
Chapter 4 Kneel Down

Han Lang fell into silence.

Many people looked at people with different glasses.

Zeng Xiangxi was a mysterious designer for many people, and many people wanted to see her. But once the news that she had been in prison spread, how many people would appreciate her design?

According to the degree of Xie Aoyan's ignorance of the child, he would not give him a name.

For a moment, it was difficult to confirm his name, so Zeng Xiangxi simply picked up a nickname for the child, "Sugar Bean".

She bent over the computer and looked up the information for the whole night.

On the second day, Zeng Xiangxi took Sugar Bean to the hospital.

After a series of examinations, the doctor diagnosed that the reason why Sugar Bean was autistic was that he was suffering from severe double abuse.

Because of this situation, it had been developed for a long time, and now it had become serious autism.

The doctor said that the condition of Sugar Bean could be significantly improved by comprehensive education and training, coupled with medicine.

Even so, Zeng Xiangxi still felt a little heavy in her heart.

At the same time, she hated Xie Aoyan even more. No matter how many grudges there were between adults, Sugar Bean was his son, wasn't he?

Double abuse...

Was Xie Aoyan so cruel?

When Zeng Xiangxi came out of the diagnosis room with Sugar Bean in her arms, Gu Ying walked up to her in eight-centimeter high heels.

She walked with the wind, and her indescribable wantonness was flying.

Looking at Gu Ying, Sugar Bean got into Zeng Xiangxi's arms, shivering.

Zeng Xiangxi guessed that the scene that Xie Aoyan and Gu Ying worked together to drive them out of the villa yesterday must have frightened Sugar Bean. Recalling the doctor's words just now, she didn't want to tangle with Gu Ying anymore.

Now the most important thing was that the Sugar Bean was fine.

As for the rest, she could settle accounts with Xie Aoyan and Gu Ying in the future!

"Zeng Xiangxi." Crossing arms across her chest, Gu Ying looked at Zeng Xiangxi with a faint smile. She couldn't help but hold her head high. "I advise you to go out and take a taxi now. If Aoyan sees you later..."

Speaking of this, Gu Ying rolled her eyes and gave a weird smile.

Seeing Gu Ying's expression, she couldn't help but sneer.

"You don't have to tell me. I will leave." She glanced at Gu Ying coldly and replied with a sniff, "Unfortunately, I don't want to see him either!"

Before she finished speaking, Xie Aoyan pushed the unconscious Gu Ke out of the therapeutic room.

Zeng Xiangxi turned around and left without even looking at him.

"Wait!" Xie Aoyan said coldly, "You finally know what a guilty conscience is."

Carefully pushing Gu Ke who was sitting in the wheelchair, he looked at Zeng Xiangxi with eyes full of resentment. "Zeng Xiangxi, take a good look at Gu Ke. It's because of you that she has become like this!"

"Zeng Xiangxi. Why don't you come over and kneel to apologize?" Speaking of this, Xie Aoyan became angrier, "If you are sincere enough, maybe I will let you go today."

Kneel to apologize?

As if hearing something funny, Zeng Xiangxi pulled her lips and sneered speechlessly.

With one hand on the back of Sugar Bean's head, she slowly turned around and faced up to Xie Aoyan.

"I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I kneel to apologize?" She turned to look at the pale-faced Gu Ke and said, "But she should say thank you to me when she wakes up. If I hadn't donated liver and kidney, she would have died already!"

She paused and smiled.

Pursing her lips, she said word by word, "As for you, you wouldn't have the chance to show your affectionate side here, would you?"

Zeng Xiangxi had a grudge against Xie Aoya.

Now that Sugar Bean had become like this, Xie Aoyan didn't care. But he took good care of Gu Ke.

How ridiculous...

"You!" The corners of Xie Aoyan's mouth twitched. Apparently, he was pissed off.

A sinister light flashed in his eyes. He coldly ordered his two subordinates a few meters away, "I don't care what you do. Make her kneel and apologize immediately!"

Hearing this, the two men looked at each other.

They stepped forward quickly and grabbed her arms.

One of them knelt on the back of her leg, trying to force her to kneel.

But Zeng Xiangxi gritted her teeth and refused to kneel. She stared at Xie Aoyan stubbornly.

Seeing this, Gu Ying directly took Sugar Bean from her arms.

As soon as Sugar Bean turned around and saw Gu Ying, he screamed hysterically and curled up into a ball, screaming hysterically.

When Xie Aoyan looked at her, Gu Ying patted the back of Sugar Bean gently and said, "Good boy, don't be afraid."

However, when Xie Aoyan looked away, the smile at the corners of her mouth suddenly became strange.

She whispered in his ear with her dark red lips, "See? I've already told you that your mother is a murderer with a malicious heart. Sooner or later, she will atone for what she has done."

Sugar Bean was still young and didn't understand these words.

However, Gu Ying's gloomy expression made him feel fear. His defensive line in his heart was broken all of a sudden, and his cry became more and more desolate.

"Sugar Bean." Tears welled up in her eyes, Zeng Xiangxi couldn't help but call his name.

"Zeng Xiangxi, see how your son is like?" With a sneer, Xie Aoyan threatened, "I'm telling you, if you don't kneel, I'll keep your son here."

Xie Aoyan kept mentioning her son, which chilled Zeng Xiangxi's heart.

In order to get rid of control as soon as possible, she bit her lips and bent her knees in some humiliation