
Bibliomancer : The Undying Nun and The Big Black Wolf

What is like to live in a world were only the nobles have the right to read and write? More than a millennia ago, a strange form of magic was discovered – Its name was Bibliomancy, the magic of words and books. However, this power came with many prices called calamities which changed the world face forever. There's no men left in the world, and people are attacked by a race of human possessing beings known as angels. Amidst all that, a 15 years old bibliomancer named Alexandra B.B. Wolf set foot on the lower ring of the flying city of Ganymede. She has but one objective: killing 100 angels so that her she can recover her former status as a noble. However, things doesn't turn out the way she expected them to. On her very first day of assignment, she loose all her money, is almost killed by an angel, and then, killed twice by a strange girl in nun's outfit who can read minds and rewind time. Ah, and of course, she must now work as a slave for a witch and learn that her body doesn't work normally anymore (she will now get gradually hornier the more she lacks of sugar which... is bad for a bibliomancer to say the least). However, her master has a good new for her – she will teach her everything she knows about bibliomancy, as long as she actually tries to understand the peoples of the lower ring, especially Shogo, the girl who already killed her twice. But, is it possible for a proud member of the prestigious Wolf lineage like her to even begin to phantom what is going through the head of that emotionless doll? Well, only the future will tell... (True Story – Edit) But what if there's no future? What happens when the "main character" dies, leaving the story unfinished? Shogo knows the answer – the story will start from the true beginning : the 25 of Worldscrown 998 A.N.E. That is the day when Alexandra B.B. Wolf was designed as the new "main character" and decided to set off to the lower ring. However, no matter how much the story has repeated, fate never seemed to allow her to accomplish her destiny, chaining her in an infinite loop of death she is – mostly – unaware of. Trapped with her, is Shogo, a seemingly immortal doll always clad in nun's robe and whose deep feelings for Alexandra push her to protect her no matter how much she has to relive the same storylines. To achieve her goal, she will cheat, lie, and kill, everything and everyone that put themselves the way, even said person. But that's alright... those are just forgettable bad endings... Everything will be okay, because she knows it – one day she will take down fate itself and reach the happy end she wishes for...

FalSe_sMile · Fantasy
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44 Chs

MAGA ADDENDUM : Nyatopia V – Master, Family, and Choice

"For example, now if I decided to crush you, that girl, and those things, what do you think I would feel?" Trivia asked her tone suddenly cold.

Shogo felt something else that moment and again, she knew what it was – terror. Yet, she did her best not to show anything – she knew that if this world bored the witch even for a second, she would have no remorse as she erased its existence.

Shogo gulped nervously and prepared to reply, hoping that her answer would be entertaining enough for her.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because you are but an observator."


Trivia stretched her clawed fingers toward the wall the bed's left. It instantly turned pitch black, a darkness without even a hint of light.

"You are right. That is why I will 'observe' how you will end."

From the darkness, black and tentacles sprung forth. They coiled around Alexandra while others dragged the bed into the darkness, to its total oblivion. Shogo looked at the scene, calm as ever. In fact, she sighed and shook her head.

"That is a bluff."

"Provocation won't do you any good now." The tentacles started dragging Alexandra close to the darkness. "Try again."

"You truly are a lunatic person. Anyway, my opinion hasn't changed, that's a bluff. The proof is that, while you can destroy this world, you are still curious enough about its events to come in person."

"A little whim on my part," Trivia declared, slowly shaking her head.

"Exactly. You are a whimsical person, but also a lazy one. If you destroyed this world, you would have to search for another one exactly like it to satisfy your interest," Shogo then shrugged, "But of course, you wouldn't strain yourself that much. Am I right?"

Trivia stared at Shogo a few seconds before sighing, lowering her arm. The tentacles disappeared inside the wall which also took back its usual appearance. The bed was still nowhere to be seen though.

As Alexandra fell on the ground, Shogo ran to her. "Master! Are you alright?!" she asked in a worried voice.

"This was less amusing than we thought," Trivia commented after a heavy sigh. "You are right, we are but an observator, we won't hurt this world in any way." She then approached Shogo and turned her face towards hers. "Just bear in mind that not acting was our choice. That way, we can keep things interesting. Simply put, this is a game we enjoy watching."

"... I know that."

"Then you surely can understand her? Mastema wasn't a monster, she just had too much knowledge. For that reason, people were pawns to her, relationships too were useful assets, nothing more. That somehow happens to every witch. Even Froshkönig was—"

"I know that!" Shogo said, pushing Trivia's hand away.

Not seeming phased, Trivia continued, "You know, but you no longer understand. Mastema was fine on her own, but The Lost is way worse than most."

"And so what?! What do you propose, huh?! Killing her?!"

"Not her so to speak, but—"

"I refuse!"

"You can't say I didn't try," Trivia mumbled before adding louder, "We understand and won't press the matter. We just ask you to bear in mind two things – firstly, Mastema had almost no personality when the loops broke her in what she was, the same loops that are currently breaking The Lost. Secondly, we can still help you once as long as it stays within our prerogatives."



Trivia was suddenly interrupted by the door's sudden opening. A group of girls appeared at its frame, armed with diverse tools presented as weapons.

"Froshkönig's clones?"

"S-Stop trying to force our sister to do something she doesn't want to!" the girl in front yelled – it was Docta.

"Docta?" Shogo asked, surprised to see the usually frightful girl act this way in front of someone like Trivia.

"D-Don't worry, big… big sister!! We are here to save you!!!"

Shogo looked behind the little girl only to see a human wall supporting her – there was Maiday, Taylor, Zentinel, the weird one with a sword, another one in nun outfit, and others she couldn't see. There was even Nightingale and her cat-thing, raising her hand as if to say "I am here too". They were all drenched from coming under the rain, but they were all there.


"N-Now, go away, you… you evil witch!!!" Docta said followed by others.

"Don't bother my little sister with your bad ideas, please." Maiday added.

"Such a bold look! Vanquishing you is a work for Cruisader of the fashion police!" Cruisader declared readying her sword.

"You know fully well we can't beat her," Zentinel noted, readying her shield anyway. "This is going to be annoying."

"Do your best, Cruisader! I will sew a new costume for you if you win!" Taylor encouraged.

"Oh! Now I am motivated!!!" Cruisader said, her eyes burning – literally. "Aaaaaaah!!! My eyes!!!" she yelled in pain as she covered her face and knelt down.

"Hey! What's wrong, large ham?!" Zentinel asked, crouching to her.

"Cruisader!!!" Taylor yelled, imitating her.

"My… My eyes… they are… aaaargh!!!"

The contorted body bent from the excruciating pain in her eyes.

"W-what is going?" Docta asked.

"Step aside!" the girl in nun outfit pushed Taylor to the side and examined Cruisader's eyes. "Oh no, they are… they are… fine?"

"Eh?" Zentinel made.

"They are perfectly fine," she continued. "There is no trace of burn at all!"

"What? You don't mean to say she was joking, right?! You idiot, do you really believe we have time for… for that…"

Zentinel stopped as she saw Cruisader expression as she looked at Trivia's feet – it was pure terror. The girl was trembling all over, which never happened before even when fending off the most powerful angels.

"That was your doing, wasn't it?" Maiday said to Trivia, voicing what everyone thought.

Trivia shrugged. 

"We thought it would be funny, but visibly…" she scanned the faces in the crowd. "My, there isn't a single person who is laughing, is there?"

A movement of panic took the crowd to the exception of those in front.

"Funny? What is funny about burning someone's…"

"She is crazy, we can't stay there!"

"Even Cruisader is on the ground now, what can we do?"

Panicked murmurs rose, some started walking back.

Trivia sighed. That was all that was necessary to calm some groups – you just had to target its heart and the rest would fall apart.

"(So much for your 'family')" Trivia thought. "(But, at the same time, only an utopian family would always support every one of its members in every situation. You are right, daughters of the Faceless Witch, run away while you still can. Who knows when I will decide to permanently hurt one of you?)"

"Don't lose heart, you all!!!"

Trivia lowered her face. Using her sword as a support, Cruisader slowly stood up, her eyes shining with a new light.

"We are Nya's daughters and Mistress Shogo's sisters, two of the most powerful witches in this world! What exactly are you afraid of?! Is that how you want to appear in their eyes?!!"

Cruisader's words echoed in the house, crushing the crowd's fears as it religiously listened to her.

"If such a behavior is fine by you, that's okay, but…" Cruisader readied her sword again, "I, Cruisader, daughter of the Faceless Witch, Nya, and sister of the Puppeteer Witch, Shogo, will fight to protect my family!!!"

Everyone stayed silent. There were no movements either from the other girls or Trivia. The rain even, has stopped as if to punctuate her intervention.

Suddenly, Zentinel smacked Cruisader on the back of the head.

"Ouch! Hey! What was that for?!" the latter yelled.

"You idiot."

Zentinel stepped forward her shield at the ready. Many others imitated her – whether it was utensils, brooms, chains, or real swords, everyone drew their weapon, ready to fight to death if necessary. 

Seeing this, a smile drew itself on Cruisader's lips.

"Ah~… Allow me to correct myself, witch of the gate…" she said, "WE, daughters of the Faceless Witch, Nya, and family of the Puppeteer Witch, Shogo, will stop you right here and right now!"

On every single face could be seen a burning determination. Trivia looked down on them without any particular expression. She was waiting to see if they would attack, but it seems they weren't so imprudent.

"(Though, being on the defensive IS stupid…)"

Trivia sighed and raised her hand toward the girls, a move that startled them by its unnatural speed.

"We do enjoy bravado, especially the faces people make afterward. When they realize their own mistakes, that is."

Before she could do anything else, Shogo hastily put herself between her and the girls.

"Miss Trivia, that's enough." She stretched her arms to act as a shield. "I won't let you hurt them."

"Bold words."

"If you touch my family, you will regret it."

"Family, huh?"

They sure looked like that. Protecting each other unconditionally even against a foe they knew they could do nothing about. 

Trivia knew Shogo often threatened people without any true intentions to back up her words. She wasn't called the Puppeteer Witch for nothing – lies and bluffs were weapons to her. It wasn't that she was that powerful either, but she could definitely execute most of her threats if it served her interest.


She was threatening someone she knew she couldn't do anything against. She was doing something in total opposition with her interest, and more importantly, her reaction wasn't calculated, but totally based on her feelings at the moment.

"... Froshkönig really was able to create an utopia here, wasn't she?" Trivia said, suddenly smiling. "No, she was able to create a 'Nyatopia'!!!" she added, stretching her arm in a grandiose pose.

The others stayed silent, still wary about a possible surprise attack. Shogo only lowered her arms, knowing that the Witch of the Gate had lost interest in obliterating them.

"Very well. We shall leave you alone for the time being. Just heed our warning, will you?"

Shogo nodded, "I will be careful, you don't have to worry, Miss Trivia."

"We weren't referencing The Lost. In 2 days, Sandalphon and her followers will come here. Surely you understand what will happen to you and your family if you stay around Miss Protagonist?"


"You will have to choose eventually – your family, or your master."

Shogo lowered her head. "I… I can't make that choice."

"Are you sure?" Trivia pointed at Alexandra behind her, "When you left her unprotected to stand for your family, didn't you already make your choice?"

Shogo's eyes widened – in the fire of action, she didn't notice, but she truly had left Alexandra alone to protect the others. The girl was lying on the ground, defenseless, abandoned.

She didn't think about it, her body just moved, and had Trivia not pointed it out, she may not have noticed at all. 

What could this mean? Could it be that she already… choose unconsciously?

"No… I… that is not… no…" Shogo stammered

"Bi… Big sister doesn't have to choose!"

Docta stepped forward.

"Mistress Alexandra is our family too, I don't really want to die, but I don't want to live in a world where she is dead!"

Many others backed her words.

"Yes, Mistress Alexandra is our family too!"

"Yes, and we won't give up on our family! The angels can come!"

"Yeah! We will take them on!!"

"I wonder if we are counted in this, um, Nunda?"

"Ah! It is the cat-thing!!!"

"Burn it!!! Burn it!!!"

"Hey! What do you think you are doing coming here with that?!!"

If anything, the crowd seemed even more… motivated.

"... Bold words. You will regret them," Trivia replied, with a strange smile.

"Even then, we will be together!" Docta argued.

"... Oh well, we did warn you. Sadly, we aren't interested in pointless slaughters so will leave now if you allow it."

"You weren't invited for the record," Zentinel spat.

"So cold..." Trivia bowed. "Oh, and my apologies for everything," she said before standing up again. "We aren't here, and that too, should be your aspiration."

And so, the Witch of the Gate disappeared without traces.