
The light of heaven

The dungeon was called 'Fiery Undead' and was located in the deadly swamp region which was west of Nilfhin.

The dungeon is a Rank C solely because of the final boss who is quite difficult to deal with. His skills and abilities are top-notch even amongst an average party of a Rank C adventures. He had easily wiped out several Rank C parties from Nilfhin.

All of the information of this dungeon including the type of monsters, their skills and all pathways available in the dungeon was recorded in the dungeon memo.

The dungeon memo is a book which has a record of all information regarding dungeons. The information which was and still is provided by the adventurers who explore a certain dungeon and sell the information to the Adventure Corporation, an organisation solely created for the purpose of recording information.

Smile was already done with his preparations. It took him almost half a day after stopping at every turn and helping any person in need.

" Finally I am back home. As I thought there is nothing better than the feeling of returning back home."

Without ado, he flipped open the gigantic memo book and started reading it. He was so engrossed that he didn't notice the passage of time.

"Finally done! I can' t believe there was so much information about the dungeon."

He stretched his muscles and came out of the house to take a deep breath of fresh air.

" Strange! I seem to be forgetting something?" Indeed the sun had already departed and the sky was now but full of bright lamps.

" Oh Shit! It's already nightfall! I just hope they haven't left yet." He said as he rushed back to his house.

He adorned himself in cheap leather armour, a long sword and a crossbow. He also carried a backpack with him containing all the necessary things he would need in the dungeon.

The city gate was not that far from his home. Within a few minutes, he was already within range.

There were four people that stood at the city gates apart from the guards.

" What if he has chickened out? We have already waited long enough! let us depart." said a hunched masked man who appeared to be giving off an evil vibe.

" Just wait a bit longer Marcus!" said Hilde. Her voice was quiet but threatening.

" Here he comes." Max was excited.

" Sorry guys! I am late." Smile was panting heavily as he held his knees.

" As always! Showing up late. Out with it! what is your reason for being late this time." Said Hilde.

Smile chuckled and said," Well I bought the dungeon memo and didn't notice the flow of time by the time I was done reading it. It was already nightfall."

Max and the masked man both laughed loudly as they rolled on the floor.

" Why would you waste your time reading such nonsense when you're with professional Rank C adventurers carrying you." belittled the assassin.

" Just a habit of mine," replied Smile.

The Dungeon Memo even though is a book of information to be used by adventurers has another negative meaning between the professional or higher ranked adventurers. The memo is mostly only used by weak or amateur adventurers.

" Well, Shall we head out! The teleportation scroll is ready." Said the green haired-healer.

A teleportation scroll was a one time use magical scroll which is quite expensive for amateur adventurers to obtain However, it was easy or simple enough for the big four guilds or higher ranked adventurers to obtain.

For that reason smile was excited when he heard of the teleportation scroll. He has never before used a teleportation scroll. He eagerly watched every single action the healer took.

She first chanted in the language of mana and opened the scroll which burned and disappeared but right after a bright white light appeared and when he opened his eyes he was already in front of the dungeon.

" Let's go!" Shouted Max.


Out in space among the starry stars that illuminate the darkness of space was the soul of the most wanted and feared man. He solely controlled all criminal and underground affairs on a global scale. To his enemies, he was the angel of death but to his family, he was the father that watched out for their backs. 'The Big Boss'.

The big boss was busy scratching his behind as he gazed into the distant stars which shined brightly.

How far does the universe stretch? For ends, all I have seen is the darkness of space and several destroyed worlds or those that are in their infant stage forming into a planet.

As he was busy thinking about the planets and the mysteries of the universe, the necklace had started shaking and brimming with light and then suddenly the big boss disappeared from space.


At the Northern Realm, In west of Nilfhin at the Swampy regions,

A bright light suddenly came down from the night sky. A light so bright that it was seen by all who lived in the realm whether they were adventures or just mortals with no power. Of course, the stronger beings were more sensitive and deduced a heavenly ranked treasure had descended on the realm.

They had all started to move. So did the invaders of the realm, the big four guild, the regal kingdom and the lost names of the truly strong ones.

However where the heavenly light fell upon was a dungeon, To be more precise it was the corpse of an adventurer who lay on the floor with a hole the size of a fist on his chest through his cheap leather armour.