
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 8: Teaching P3

"Alright, let me explain." Bibi Dong started :"I want you to go the extreme path with each martial soul. In case you didn't know, there are 5 branches that a soul master can take. Control branch, power attack branch, defense branch, agility attack branch, and auxiliary branch.

You have 4 martial souls, and I want you to take a different path to go with each martial soul. Do you know why twin martial souls are so useful? Two reasons. Soul rings and variety. You already know that soul masters have a limit to the age of the soul ring they can absorb in every rank. 2 yellow, 2 purple, and 5 black.

But that's not the case for twin martial souls.

Soul masters with twin martial souls can fill up the 9 soul ring slots of one martial soul, then absorb only black, decade millennium soul rings instead. That's the greatest advantage of twin martial souls and the reason why they are envied so much.

Then there is the variety. As I've said, soul masters can only pick a single path, and go with only that. They can also absorb other soul rings to make up for their weaknesses. But here's another advantage of twin martial souls. A soul master with twin martial souls can take two different paths and take them to the extreme.

That's what I want you to do.

And since you have four different martial souls, you can take four paths to the extreme and be a team of your own. Since I don't know much about that bracelet martial soul, I haven't thought about which path you should go with that one. But I've already decided on the rest.

Your axe martial soul for the power attack branch.

Your brain martial soul for the control branch.

And your heart martial soul for the auxiliary branch."

"Huh? Auxiliary branch?" Hu Liena said in confusion, Ah Li following suit in genuine confusion :"Master, why auxiliary branch? I know that you want me to take different paths, but wouldn't that be a waste?

My heart martial soul has the Ultimate Fire, and can be extremely powerful. My axe martial soul can be used for close combat, and my heart martial soul can be used for large fights and fighting against groups."

"True. But that would be a waste. You said it yourself, Ultimate Fire." She answered with a smirk :"Do you know what's one of the greatest advantages of Ultimate Attributes? It's that no matter what branch the soul master takes, the Ultimate Attribute will always have a terrifying power that puts them on par with power attack branch soul masters!

There haven't really that many people who were born with Ultimate Attributes, that's why they all took the power attack branch. But that's a complete waste. What are soul skills? Soul skills are special skills obtained from soul rings which will enhance the chosen point of the soul master.

For a soul master with Ultimate Attribute, who's strongest point is the Ultimate Attribute, wouldn't it be a waste? Why are they called Ultimate Attributes? Because they are already at their most powerful form and maximum potential.

Even a soul skill will only make them slightly stronger. Because there's no more room for growth. They've already reached their peak. Why use soul rings and soul skills on something that is already perfect and can't get stronger instead of using it on a weak point?

That's my point.

Your Ultimate Fire is already the strongest it can get, and there's no more room for growth. And since it's only your heart, if I'm not wrong, you should be able to generate and manipulate fire, right?"

"Yeah, I can do that. Its name in my mind is apparently Ultimate Fire Manipulation. It allows me to generate and manipulate all types of fires." Ah Li said, raising his right hand before it was lit up in flames! However, he didn't seem to be in any discomfort at all. With a smirk, Bibi Dong nodded and continued :"Because of that, with just a bit of imagination and training, you can make use of your fire in such a way that even power attack branch soul masters' soul skills can't compare.

Martial souls that can only focus on elemental manipulation don't really have such amazing soul skills. They can only create weapons and such to harm their opponents. But you can already do that without the need for soul rings and soul skills. You just need to train to gain mastery over your Ultimate Fire Manipulation.

Since soul rings can no longer strengthen your flame, and there isn't anything else to strengthen since your heart martial soul focuses on elemental manipulation, there's no need to waste your soul rings slots when soul rings would be useless.

That's why I want you to pick the auxiliary branch for your heart martial soul. Think about it, it will be like being of two extreme paths with only one martial soul! Your Ultimate Fire will make it so only a handful of power attack branch soul masters can compare to you, and your auxiliary soul skills which can strengthen you and your allies will make it so nobody can match up to you!"

"Oooh!" All the youngsters had looks of realization as they finally understood her point. "Yeah, that makes sense." Qian Renxue nodded seriously, her hand under her chin as she hummed :"I didn't think of that. If you look at it that way, it's truly a terrifying concept..."

"Yeah, that's why he should take that path. That way, he can be an auxiliary, control and double power attack branch soul master! And because of his auxiliary soul skills, he could make himself even stronger. He could be a one man team!"

"Damn, Xiao Li is gonna be one hell of a soul master." Hu Liena hissed and shivered before a thought appeared in her head :"But master, what about his brain martial soul which you said should go to the control branch? It doesn't seem to have any Ultimate Attributes like his heart martial soul, so what can his brain martial soul do?"

"You're wrong, that martial soul has an Ultimate Attribute as well. It's Ultimate Evil!" Bibi Dong smirked, shocking them even more :"Didn't you feel the evil aura that was released when his martial soul was awakened? With this martial soul, just like you, Nana, he can mess with the opponents' brain and control the field."

"... What the hell's wrong with your talent?" Hu Liena scolded in annoyance, pinching his face with a pout :"2 Ultimate Attributes, and 4 martial souls... People would consider me an idiot if they heard me say that in public..."

"Hahaha, well, I can't help it... But damn... I'm going to become seriously terrifying, huh?" Ah Li smiled, excited and helpless at the same time from too much shock. Hearing him, his master chuckled with a cunning smile :"Believe me, Xiao Li, since you are my disciple, I will make it so you'll be a force to be reckoned with. Now, you should get ready so we can go to a soul beast forest and hunt your first soul ring. I will tell you which martial soul you should develop and leave the rest till you can absorb soul rings of decade millennium or higher."

"Huh?" As she got up, he blinked in confusion at her :"Already? Master, shouldn't we choose the soul rings of what soul beasts I should absorb? Or will we decide in the soul beast forest?"

"Hmph, silly child." The milf of a teacher chuckled with a smile, stepping behind their couch and gently patting Ah Li's head :"I had long planned on what soul beasts we should hunt. I had chosen the best soul beast for each soul master branch, so you can get your first soul ring as fast as possible.

Control branch, power attack branch, defense branch, agility attack branch, auxiliary branch, I had already chosen what soul beast we should find for whatever martial soul you'd awaken. Hahaha, but to think you'd awaken 4 martial souls. Guess I got lucky to make you my disciple."

"Master..." Ah Li awwed, touched by how much she cared. Sure, it didn't seem like a big deal, but it was always the small things that counted. She is the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall, one of the strongest places in the continent.

She has a ton of duties as the Pope, some including managing the Martial Soul Hall and dealing with all types of paperwork. She doesn't really get that much resting time if she doesn't hurry to finish her work. And that little time of the day that she has for herself is spent to spend time with her daughter and disciple, train or sleep.

That means that she took the time to go through all kinds of records to decide what soul beasts would be the best for any martial soul of each branch instead of resting.

With a sweet and fond smile, he leaned into her touch :"Thank you, master." Causing her to chuckle softly and caress his cheek with her delicate fingers :"Silly child, no need to thank me. It's my duty as your master."

"Mhm, but still, thank you." He insisted, causing her to chuckle and shake her head in amusement :"Alright, gratitude accepted. Now, I'm going to call elder Guan and elder Mei before getting ready. You remember those two, right?"

"Mhm, I do! Those are the two that were with master and sister Nana when I first met you, right?" He smiled, and she smiled back :"That's right. I will call them to come as well, since those two old men don't do anything but sit on their asses all day. Xiao Xue, Nana, are you two coming along as well?"

"Master, do you even need to ask?" Hu Liena smiled a toothy smirk before Qian Renxue nodded with a smile :"Yeah, we're both coming. I want to see what Xiao Li's first soul skill will be, and which martial soul you'll choose for him to practice with."

"Good. Then let's all get ready." Bibi Dong nodded with a smile before walking away towards her room, leaving her daughter and disciples alone.

"Hmph, you little monster." Hu Liena snorted, giving Ah Li a mock glare :"I swear, it's like the heavens only favor you. If I had half of that talent, I wouldn't be bullied by sister Xue so much."

"Heh, yeah. Instead, you're going to get bullied by the both of us when I get stronger." He smiled cheekily, causing Qian Renxue to break into laughter and Hu Liena's face to twitch before she pinched his ear :"Oh? You dare, you little brat?"

"Ow ow ow ow ow! I'm joking around, geez!" He hissed in pain as she let go with a snort :"Yeah, it better be. Otherwise, I'll know what to do with you."

'Slap that fat ass on my cock, that's what you're going to do.' He mentally snorted with a smirk, getting an idea as he glanced at Qian Renxue. With a mischievous smile, he looked at the older blond :"So why are your nipples so big anyway?" Immediately causing her to blush like crazy as Hu Liena started laughing this time.

"You! Shut up about that already!" Qian Renxue gritted out with a face like a tomato, poking his side in annoyance :"Pft-" But both girls were taken aback when a snort left him and he got away from her finger. Seeing his nervous face as he held his side, the girls glanced at each other before looking at him and smiling mischievously.

"Xiao Li, do you perhaps happen to be... Ticklish?" Qian Renxue teased, her smile growing when he gulped and quickly shook his head :"W-what? T-ticklish?? No way! No freaking way! W-why would I be ticklish???"

"Is that... So?!" Hu Liena suddenly poked his other side, her smile growing at the squeak that left him :"Eek?!" He leaned back in the chair, trying to shrink himself while tightly holding his sides, a fearful look on his adorable face as he saw the mischievous and predatory look of his sisters :"... D-don't... Don't do it... P-please don't it..."

However, the two only chuckled as they trapped him between the two of them, Qian Renxue lowering herself to whisper in his ear :"Aww, so you are ticklish, huh? Too bad for you, because I'm going to really punish you for teasing me like that~."

And all hell broke loose for the poor Ah Li.