
If I Should Have a Daughter

"si je devais avoir une fille"


If I should have a daughter one day, I will buy a pear of head phones on my belly every night be for I go to bed and play the most wonderful songs to help her sleep well to prepare her for the long journey that has yet to come, and I will talk to her all day everyday for all nine months, telling her stories if the world she is soon to be a part of,

And even know she won't be able to respond, I know she is listening because my voice will be the first that she will ever recognize on the perfectly hectic day I finally get to meet her in person,

And when I do, I will make sure to map out the stars all around her just like her ant and Nanna did for me so she will always be able to find you way back home especially when she needs it most.

I will teach her how to appreciate them,

and by them I mean the stars,

but she will appreciate her TT and Nanna just as much as the moon and she will learn how to love the way the stars shimmer so brightly at midnight

We'll lay there stargazing all the time as we eat red vines and cheddar flavored ruffles while sipping on Arizona ice tea together

I will be the one to teach her how to explore her mind by writing, showing her how much her imagination can grow and stretch around the world and back again

She'll be able to fix car is better than any man can because I will teach her everything her Granddaddy taught me at her age,

Back when I used to sit there and watch him fix our cars because it was cheeper than going to the shop when he knew he could do a better job than they could,

And I want her to realize that she has the personality and smile of her uncle, bright as can be all she has to do this flip on the switch and turn on the light inside of her that can brighten anybody else's mood and relate to them better than anybody else can without even trying

And "baby girl," I'll say to her " you may be small but your mind is huge like your heart, and your voice can be heard from any mountain or valley all the way to the depths of the ocean"

" so show your love and make yourself heard because if you don't nobody else will for you"

And when her first relationship ends I'll be the one there for her with a bucket of ice cream tissues a pillow to punch and a good movie

We'll talk things through because that's how you grow

I'll spend every moment reminding her that "tomorrow is the day that never comes, you only today to make a better day than yesterday because tomorrow isn't guaranteed, so treat today like it's your last"

She will have a strong work ethic when it comes to things that she truly believes in just like her mama

I'll make sure she doesn't spend all her hard earned on material objects that mean nothing but that she spends it on experiences and opportunities that will last her a lifetime because money can't by happiness

I'll remind her that it's OK to make mistakes as long as you learn from them because I've made many in my lifetime and No one is perfect so she shouldn't try to be

she should know that its okay to be herself because god always has her back and that nothing will ever make me love her any less because when I first played my eyes on her an ever lasting fire was lit in my sole

She should feel safe enough to be in this world that was built against her

My baby girl should be able to feel my love all around her, even if I'm not there to remind her of it my garden angle "Castiel" will be there with her

All I really want is for her to be the best that she can be so she can make her dreams come true