
The 3rd Layer

Liam went back to the white field to rest mentally. He was fighting demons in the second layer for more than 20 straight hours. Liam only stopped when he reached level 25.

He also decided to pause at that moment because the orb informed him that the next shipment of demons would be able to cross the force fields to the first layer in two hours.

The demons were not totally stupid. The higher layers were not entirely full of high-level demons, but demons of lower levels. If all ability were filled with demons of the level corresponding to the layer, the demons of the outer field could not enter.

Like Liam, all the others awakened stopped fighting and returned to the white field after completely cleaning the second layer.

It might take time to level up by hunting down lower-level demons, but Liam and the others did not care as it would be much easier to kill them and thus earn Contribution Points.

"Operator, what are my total gains?"

[Blood Core: 13.877]

[Rank-G Chest: 17]

[Contribution Points: 14.347]

"No higher rank? How stingy..."

"Demons up to level 20 only drop Rank-G's Chests. Only demons with some position in the demonic army drop chests of larger ranks." The orb responded.

Liam nodded.

"Okay, I get it..." he sighed. "Open Status."


Name: Liam Mason

Level: 25 | EXP: 0,3%

Class: Desperado

Title: [Demon Hunter] | [Brave Warrior]

HP: 200 | MP: 480

Vitality: 20

Strength: 49

Dexterity: 56

Mental Power: 48

Magic Power: 20

Attributes Points: 5

Skill Points: 40


Liam distributed 2 points in Mental Power, thus getting 500 MP, and the others 3 points, he put in Magic Power.

"Operator, how long have we been summoned to this dimension?"

Liam was already homesick. He wanted to ruin his brain by watching something, eating junk and even working.

"67 hours and 43 minutes."

He sighed.

"A little more than 70 hours before leaving this place..."

Then he opened all the chests. He received 5 skill books and the others were all weapons and some items he was not interested in. The equipment, he decided to leave everyone in the inventory. He thought that since he was not the only one here then there definitely should be rich people who could afford a good amount for equipment and some skills books that he did not need.

Among the skill books, 2 were repeated. Fireball and Slash.

The other 3 were: Ice Wave, Spear Mastery and Recovery.

He did not learn any at the moment, since he only had 2 slots available for skills.

He decided to look at the store first to see if there was a skill he could possibly want.

Obviously there were, but he was poor to buy them. Skills books had a price between a thousand points and some had more than trillion points.

Any book under 100,000 points was practically almost all the skills he has already acquired. The only exceptions were Time Stopping, which cost more than 10 billion points and Shadow of Darkness cost over 1 billion points.

He checked the price of the 3 skills he just acquired and was surprised.

Ice Wave: 1,000,000

Spear Mastery: 1,200

Recovery: 1,000,000,000

Seeing Recovery cost 1 billion points, he decided to stop hesitating. He was already planning to learn this skill.

He touched the book and selected "Yes". The book with the green cloak disintegrated into fragments of golden light that were absorbed into Liam's body.


Recovery (Passive): Passively recovers the HP.

Rank: G (0/50)

Effect: Recovers 1% of HP's maximum every 30 seconds


The other two books, he stored them in inventory.

"Operator, buy Soul Core and save it. Also, pay the 5 Blood Core to the Order Altar."

Liam had decided to buy as much Soul Core as he could to increase the rank of all abilities.

He sat cross-legged, and pretended that he was meditating, but in fact, he was asleep.


"60 seconds to drop the restraint." The orb reported waking Liam from his nap.

He got up and stretched with a big yawn.

"I feel rejuvenated ..." Liam commented, snapping his neck. "Operator, do you have a name other than an operator?"


"Are you alive?"

"I'm an advanced processing system more advanced than your best computer."

"So... you're an AI?"

" Yes. "

"Mm... You do not plan to revolt and dominate the world, right?"

"And why would I want to dominate your planet?"


Liam felt offended by the dry tone of the orb.

"Okay, from now on, I'll call you Spike."

"Of course, if you plan to see nothing more of your items."

"It's a joke... You do not have to be so serious... How about... Genos?"

"Thank you, but I do not intend to be destroyed so soon."

Liam sighed.

"Come on, you have to have something... Do not you feel awkward being called an operator? Come on, be authentic. Seriously even if you prefer to be called equal to all other orbs?"

The orb was silent for a few seconds before finally replying.

"Okay. Call me Genex..."

"And how is this better than Genos?"

"I will not be destroyed every battle." It was the simple answer of the orb.

Liam gave up.

"It's all right. From now on I'll call you Genex."

"Thank you."

And so Liam and Genex left for the first layer just after the green force field shone brighter than before. His eyes narrowed when he saw that there was no demon in the first layer.

"What's going on?" Liam did not ask anyone in particular.

"I believe demons are not such idiots. They will not send soldiers just to be killed, not when all humans have already leveled and are able to kill them easily now." Genex replied.

"Yes, that makes sense." He sighed. "I think I'm going to have to get into the third layer ... Genex, buy the token to go through all the remaining force fields."

Then Liam took a deep breath and walked a long way until he reached the second layer. It was the same as the first layer. There was no demon.

To get to the third layer, it took even longer since the space was larger.

The third layer was filled with demons from level 1 to level 15.

Liam crossed the yellow barrier already attacking a level 8 goblin. Death was instantaneous.

Each blow of the sword, demons of level 10 or less died instantly. Of course this did not come without a cost. Surrounded by demons, red numbers also rose above his head.

Arrows, fireballs and countless other attacks fell on him.

"Time Stopping."

Like a soap bubble, within a 10-yard radius around him, time stopped. All the long-distance attacks stopped in mid-air, catching the attention of everyone far away. Some even launched attacks, others went into the bubble, but it was ineffective. As you enter the bubble, the velocity decreases instantly to the point where everything has stopped moving and freezing them in place.

Liam took the perfect 6 seconds to launch two Fireballs on a six-foot humanoid demon that looked like a beetle meltdown with a disgusting caterpillar.

The two fireballs also froze in mid-air as he pulled away from Liam. At the same time, he looked around and sidestepped everything in a safe position before the effect of his time-stopping ability was over.

The 6 seconds ended and everything inside the bubble moved again. Numerous attacks hit the wrong targets, and the two fireballs Liam threw exploded into the demon's chest and tossed him about 2 meters into the air.

With a Slash, he cut the demon in mid-air.

[You killed the target.]

[You leveled.]

After 10 minutes fighting, killing more than 50 demons, he finally leveled off and reached level 26. All tiredness, fatigue and your HP nearly depleted were recovered. Of course, with the "Brave Warrior" title effect, your Strength, Vitality and Dexterity increase by 2 more points.

His hunting speed increased again.

First Chapter of the Week.

My ******* page:


StarGodcreators' thoughts