
Beyond Their Deaths

A high school student, Kim Honja gets pushed by his friend into a oncoming truck and becomes the son of the King in another world. Now he is trying to live as Zeno Andchutz while forced to save his kingdom from destruction. Disclaimer: Everything is fiction don’t do any of what they do. This is for a webtoon Read that when it comes out Thanks BYE

Staribisx · Urban
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"Come on, we gotta go Kim Honja."

"Ok, ok. I'm coming."

The person who just told me to leave with him is my friend, Park Seunghyun. Although he is my friend he is also a serial killer. 

I became friends with him when he first transferred to my school. Over the past 2 years it was fun dealing with him. I originally thought he was smart and tactful, I didn't expect him to be needlessly reckless so I just gave him some advice when he asked for it.

I also didn't expect him to push me in front of a truck and get me killed.

So now I am here, in the body of someone from a rich family. Well, that's what it seems to be anyways. I got transmigrated into a fantasy world.

Honja sighed at his own thoughts before noticing the sound of his bedroom door opening. The one who came in was a maid and she came in with a plate with strawberry cheesecake and sweet tea which Honja had ordered when he first woke up in that body. 

As she closed the door behind her she looked at him in shock and stood there like she saw a ghost.

"Young Master, shouldn't you be in bed? You are severely ill at the moment and should not be moving around."

She spoke with worry while looking at Kim Honja, who was sitting by the window and looking out at the city in a slight daze.

"Not to worry, I am healthy at the moment, I do have the energy and ability to move for now."

As he replied to the maid he stood up and walked over to his bed and put the covers over his legs and spoke.

"You may leave the dessert and tea by the bedside." 

As she put the plate by him she quickly walked over to the door and stood there before asking him in slight dismay. 

"Why did you order a strawberry cheesecake and tea Young Master?

"Just wanted it."


The room became silent and all that could be heard was the sound of Kim Honja eating. 

"You may leave now, I would also like to speak to my father about some important matters."

"As you wish young master"

Kim Honja looked at the door closing before sighing once more and thought to himself.

Who is this young master, and why was I in bed sick. I really need more information.

At that moment he thought that a blue screen appeared in front of him. 


[Collect information on who your body previously belonged to.]




Time Limit - 1 Week

Reward Upon Completion - Info Menu

Failure - Death 

Why is this happening to me? Although this quest seemed to be easy to do at least.

As he sat there with nothing to do he suddenly felt an ache in his body and felt like he was about to pass out.

What the fuck is wrong with this body?

Grabbing onto the sheets as he was in pain. He sat there shaking and he heard noise from outside. The door quickly opened before seeing a large man that looked angry and resembling the body he was in at the moment.

The man quickly ran over right before he began to pass out from the pain and his sight became pitch black.


Kim Honja opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the ceiling while his head was aching. 

Can't get used to the colorful room.

As he looked around he saw the man that seemed to be his father. He sat on a chair by the bed with a worried expression while biting his nails. He quickly noticed his son looking at him and quickly tried to speak before he was stopped by Honja.

"I can't remember anything."

Seeing the look on his father's face when he said that was painful somehow to him. He gave a hurt expression as he spoke.

"Who am I?"

"This better be a joke."

"No, I am not joking."

As the room was silent with the two of them, Kim Honja began to worry about what he told him and hesitated to try breaking the ice.

"I need to know who I am, please tell me about me."

The room was silent for a long time before the man began to speak to him.

"You are my eldest son, Prince Zeno Anschutz and I am your father Andrew Anschutz. Your mother passed away 17 years ago. Her name was Elizabeth."

Honja looked at his father with a sadden face before he told him to continue on.

"You're turning 19 in a few months and you always were a trouble maker, this worried me a ton since you are my eldest son who would inherit the kingdom, but you had told me a while ago that you would like to leave the succession to your younger siblings.

As time passed you became friends with some delinquents and started to make bad decisions like drinking and smoking. While I constantly punished you for this you never stopped. 

This time you had gotten yourself into some major trouble and an assassin had come to try taking your life with poison and you became ill immediately after healing from that. I am very glad you are awake but please stop with your nonsense."

Sitting there in shock, Honja who is now Zeno quickly progressed this new information before thinking about what his new life would entail. 

"So I was a trash nobleman and the son of the  current King?"

Shocked by his own son saying he was trash he felt confused by the switch of behavior that stemmed from his son's lost memories. 

"Ah, Father, please don't tell anyone about me losing my memories. I worry that action will cause major issues for us both. When I get better I'll try to remember my past and fix myself. Please don't worry."

Zeno gave a painful smile as he spoke and that made his father feel happy that his son had changed and wanted to be a better person. 

"So you'll join back in the succession now right?"

"Nope, I won't ever be doing that. Now please leave. I think I might faint again from the pain right now and I would rather not have you see that again."


As his father replied he saw that his son had closed his eyes before he layed back down on his back.

His father sighed before leaving the room and left Zeno there by himself.

I am so fucked! This life and the last one! Why am I surrounded by psychos? This body that belonged to a prince named Zeno was a delinquent and trash. I can't get the word out that I lost my memories and I have to clean up after Zeno!

As he cursed to himself he saw the blue screen pop up before him about the quest.

[Quest complete.]

[New ability obtained.]

[Info Menu available]

Seeing this he quickly called out to open his information.

"Open 'Info Menu'."