
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

CH 13: Ah Li VS Illusionary Three Tailed Scorpion P1

It was already long past midnight when he finally finished absorbing the soul ring, his eyes slowly fluttered open. But he squinted his eyes when the bright purple light of his soul ring invaded his sight.

But when his sight returned, his eyebrows shot up at the blackness of his soul ring! The purple of it had gotten incredibly deeper, and honestly looked just a bit away from being completely black!

"So?" A feminine voice came from beside him, and he shrieked in shock :"KYAAAA?!" But when he looked, it was just Hu Liena who was kneeling beside him and staring at him with wide, threatening eyes :"I swear, you better not say that it's another common-sense-screwing soul skill. Otherwise..."

"What the heck, sister Nana?!" He glared at his senior sister with his hand over his beating chest :"You could've just waited for a sec then asked! No need to give me a damn heart attack!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. So what is your soul skill?" He rolled her eyes, and he rolled his own in return before getting up :"Fine, fine, I'll tell you." But before he could say anything, he heard his master's voice :"Xiao Li, come here and sit before explaining it."

"Okay, master! You heard her, sister Nana." The boy smiled at his master, before smirking at Hu Liena and then walking towards the campfire. "Here." Bibi Dong smiled at him, tapping the empty spot of the smooth rock she was sitting on :"Come sit with me."

With a smile, he nodded before hopping towards her and sitting next to her :"Are you alright?" She asked with a small smile as she gently patted his head :"Absorbing so many soul rings in such a short amount of time must've been really tiring since you're not even a level 20 soul grandmaster yet."

"Hehehehe, not yet at least." He giggled with a smug and proud smile while enjoying the headpats, confusing them a little before he held up a peace sign :"Thanks to absorbing so many soul rings, I'm already level 18!"


(Wielder's Info)


Name: Ah Li

Age: 6 years old

Soul Power Level: 18

Soul Rings: 3 (1st soul rings)

Soul Ring(s) Individual Age: 2,812.5 (purple)

Soul Ring(s) Combined Age: 8,437.5 (purple)


'I... I want to hit him... No matter how adorable he is, I still have the urge to hit him...' Was what appeared in everybody's mind except Bibi Dong's. But even though she wasn't jealous of him, she was still pretty shocked and tired of the surprises.

"Sigh... Xiao Li..." She nearly groaned as she rubbed her temples :"This is just becoming ridiculous at this point..." But Ah Li, who at least felt bad for everybody before for making them jealous, had just decided to enjoy being such a gem instead. So he just smirked smugly with his arms folded.

"Tell me about it, master... We need to painstakingly train and cultivate, and even then advancing a level of two every year is a sign of being a genius..." Hu Liena started, looking at her cup of drink with a soulless smile :"And here is Xiao Li... Simply advancing as if it's like breathing..."

"Why wasn't he just born with level 20 innate soul power?" Qian Renxue added, sharing the same expression and mood around her :"I wouldn't be surprised if he started advancing levels by just farting at this point..."

'Lol, I gave them an existential crisis in a single day kekeke!' He chuckled sinisterly in his head, but keeping an innocent front when turning to his milf of a master :"Master, is it really so difficult to advance in levels?"

"Sigh, yes, Xiao Li. Yes, it is." Bibi Dong nodded with a tired look :"As your senior sister said, advancing one or two levels a year is already a sign of being incredibly gifted. Even that is incredibly hard for normal people."

"Is it?" He tilted his head in curiosity before smiling innocently with mischief hidden behind the smile :"How can it be so difficult? You must be exaggerating it. I mean, I just awakened my martial souls not even a full 24 hours ago, but I've already advanced 8 levels! Surely a real genius's speed of advancement wouldn't be so slow~."

"You damn little brat!!" Two shouts were heard before the blond beauties both jumped at him, pinning the giggling boy and immediately starting to tickle him :"You calling us trash?! Huh?!"

"Don't even think about us having mercy this time, Xiao Li! I'm going to make you freaking cry!" Qian Renxue nearly shouted, annoyed as they both brought his shirt up before beginning to mercilessly tickle him!

"Hahahaha Wait wait WAHEHEHEHEIT! STOHAHAHAP!" He shrieked between the laughter :"I-I WAHAHAHAS JUST JOHOHOKING!! MERCYEHEHE!!"

"Screw you, little bastard!" Hu Liena shouted, blowing at his armpit and causing him to laugh even more :"You dare show off?! Huh?! Then you can enjoy the punishment too!"

"STOHAHAHAP!!! HELP! HEHEHEHELP!! MASTEHEHEHER!!! HELP MEEEHEHEHE!!" He pleaded while trying to cover his ticklish spots, but failing to do so because of the girls tightly holding his arms in place.

But unfortunately for him, Bibi Dong just scoffed softly while gently sipping on her tea :"No, you deserve it this time." Causing the girls to get even more cruel and sadistic with their punishment :"You heard her, Xiao Li! Your ass is grass!"

Looking at her daughter and disciples having fun, Bibi Dong smiled fondly as she drank from her tea. But suddenly, she and both titled douluos got serious! They didn't overreact or act unnaturally though. The beautiful Pope just calmly drank from her tea as she softly whispered :"Children, stop."

Hearing her calm but with a serious undertone voice, the girls quickly stopped and turned to her with confusion. All while Ah Li was panting on the ground, giggling between each breath.

"Mom, what is it?" Qian Renxue asked, calm and serious as well. Completely opposite to her mood from just moments ago. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mother's plump lips as she glanced at her :"Xiao Li's luck is really superb. The 1st soul ring for his Majestic Incubus came to us itself."

"Really?!" The red eyed boy whisper-shouted as he sat up, still giggling a bit as his master nodded calmly :"Yes, it has. With how it's hiding itself using illusions, or at least trying to, it's definitely a suitable soul beast for you. It also appears to be a spiritual type soul beast of about a little over 1,000 years old."

"Oh? If master says it's suitable for me, then I don't see any problem with taking it!" He smiled excitedly, pressing his heels together while holding his feet :"Wonder what this one is though. Also, how could it attack us? Does it not feel your strength? Or is it just stupid?"

"Hahaha, no, it's not stupid. We have hidden our auras so soul beasts won't run away." She chuckled in amusement before smirking at her disciple :"Hey, Xiao Li. Wanna fight this soul beast yourself?"

"Mom?!" Qian Renxue asked in shock :"Even though Xiao Li is a level 18 soul master, he only awakened yesterday! And this soul beast is a millennium soul beast! He doesn't have any fighting experience and will definitely be in danger!"

"Oh, stop being overprotective, Xiao Xue." Her mother rolled her eyes :"Sure, this soul beast is a millennium soul beast, but Xiao Li is no push over himself. Don't forget that he has quadruplet martial souls, and three of those martial souls already have their first soul rings.

And have you already forgotten how powerful the soul skill of his Majestic Heart is? Combining that with the terrifying strength of his Majestic Tyrant Axe and Ultimate Fire, do you have any idea how powerful he will be if he uses everything he has? And that is ignoring his other two soul rings?"

"W-well... I mean, he may get seriously hurt." Qian Renxue curled her lips in worry, causing Bibi Dong to chuckle with an amused shake of her head :"It's good to care for him, but there's no need to worry.

If I wasn't sure about Xiao Li winning this battle, I definitely wouldn't tell him to do it. So, Xiao Li? Do you want to do it? If not, don't worry about it. I just want to see you in action without holding back."

"Do you even need to ask~?" A bloodthirsty smile suddenly formed on his adorable face, startling everybody except Bibi Dong as he got up and released his Majestic Tyrant Axe, the size of it getting a lot bigger, but just big enough to suit Ah Li instead of being the size suitable for an adult man :"I'm dying to fight!"

"Good, good. Then just go wild. I'll cover this place with my soul power so that it can't run away." She nodded in satisfaction before he tightened his hold on black and dark purple handle of his axe, licking his teeth in anticipation :"So where is this bastard?"

"Right there." She smiled, and pointed at a specific location. When the soul beast saw her pointing right at it, it was immediately startled. Because it had used its ability to create an illusion around itself so it wouldn't be noticed. But it didn't have any time to be shocked, because a damn battle axe came flying right at its face!

"Shaaa!" It hissed as it jumped away, dodging the axe that went flying and cut multiple trees in halves! But just as it got on the ground and lost its illusion, it saw a line of fire with a horrifying temperature coming at it :"Shaaa?!"

When it dodged again and turned to look at the group of humans, Ah Li suddenly appeared in front of it in the air with his axe in hand, and ready to swing it right at him!

This time, he managed to hit the soul beast, but it blocked and defended itself with its pincer :"Shaaa!" It roared at the young boy that dared to attack it, swinging its other pincer to attack him! But Ah Li quickly jumped away and dodged.

As he stood a few meters away from the soul beast, the red eyed boy's face twitched as he looked at his target :'A fucking scorpion? Seriously? Small bugs are already disgusting, now one even bigger than a fucking car suddenly shows up...?

Should've awakened a bug spray for a martial soul instead...'

The millennium soul beast staring menacingly at Ah Li was a scorpion. A red one with thick black lines going all over his body, giving it a beautiful theme. But the most interesting thing about it wasn't its color. It was its tail. Or to be specific, its tails! The scorpion actually had three tails, with each of them being ready to attack!

"Shaaa!!" The scorpion roared before attacking Ah Li with its pincers, its tails coming from all directions as well as it went for the kill! But the black haired boy just snorted with a smirk as he gripped his axe harder and swung it at the giant bug, managing to deflect the tails with his Ultimate Strength before he spun in place, got low to dodge the pincer attack, and used the momentum of his spin to swing his axe at the scorpion :"Ahhh!!"

Upon hitting the giant bug, he managed to send it sliding a few meters away with a wound on where he had struck. Smiling in satisfaction despite the tingling sensation of his hands caused by the force he had used to attack.

"SHAAA!!! The red scorpion screeched in anger, glaring at Ah Li before using its tails to attack from a distance! And this time, to not let the human hit them away all at once, it attacked from random directions!

With a bloodthirsty smile, Ah Li jumped and landed on the first tail that came at him before he swung his axe at another tail, deflecting it before using the momentum of his movement to spin in place and crouch down before hitting the third tail! Not managing to slice it, but still managing to create a wound.

When the stinger of the first tail came rushing towards his face, he barely dodged before grabbing the tail with his hand enveloped in his Ultimate Fire, burning the stinger and using it to jump away, managing to not get hurt by the poison because of his Ultimate Fire burning it before it could touch him!

"Hahahaha come on, bastard! This is nowhere near enough to satisfy me!" He laughed in excitement before rushing towards the angry scorpion :"SHAAA!!!"


(Soul Beast's Info)


Name: Illusionary Three Tailed Scorpion

Age: 1,069

Type: spiritual type soul beast

Characteristics: has three tails. Can use illusions. Can charm. Has one of the strongest poisons in the soul beast world.