
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 36: The true beast

In a slightly quieter part of the Soul Beast Forest, where Gui Mei and Yue Guan had released a bit of their aura to drive away the troublesome Soul Beasts, Ah Li was seating a little away from the corpse of the Winged Sky Tiger which had been sliced in half from the head to the tail and was absorbing its 100-year Soul Ring.

The yellow Soul Ring gently floated with him in the middle of the circle, pulsating like the beat of a heart as Ah Li was absorbing all the Soul Power inside without any problem. It didn't take long for the Omnitrix to come out and transform the 100-year yellow Soul Ring into a 10,000-year black Soul Ring. And it took even less time for Ah Li to completely absorb the Soul Ring and for it to go inside of him before his Soul Power Level began to rise.


For a normal Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster, the chances of the second yellow Soul Ring pushing them into Lv 22 or if lucky enough, even Lv 23. However, there were two reasons why Ah Li was happy for even advancing by a single Soul Power Level.

One, his Ultimate Attributes. The records of Soul Masters with Ultimate Attributes were few. Very, very few. After all, having an Ultimate Attribute meant being at the pinnacle of that Attribute. But there was one thing that was known and recorded about Soul Masters with Ultimate Attributes. All of them, every single one of them, would have a slow cultivation speed.

From Lv 1 to 30, they'd have a modest cultivation speed that was comparable to a normal Soul Master or a low class genius at best. The reason for that was the purity of their Soul Power and how resilient it was, making it far more powerful than the Soul Power of a Soul Master from the same Rank or even one, and if extremely talented, even two Ranks higher than them.

From Lv 31 was where it would get tricky. It was common knowledge that the cultivation speed of anybody who was lucky enough to reach Lv 30 would drastically decrease upon reaching the Rank of Soul Elder. But it was even more awful for Soul Masters with Ultimate Attributes. Upon getting their third Soul Ring, their cultivation speed would dramatically decrease to the point that it was just awful.

Their cultivation speed at that point would be comparable to high class ordinary Soul Masters or even just ordinary ones. The only redeeming quality being the purity, strength and amount of Soul Power they had, which would allow them to easily fight with people of higher Ranks.

But that would change upon reaching Lv 70.

Once a Soul Master with an Ultimate Attribute reached Lv 70 and acquired his or her 7th Soul Ring, their cultivation speed would simply explode. The speed of their cultivation would rise to the point where they could even take over absolute geniuses.

Ah Li of course knew about these, thanks to his master being so knowledgeable and teaching him so much so that he'd know the situation and cultivate hard instead of lazing around and getting arrogant. Now, what was Ah Li's situation?

Ah Li had 4 Martial Souls. 3 of them had Ultimate Attributes. Each of those 3 Ultimate Attributes with 3 Ultimate Attributes. That meant a total of 9 Ultimate Attributes. So Ah Li knew that he'd better work hard if he wanted to get stronger. Otherwise, he was fucked.

However, even with such odds stacked against him, he still wasn't worried. Why would he be worried? Even if his cultivation speed would become as slow as a snail because of his Ultimate Attributes, it didn't mean that it would be slow for him. Making the cultivation speed similar to a normal person's was only for normal Soul Masters with Ultimate Attributes. And by normal, as in geniuses and super geniuses. But was Ah Li just that?

He was a supreme genius with Quadruplet (4) Martial Souls and Nonuplets (9) Ultimate Attributes! It wouldn't be an overestimation to say that nobody was as talented as him. He was sure that by 12, he'd be at least a Lv 30 Soul Elder. After all, Tang San with his trash Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul managed to reach that level. Why couldn't he? He had that blah blah Cultivation Technique? Was it as good as Ah Li's pure talent? He had Twin Martial Souls? Was it as good as Ah Li's Quadruplet Martial Souls? Forget about better, were any of them even as good as Ah Li's Martial Souls?

So he wasn't worried at all. Since he had set his mind on doing it, there were barely any things that could stop him. By 12, Lv 30 was the minimum of his goal. He wasn't being arrogant.

He was simply confident.

But he wasn't going to become one of those people who'd just put all of their focus on getting stronger and completely ignore the world around them. Why would he do that? Those people were some of the ones that Ah Li really disliked. That's just some emo shit. What's the point of getting stronger if you're not going to enjoy life?

And besides, even if not for adventuring and enjoying the outside world, why would he focus on just cultivating when there were three absolutely beauties living with him? Wouldn't that be absolutely idiotic? Especially when one of them was simply goddess level who, on top of that, was an actual milf?

Nah, nothing inside of Ah Li would convince him of doing that bullshit. Not his dick, not his heart, and not even his rational (?) mind. He would've probably done that if he was born in the same village as Tang San, since that was the place that most, if not all reincarnates got reborn in, and there was absolutely nothing else to do but cultivate. But here, why would he do that?

He was crazy, not stupid.

After absorbing the originally 100-year Soul Ring that had turned into a 10,000-year Soul Ring, Ah Li breathed out gently before his eyes fluttered open and a small smirk appeared on his adorable face. When the information of his 2nd Soul Skill and his 2nd form appeared in his mind, he couldn't help but grin at the shit he was going to do in the future.

"You're awake." Yue Guan's gentle and kind voice was heard as Ah Li rose to his feet :"So? What is your 2nd Soul Skill?" But the red eyed boy just shook his head with a grin :"Instead of telling you, why don't I show it when I find another Soul Beast to fight?"

With an amused shake of his head, Yue Guan shrugged :"Okay, suit yourself. By the way, we found a Soul Beast for you when we spread our Soul Power to investigate the area. It's definitely suitable for your Majestic Incubus Martial Soul. And since her holiness has said that the 2nd Soul Skill of your Majestic Heart should also be a spiritual type Soul Skill, it is also very suitable for that Martial Soul as well."

"Oh? Alright then. Since you've already found one, no point in wasting time." Ah Li shrugged nonchalantly before the two (old) men nodded and with a hand on his shoulder, Gui Mei took Ah Li and moved to the place of the Soul Beast they talked about along with Yue Guan.

Well, "moved" would be underestimating them. It honestly just looked like they teleported away. And for Ah Li, it definitely felt like they just teleported away. He simply saw his surroundings get blurry before he arrived in a whole nother place and area of the Soul Beast Forest.

With his Soul Power covering the trio to hide their presence, Gui Mei pointed at a certain location :"There. That's the one we're talking about." Turning to look at where he was pointing at, Ah Li saw a giant black eagle of three or four meters in length sitting on a branch, relaxing while also looking like it was careful of its surroundings.

"Despair Sonic Eagle." Gui Mei started :"It's one of the top spiritual type Soul Beasts. It can't use illusions like the Illusionary Three Tailed Scorpion, but it has a devastating spiritual attack. Not only that, it also has the ability to generate a sonic scream that not only causes extreme damage and pain, but it's also able to interfere with the activation of the Soul Skill.

Because of these abilities, even though it can't use illusions, it is listed as one of the strongest spiritual type Soul Beasts. Also, even though it's a spiritual type Soul Beast, its physical capabilities aren't really lower than the normal Soul Beasts of the same age. This Soul Beast is definitely very strong and will definitely give you a strong Soul Skill."

'Well, I already know all of that.' Ah Li shrugged internally :"Alrighty then, I'll be kicking its butt now." 'God, I hate not being able to cuss.' But as he stretched and rolled his neck to crack it a bit, Gui Mei raised an eyebrow :"Why don't we take care of this one, huh?

This Soul Beast is a tricky one to deal with. As I said, on top of its main strong point being its spiritual attacks, it also has a very strong physical body. It being a little more than 2,000-years makes it even worse. It's stronger than the Illusionary Three Tailed Scorpion you faced and killed."

"Heh, so what?" Ah Li smirked :"Can it stand a single strike from the full strength combination of my Majestic Heart's Blessing, Majestic Tyrant Slash and Controllable Weight?"

"... Well..." Yue Guan curled his cute lips :"When he puts it like that, he does have a point." Shrugging with a light sigh, he nodded at Ah Li :"Alright, you can fight it yourself. But be careful. Finish this fight as quickly as possible, and don't give it a chance to deliver a spiritual attack. Don't worry though, the moment we sense it trying to inflict a spiritual attack with too much strength, we'll definitely stop it."

"Hahaha, thanks." Ah Li grinned :"But I want to see if I can finish this fight with just my Omnitrix Martial Soul." As he released his 4th Martial Soul, the Omnitrix, his grin widened even more as he pressed the button of the green and black alien watch resembling the Omnitrix from the first series before a holographic image, resembling the function of the second and third series, of his chosen alien came up :'Now, it's hero time!'

As a blinding green light illuminated the place, the Despair Sonic Eagle immediately grew cautious and serious. But before it could completely turn its head to look at the place, a punch landed on its face as a roar sounded with the light dimming around the punch's owner :"Frenzy!"

The punch wasn't a friendly one at all. The poor bird Soul Beast felt like a train suddenly ran into its cheek as it was shot away! "C-cwaa..." The Despair Sonic Eagle called out softly as it shook its head to get itself together.

Standing up while wobbling a little, it sent a deadly glare at the bastard who sneak attacked it. Glaring at the attacker, it didn't see a human like how it had expected. Instead, it saw a giant, humanoid beast with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Standing tall at about 3.66 meters or 12 feet, his body was red in color with black stripes while his stomach, chest, mouth, throat and below his chin were white. While wearing black pants and black, fingerless gloves, the symbol of the Omnitrix was on his chest. He had four arms, and interestingly, his hands were deadly claws with a single dagger-like claw coming out of the back of each hand, with a single, sword-like talon coming out of each of his elbows and aiming upwards. But that wasn't all. He actually had a pure, snow-white fluffy mane and tail that looked heavenly to touch! And under that beautiful mane, where people couldn't see, were three gill-like nostrils on each side of his neck. Even though his sword-like, horrifying claws had caught all the spotlight when it came to his arms, small holes could also be seen under the wrist of each hand!

This was Ah Li's 2nd Alien Transformation, Frenzy! Unlike the original Omnitrix, Ah Li's aliens were simple aliens. They were actually a fusion of a few original aliens that would simply make a far greater and stronger beast!

The same was true for his 1st Alien Transformation.

The 2nd Alien Transformation, Frenzy, was the combination of all of the animal-like aliens. Wildmutt (Vulpimancer), Fourarms (Tetramand), Blitzwolfer (Loboan), Spidermonkey (Arachnichimp) Rath, (Appoplexian) and Kickin Hawk (Unknown) were combined to make this terrifying beast of nature!

And as stated, he looked like Rath, had Fourarms' body and color, Blitzwolfer's tail and mane and claws, Kickin Hawk's talons coming out of his elbows, Wildmutt's three gill-like nostrils on each side of his neck, and had small holes under his wrists where he could shoot Spidermonkey's webs from.

"Lemme tell ya something Despair Sonic Eagle that is going to become Frenzy's Soul Ring in a minute or two! Frenzy is gonna beat the dog shit outta your bitch ass!!" The tiger-like four armed beast roared in excitement as it jumped towards the eagle-like Soul Beast.