

After leaving Liam and Lucas, Leon went to the bedroom to store his backpack. Then he went to take a shower. After the shower, he went to the computer.

It was about eight o'clock in the morning when his cell phone rang. The display name indicated it was Devon Stuart.

"So?" Leon asked.

"Confirmed. The time zone applies to awakenings that will "wake up" first after exiting the Neutral Dimension." Devon replied on the other side of the line.

"This is dangerous. No one dares attack another awakened in the realm of the altar, but on earth, that is already different."

"Yes, I have already contacted others and advised them to keep their addresses secret. We do not want to be attacked by those who leave the white room first."

Leon nodded unconsciously.

"What about the rest?" He asked.

"That's how we guessed it. Among some people related to the government of some countries, there were awakened. Some countries have already begun to mobilize. They are after awaken and are trying to recruit them. There is even royalty among the awakened. It seems that Prince Harry of England is one of the awakened. He's himself in the Top 10."

"That's interesting..." he muttered. "And the general public do they know?"

"No. It seems that governments are stifling the case. All public pages on the internet are being deleted. In fact, this is an easy way to find the government. But of course it is difficult to keep the curiosity and concern of the population low, since it is not at all common for countless people around the world to die in their sleep."

"I suspected that..." he sighed, moving away from the computer. "Any news about the market for the items?"

"Yes. Someone was quick and created a site just for awaken. There are already countless users selling their items at a considerable price."

"Is it for the whole world, or just for a particular country?"

"The site is for the whole world, but the buyer has to go to the seller to get the item. Too bad the operators do not do the same thing to us as the store system."

"And why would they do it? They'd be making a profit." Leon said coldly, staring at the next orb.


"Yes, you're right. On the surface it may seem that they are helping us, but obviously they are behind the Core. Fortunately, because of the Neutral Dimension, once the orbs have been assigned to us, they can not do anything with our items without our permission." Devon commented on the other end of the line.

"Any word on the awaken from the other altars?"

"Yes. Including us, almost everyone in the Top 100 has created or entered a guild. Some are already planning how to meet others in the outer camp after defeating the base of the demons and closing the portal to their universe. Here in New York I know of some awaken from other altars and I have been able to bring them to our guild."

"Are they reliable?" Leon asked.

"Some yes. The others, it's good to keep an eye open. Nissa has already contacted her acquaintance at the FBI to do some investigations."

"Great. I do not want to risk being stabbed in the back."

"Even if it does, what harm would it do?" Devon laughed.

"I still feel pain." It was Leon's response that came out more like a growl.

"Just do not let the other guild members know that the great Leonardo Mason is afraid of pain."

"It's not fear, it's common sense."

"If you say..." Devon laughed. "Speaking of which, have you seen the overall rating? There's a name that's giving you something to say..."

"No, not yet... Drex, show me the overall ranking..."

"To tell you the truth, it has the same surname as you." Devon finished speaking.

Hearing what Devon said, Leon opened his eyes in surprise.

Before him, the general classification of humans arose.

1: Li Yun - Level 88: Altar of Discord

2: Gao Jun - Level 87: Altar of Discord

3: Lara Carter - Level 78: Altar of War

4: Leonardo Mason - Level 76: Altar of Strength

5: Erik Stwart - Level 72: Altar of Justice

6: Ji Ning - Level 71: Altar of War

7: Misha Denver - Level 70: Altar of Illusion

8: Susan Calton - Level 69: Altar of Heroes

9: Katherine Mills - Level 68: Altar of Righteousness

10 : Henry David - Level 66: Altar of Illusion

11: Liam Mason - Level 61: Altar of Order

12: Stefan Singer - Level 61: Altar of Illusion

"This guy from Liam Mason came out of nowhere in the last 15 hours before we came back. He is the only one of the Order Altar who is in the Top 50." Devon reported.

Leon was surprised to see his younger brother's name in 11th place, just seven positions below him.

"Before that, he was not even in the Top 1000, but quickly that changed. It seems he must have been able to take advantage of the additional luck of the altar. Unfortunately I could not get more information, since I do not know anyone who is in the Altar of the Order. I wonder who he is. Looks like he has not entered any guild yet. I'll try to bring it to us..."

"That will not be necessary..." Leon smiled bitterly.

"Because? Does he have a relationship with you?"

"If by relation you mean the fact of being a brother, yes, he and I are related."

There was silence on the line.

"You can only be joking... L-Like...? This is already fraud. First, you got this fraudulent skill, and now a black horse came out of nowhere and it looks like it has some fraudulent skill and you tell me it's your brother? Where is the justice of this world? Silph, give me the consumer complaint number."

Silph is the name Devon gave to his orb. Apparently, her orb is female.

"You should be ashamed and go to work hard if you want something..." Leon heard Silph's cold voice in the background.

"It must be TPM..." Devon murmured.

Leon laughed at his friend's antics. Both met in Neutral Dimension and ended up helping each other in times of crisis and soon became friends.

"So, did you invite him to the guild?"

"Not yet. We barely had time to talk. I got home and he was already leaving for school."

"Oh... Yes, I forgot that your brothers are younger than you. How did a 16-year-old brat manage to make it to the Top 15?"

"I'm only 19 and I've entered the Top 5. There's nothing strange about it. And besides, Liam is pretty smart... when he wants to. But I think he was lucky right from the start... unlike me..." Leon almost cried in the last part.

"Still in that? Forget it, man. If it were not for your terrible bad luck at first, I doubt you would gain that absurd ability. Thanks to that ability, you even managed to get into the Top 10 and just did not go up any further in the standings because of lack of time."

"That's because it's not you on my skin..." Leon complained.

"Leon, my friend, if I had not been to an ocean away, I would go there and beat you until you became a man..."


It was almost an hour after Liam and Lucas arrived from school. Just as Liam suspected, Leon was not asleep.

Before, Leon always came home from work and went to sleep. I only woke up around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. But today, he did not even look tired when he arrived. The same goes for Liam, despite having "woken up" early, he did not feel at all tired. He looked as good as the Neutral Dimension after leveling.

The math test was even easier for him. He was able to do something quickly and easily that he was lousy.

With his infinite Mental Power, one would expect him to become smarter. He was able to remember everything, even from when he was inside his mother's womb. It was strange and he preferred to pretend he did not remember.

His thinking became much faster. Of course he did not become a super genius from day to day. No. With his infinite Mental Power, Liam became able to remember everything, process and understand everything he saw. If he wanted to become super smart, he should read countless books.

Mental Power made him able to use all the knowledge in his brain. Basically it made him equal to the protagonist of the film Limitless and the series of the same name. The only difference is that he did not need to take those pills to use his brain efficiently.

As he entered the kitchen, he found Leon making lunch.