but my phone.."

" Got overheated? How is that even possible?" He shrugged. Seriously, if only Matt didn't have a sincere look on his face then I wouldn't have believed such a stupid story. Though I was a bit curious about how the whole overheating his phone thing went down. " Fine. I guess I can believe you"

Matt grinned placing a hand on my upper waist, I didn't bother shrugging it off. " Great. But I have to ask, what's up with you and Carter "

" Long story. I don't wanna talk about it tonight"

" I understand. But the words you said to him, it was pretty hot"

" I know. If you couldn't tell I was trying to seduce him"

" Why don't you try seducing me? Unlike him am easily tempted" I laughed as he nosed my neck taking in more of my scent. " Do you maybe want to dance Kerry?"

" Hm, yes. But I want to talk to a friend first"

" Alright. I'll come to find you after" I nod my head and walk away from him out of the kitchen. I got out just when I noticed Emily and David walking out of the door. I hurried after them, I had a lot to tell Emily and I needed to inform her now before word got out tomorrow that I was smooching around with her ex.

" Emily?" I called out to her, but she didn't seem to hear me, I could see that she and David were walking into the small bush path next to the house. With a sigh I followed after her, If only I hadn't worn heels then I would have been able to catch up to her on time.

It would have prevented me from almost getting raped that same night