
Chapter 10 Your Idea Is Very Dangerous

After leaving the hospital, Zeng Xiangxi took a taxi to the welfare house.

In the beginning, the president of the welfare house was still working.

Zeng Xiangxi pushed away several people who tried to stop her and broke into the president's office directly.

As soon as the bald president saw her, he pointed at her and said arrogantly, "What are you doing? Get her out of here quickly."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiangxi slapped her phone on the desk.

"President, have you read today's news? Gu Ying is about to lose power."

Hearing Gu Ying's name, the president showed an unnatural expression, "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"President, you should know what I'm talking about, right?" She took out a bank card from her pocket and patted it on the desk domineeringly. "I don't care how much benefits Gu Ying has given you. But listen carefully, there are one million on this card. I just want you to give me the surveillance video."

One million was tempting for a president of a welfare house.

He rolled his eyes and picked up the bank card with his fat and short fingers.

He glanced at her with doubt and asked hesitantly, "Is there really one million in this card?"

"Give me the surveillance video and I'll transfer the money to you right away." She pointed her chin at the door and said, "Aren't the security guards waiting outside the office? Are you afraid that I will run away?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, the president of the hospital compromised. Zeng Xiangxi saw the picture of Sugar Bean being mistreated by Gu Ying from the monitor.

Tears welled up in Zeng Xiangxi's eyes.

She grabbed the armrest of the chair with both hands and trembled with anger.

How old was Sugar Bean?

How could Gu Ying do that?

On the way home from the welfare house, Zeng Xiangxi was stopped by two men of Xie Aoyan. The two repeatedly invited her to Mr. Xie's office, but their actions and coercion were no more than threatening.

When she entered the office, Zeng Xiangxi got goosebumps all over her body.

The first time she had sex with him was here. At that time, after drinking a cup of tea, Xie Aoyan became abnormal and even directly threw her down.

The scene at that time was still vivid in Zeng Xiangxi's mind, and she felt a little cold on her back...

Seeing the expression on her face, Xie Aoyan's eyes became meaningful.

"Zeng Xiangxi, it makes me sick to see you here."

Obviously, they had thought of the same thing.

"Really?" Zeng Xiangxi pulled her lips coldly and said sarcastically, "Unfortunately, I have the same feeling as you."

"Zeng Xiangxi, how long do you want to act in front of me?" Xie Aoyan raised his chin arrogantly, and said scornfully, "Do you think I don't know what you have done?"

He reached out his hand and grabbed Zeng Xiangxi's chin without mercy. "Do you think I will admit you as my fiancee after you drive Gu Ying away through my mother?"


The door was pushed open.

With tears in her eyes, Gu Ying put a cup of coffee on the desk.

With a slight twitch of her shoulder, she smiled bitterly and said in a soft tone, "Mr. Xie, this may be the last time I make coffee for you. Later, I will go to the personnel department to complete the resignation procedures."

Hearing this, the expression on Xie Aoyan's face changed.

"What resignation procedures?" Turning around to look at Gu Ying, Xie Aoyan said firmly, "Gu Ying, you are the sister of Gu Ke. As long as I don't agree, no one can hurt you."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiang couldn't help smiling coldly.

"Mr. Xie, you are so bossy." With a sarcastic smile, Zeng Xiang said, "Are you going to take the two sisters as members of the harem? Now it is monogamy. Your idea is very dangerous."

Gu Ke was the apple of Xie Aoyan's hands.

Being questioned like this, he immediately got angry.

"Zeng Xiangxi, a vicious woman like you is a bitch!" He glared at her and said sarcastically, "Do you think everyone is like you, a bitch?"


Zeng Xiangxi sneered in her heart.

Turning her head to look at Gu Ying.

Pursing her red lips, she asked word by word, "It's interesting to be a double-faced person, isn't it?"

"Zeng Xiangxi, what do you mean by that?"

"I just want to ask you how it feels to please Xie Aoyan while mistreating his son."


Xie Aoyan sensitively captured this word.

"What mistreating?"

"Aoyan." Gu Ying held her arm in a hurry, shook her head slightly, and denied, "Don't listen to her nonsense. There is no mistreating. She just wants to drive me out of the company!"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiangxi sneered.

She took out the U disk and connected it to the laptop on the desk in front of Xie Aoyan. After she put the video in a certain position, she put the laptop in front of them.

Zeng Xiangxi pointed at the screen and stood on tiptoe to get close to Xie Aoyan. Blue veins stood out on her forehead and neck.

She gritted her teeth and asked word by word, "Xie Aoyan, tell me, who is the vicious woman?"