
Chapter 6 I Will Let Them Pay the Price

Hearing the decision of Zeng Xiangxi, Han Lang was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

"You... Really decide to see Gu Ying?"

Didn't Zeng Xiangxi say before that it was not the time to show up? How long had it been? Why did she change her mind all of a sudden?

"Yes, I want to see her, but I don't want to see her in the name of Zeng Xiangxi." With a sly smile, she said, "I bought the tools last night."


Hearing this, Han Lang seemed to be confused.

For a moment, she didn't know what was on her mind.

"What do you want?"

Biting her lips, she smiled. Then she took out the box under the table and saw a wavy wig and a voice changer.

Looking at this, Han Lang was suddenly enlightened.

She couldn't help but take a look at Zeng Xiangxi. She laughed back and forth. "Why did you suddenly change your mind? It turns out that you have already made up your mind."

A meaningful smile appeared on Zeng Xiangxi's face.

At present, Gu Ying had a very high position in Xie Group. This time, if Gu Ying could win her new series, she would be promoted to vice president.

It was said that the Xie clan was very satisfied with Gu Ying. If everything went well, Gu Ying might become the fiancee of Xie Aoyan.

If Zeng Xiangxi wasn't the designer, all these might become an opportunity for her.

Unfortunately, Gu Ying was unlucky this time!

Zeng Xiangxi would let Gu Ying know that this time it was not only her opportunity but also her grave!

They had an appointment at three o'clock in the afternoon.

At one o'clock in the morning, she had already gone to the tea room.

The tea room was opened by a friend of Han Lang, and it was very cooperative.

In order to hide, Han Lang asked the waiter to place a set of ice in the private room. Shrouded in a cloud of smoke, Zeng Xiangxi's appearance was partly hidden and partly visible, which could not be seen clearly

At three o'clock, Gu Ying arrived.

"Iris, I'm Gu Ying, the person in charge of Xie Group." Gu Ying held the business card with both hands and wanted to send it to her.

However, just as she moved her steps, an ambiguous voice with a faint hoarse voice sounded, "I know who you are, but I don't like strangers to be too close."

Hearing this, Gu Ying suddenly stopped.

Master always had a strange quirk. Gu Ying had heard of it before.

She didn't dare to say anything more and sat down respectfully opposite Zeng Xiangxi.

"Miss. Gu, let's be straightforward." Taking a sip of tea, she said slowly, "Your company offers good conditions, but not the best."

Hearing this, Gu Ying knew that there would be a chance.

"Iris, no matter what conditions other companies offer, we are willing to pay 10% more. In addition..." Gu Ying paused for a moment and continued, "If you are willing to give the selling right to Xie Group, I can transfer another sum of money to your private account in private."

"Oh?" Raising her eyebrows, Zeng Xiangxi seemed to be in a good mood. "I heard that assistant Gu is going to be the wife of the president of Xie Group. Since you can offer such generous conditions, of course, I hope to reach a cooperation intention with Xie Group. In the future, if I have any cooperation with Xie Group, maybe Mrs. Xie will be involved in it."

Mrs. Xie.

This word completely pleased Gu Ying.

She straightened her sitting posture with her head held high. She looked dignified. "Iris, I will fight for the best interests for you."

Gu Ying seemed to have been the wife of the president.

There was some mockery in Zeng Xiangxi's heart, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"I heard that Mr. Xie has a son. Is he getting along with assistant Gu?" Zeng Xiangxi said in a casual tone, "After all, he is not your biological son. It must be difficult for you to get along, right?"

"He is just a fool with autism." Gu Ying rolled her eyes and said scornfully, "Since Aoyan doesn't care about this child, I have nothing to worry about."


Hearing what Gu Ying said, Zeng Xiangxi clenched her fists.

It was not until these two days that Sugar Bean was diagnosed with autism. No one knew about it except for Han Lang.

Even the people in the welfare house didn't know that Sugar Bean had autism.

Gu Ying, it was indeed her!

It must be the woman in front of her who made Sugar Bean like this!

Zeng Xiangxi had made up her mind.

This time, she must completely ruin Gu Ying's future.

"It seems that assistant Gu is determined to be Mrs. Xie." She smiled and said slowly, "I have the intention to cooperate with assistant Gu. In that case, I will show my sincerity."

"I heard that president Xie's mother's birthday is coming. I'm willing to give the main product of the new series to her." After a few seconds, she added, "Of course, this is sent in the name of assistant Gu."

Hearing this, Gu Ying was overjoyed.

Mrs. Xie had always been a fan of Iris's design. If a new product that hadn't been listed could be presented, she would definitely like her more.

She had thought that it would be difficult to deal with Iris, but now it seemed that it was just so.

To flatter the Xie clan, she even gave out the main product.

"Iris, thank you." She smiled happily and said, "I can foresee that we will get along well in the future."