
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 26: Class with Bibi Dong

"Hey, Xiao Li." Upon arriving home and putting away the few stuff they had bought, Bibi Dong called out to Ah Li who was looking through the fridge.

Yes, a fridge.

He honestly was done with this world's double standard technology. Either be an ancient world, or a modern one! Great Soul Arena had TVs, microphones, concert lightings and all of that bullshit! Yet outside, there wasn't any of that shit. Only exclusive to the Great Soul Arena or something.

But what had made this fridge interesting wasn't it being a fridge. It not being an electronic fridge is what made it interesting. The fridge was actually not a fridge at all. It was just used like one.

The "refrigerator" was actually just a block of ice! An Ultimate Ice specifically that was made in the exact shape of a fridge. Both inside and outside. And thanks to being made out of pure Ultimate Ice, it would never melt or break down unless someone with either more power or with a stronger Ultimate Fire than the one who created it tried to destroy it.

And surprisingly, Bibi Dong had said that was close to impossible. The creator of this block of ice was extremely strong and high leveled.

When he had asked her about it, Bibi Dong had just smiled nonchalantly at him with a playful glint in her eyes and had said that it was made and gifted to her years ago. Since he couldn't get an answer, he just didn't bother with it.

"Hm? Yes?" Leaning back from the fridge and closing it after taking out a jug with orange juice inside, his favorite drink, the red eyed boy asked. Putting the jug on a tray along with two glasses, he walked towards the table his master was sitting on with a smile :"What is it, master?"

"Do you know what the Great Soul Arena is?" She asked as Ah Li put the tray on the table with a curious look and sat beside her :"Isn't that the place where soul masters can go to fight each other?"

"That's right." Bibi Dong nodded as she poured them both a glass of orange and handed one to her disciple :"It's a place where soul masters can compete against other soul masters to gain money from their wins.

People can also gain money by betting on the matches. Overall, it's a pretty good place for normal soul masters who want to gain money and some fame. But the most important profit isn't money or fame, it's the fighting experience gained from the countless fights. Now tell me, do you know why I brought up this subject?"

"It's so that I can go and fight there!" He replied without hesitation, snapping his fingers and pointing at his master with a grin. With a chuckle, Bibi Dong nodded :"That's right, little guy.

Knowledge isn't hard to gain for you thanks to being my disciple and being favored by Qian Daoliu. You can learn anything you want here by either asking us, or just looking through the library.

But power isn't the same. We can't give you power, you can only gain it by yourself. And one of the best ways to get power is by having experience. Pure fighting experience and battle instincts that can be obtained after countless fights.

Sure, you can fight your sisters here, but it's not a true fight. It's just a spar. None of you can get too serious when fighting each other, in fear of hurting one another.

But that's not the case when facing others.

When fighting strangers and enemies, you shouldn't hold back at all. Holding back against an enemy is a sin in itself. That's why, I want you to fight in the Great Soul Arena so you can get true fighting experience. Experience that can only be gained by going all out and not holding back at all."

"Umu, umu! I get that." He nodded after taking a sip from his orange juice :"But master, aren't you the one who said that if I go all out against someone in my own rank (soul king, soul emperor, etc), the chances of my opponent dying are way too high? Wouldn't that be troublesome if it happened?"

"I meant for you to not hold back and use everything you have if you want to. Keyword, not hold back. I haven't forgotten your strength." She nodded calmly before a cold light appeared in her beautiful eyes :"Also, even if you killed somebody, do you think something would happen? Hmph, I'd like to see who'd dare to cause trouble for my, Bibi Dong's, disciples."

Seeing the cold and cruel look, a shiver ran down Ah Li's spine. But it wasn't one of fear or nervousness though. No, it was the complete opposite.

It was out of excitement.

Ah Li's ideal type was a gorgeous, sexy, dominant, cruel and calculative woman who didn't care for others and wasn't afraid of killing or causing suffering to others! It was probably because of his own craziness.

He was an unhinged guy, and wasn't afraid of going batshit crazy. Obviously, someone like him wouldn't really be into little girls that always needed protection and could only complain. That's why he hated tsunderes. A little shyness was alright, but he fucking hated tsunderes.

In his eyes, the "deres" were only suited for his own little list:

Yandere: only for milfs, dominant women like CEOs and such.

Tsundere: only for dominant women, CEOs and other high ranking women.

... So he's basically into older, dominant and cool women instead of kiddy, immature and always-complaining little bitches. He didn't really have specific tastes and preferences for the others. As long as they were beautiful, he was okay.

Yes, he cared a lot about beauty and face. He could be called a lookist, but he honestly couldn't care less about people's opinions. It was stupid to him in his past life when people would complain about people caring too much about beauty, when the ones who were complaining wouldn't date an ugly person!

Hypocritical. It was stupid. He cared a lot about beauty, and he would never deny it. It wasn't a bullshit thing where he would leave his long time and loved partner just because she got a little ugly, but he cared a lot for beauty and looks when choosing a partner.

Anybody who would complain clearly was just seeking attention, because they sure as hell wouldn't date someone ugly either. He wasn't someone who would judge someone based on appearance though.

He just wanted his partner to be pleasant to look at.

Would you eat a food that didn't look appetizing? That was the same situation. So when he saw Bibi Dong's evil and overbearing side slip out a bit, he couldn't stop the excitement from spreading throughout his body and his blood boiling in his veins.

Wasn't evil just so beautiful?

Taking a big sip from his drink to calm himself and his psychotic smile, he let out a satisfied breath at the pleasant taste of the orange juice before putting it on the table and smiling at his master :"So when do I begin?"

"Atta boy." The bust Pope smiled in satisfaction :"Not yet. I first have to explain some things to you about the Great Soul Arena and how the matches and opponents will be determined.

At the moment, you'll be at a disadvantage if you go to the Great Soul Arena. Your opponents will be determined according to your own rank. This is the case for all soul masters. All the soul masters will fight against someone in their own rank.

<Just a quick note, pay a little attention to "rank" and "level". Basically, level means just ordinary level, like 27 or 55. But rank means the number of soul rings you have and your title. So basically rank soul master, rank soul king, etc. You get the idea>

Basically, if you're a level 10 odd soul master, your opponent will also be a level 10 odd soul master, nothing higher. If you're a level 30 odd soul elder, your opponent will also be a level 30 odd soul elder, nothing higher or lower.

So the opponents are divided every 10 levels. But the thing is, a level 20 soul master who hasn't absorbed his or her 2nd soul ring will still fight against 20 odd soul grandmasters. The same is true for level 30 soul masters without their 3rd soul ring, they will also fight level 30 odd soul elders. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah!" He nodded thoughtfully with a small smile :"So basically, if I go now, I'll be at a disadvantage because all of my opponents will have 2 soul rings while I only have 1."

"That's correct." She nodded with a small, satisfied smile before he raised a confused, but smug eyebrow :"But master, have you forgotten that I actually have 4 soul rings? Sure, the difference between having 4 soul rings, 1 for each of my martial souls, is still big compared to having 2 soul rings for a simple martial soul and being a level 20 soul grandmaster, but wouldn't the sheer number of soul rings and the strength of my martial souls easily make up for it?"

"That's right. But that's also the single challenge and rule that I have for you." Bibi Dong nodded before looking at him with a calm but serious gaze :"In the Great Soul Arena, I want you to only use either a single martial soul, your Majestic Tyrant Axe, or only one more martial soul of your choosing."

"Huh? But why?" Ah Li frowned in confusion, looking at his gorgeous master who chuckled with questioning eyes :"Two reasons. One, to get proficient and get experienced in using your axe.

Your Majestic Tyrant Axe is way too destructive and dangerous to use against your sisters. It's dangerous to use it even in a simple spar. But you don't have to worry about other strangers and can injure them and even kill them if you want to.

You can train in using your Majestic Heart and Majestic Incubus when sparring with Xiao Xue and Nana, and can train with your Majestic Tyrant Axe in the Great Soul Arena. As for your Omnitrix martial soul, I have to teach you a few martial arts and ways to fight without a weapon since that martial soul allows you to transform into that strange creature.

And for the second reason, it's so that the outside world won't know too much about you. Of course, nobody will ever be able to harm you while you're in Martial Soul City.

But that's not true in the outside world. If your talent is too well-known, the two empires will definitely try to get rid of you for fear of your talent when you get out of the Martial Soul City. With your character, you will probably go out to venture in the future. If people know about your identity, talent and martial souls, your life may be in danger then."

Raising her hand to his hand, she gently stroked his head with a fond smile :"Master is just looking out for you and doesn't want you to be in danger in the future."

Leaning into her touch with a cat-like smile, he giggled at his master :"Aww, is master worried about me?" Causing her to chuckle and nod without taking her hand off his head, just enjoying the soft and silk-like texture of his hair :"Of course, silly child. How could master not care and worry about you and your senior sisters? You are all my family, of course I'd care for you."

"Hehehehe." He giggled, an adorable and genuine smile on his face as Bibi Dong gently rubbed his head Lovingly. After a little while, a curious smile appeared on her gorgeous face :"Hey, Xiao Li?"

"Hm? What's up?" The red eyed boy looked up at his master with a smile as she raised a suggestive eyebrow :"How about we have a little spar? Just you and me so that you can go all out without worry?"

"Sure! When will we start?!" Ah Li's eyebrows rose in interest as he smiled excitedly. But his smile dropped at Bibi Dong's answer :"How about right now?"

"So no more headpats?" He pursed his lips with a sad look, causing Bibi Dong to chuckle :"Hahaha, fine. We'll do it after you've had your fill with headpats." And she continued to stroke the head off the smiling child. <Give this man all the headpats!

... Give me some too while you're at it.>