
Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift

"Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift" unfolds as Matthew Mitchell, a 21st-century gentleman, finds himself mysteriously transported to an alternate Victorian-era world fraught with enigma, peril, and looming chaos. As he navigates this realm teeming with both supernatural entities and mortal adversaries, Matthew discovers his newfound ability to unravel the veiled mysteries shrouding the land. Entangled in political intrigue, facing ancient adversaries, and forging alliances with both the living and the spectral, Matthew's journey is a relentless quest for answers amid the shadows of a society gripped by death and secrecy. Each step propels him deeper into a realm where the boundaries between life and the afterlife blur, unraveling a tapestry of fate, death, and the unknown.

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Chapter 19: Full Circle Convergence

Pulling away, Daemon saw Arthur Seraphim; The Deceiver Cloaked in The Divine Veil of Time, the Angel of Time under the Tantamount Order smirk as he muttered.


As they strolled along, Daemon couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, feeling exasperated by the Angel of Time. "He's absolutely mad. I can't even begin to fathom the true power and influence of a genuine deity!" Daemon lampooned, walking alongside Arthur.

During their walk, Daemon finally voiced a question that had been nagging at him since witnessing the battle - or rather, the massacre - of the Sentinel Warden. "What exactly did you do to control those copies of the Sentinel Warden, 'sir'?" Without even glancing at him, Daemon could sense the smug grin on 'his' face.

"It's nothing extraordinary," the Angel of Time responded softly. Daemon grumbled and retorted, "Oh, spare me. There's nothing ordinary about it. Did you steal their destiny or manipulate their spirits with some sort of threads?" Taking a shot in the dark, Daemon could only hear Arthur's amused chuckles. This meant he was either right... or completely off the mark. With Arthur, Daemon found it impossible to read anything about him.

"No, no. While I do have the ability to control someone's spirit threads or snatch their destiny, it's far too noticeable for those from the High Order-Sequences. It's actually quite simple - if you've uttered a single word or even had a passing thought in my presence, whether it's in the local language or a completely made-up one, I can control you."

Daemon froze in his tracks, his face draining of color as he nearly forgot how to breathe, speak, or even have his heart beat. "Such a terrifying..." Daemon's thoughts trailed off before he could finish.

At any given moment, Daemon could have dramatically whipped out a pair of golden round sunglasses, his long black hair transforming into a ghostly blonde. However, that moment had yet to arrive. Amidst this whirlwind of uncertainty, Arthur paused to gaze at Daemon with an amused expression etched on his face.

"Of course, if I so desired, I could infect you, have your friends address me as 'Daemon,' and make Aryanna refer to me as her 'husband,' all while you helplessly watch. But don't worry, my dear friend. I won't subject you to such a fate. And even if you still have concerns, someone from the High Order Sequence can resist becoming my vessel." Despite these words, Daemon's heart remained far from at ease.

In his mind, individuals belonging to the High Order Sequence were perceived as deranged madman, with some desperately clinging onto their sanity while others willingly succumbed to the depths of the Abyss.

They continued their walk, and soon enough, they caught sight of Aryanna, her face pale, with Selena draped over her shoulder. However, Matthew, Elijah, and Augustus were nowhere to be found.

As they walked, Arthur broke the silence with a question, "What truly defines a person? Is it their thoughts or their actions?" Daemon paused for a moment, contemplating the philosophical inquiry.

"It's a combination of both, but I believe thoughts hold more weight. While we can control our thoughts and actions to some extent, it is often our actions that reveal the true essence of our humanity," Daemon replied, eliciting a soft smile from Arthur.

"Ah, finally someone who understands. Thoughts manifest into actions, actions become habits, and habits shape our character. However, there is one aspect you've overlooked. The more we cling to things beyond our control, the less control we have over our own lives. In this chaotic world, embrace the madness and dance on the edge of sanity," Arthur explained, his words resonating with truth.









Selena, feeling helpless, rubbed Aryanna's back, unsure of what to do or say. With her brothers and Augustus missing, and Daemon engaged in a battle against the creepy skeleton, she couldn't help but think, "I hope you arrive soon, Daemon!"

Suddenly, as if her wish had been granted, she felt a gentle hand rest upon her shoulder. She didn't need to look up, for her smile said it all.

"She's just feeling nauseous. It's a common symptom during the first trimester of pregnancy," Arthur casually informed, glancing at Aryanna's physical and emotional state.

"Pregnancy!" Selena exclaimed instinctively, her gaze shifting from Daemon to Aryanna. Daemon offered a half-hearted smile, confirming the truth.

Arthur knelt down to Aryanna's level, extending his hand towards her stomach. Daemon instinctively reached out and grasped Arthur's hand, her gaze filled with determination. Arthur simply smiled, as if he could not be erased from any form of existence, and said, "An Angel's blessing. It will help her through this journey."

Daemon's gaze remained fixed on the Angel of Time, but he relinquished control and allowed Arthur to continue. However, his determination and readiness were still evident in his unwavering stare.

The moment Arthur's hand made contact with Aryanna's stomach, a deafening explosion shook the ground, sending smoke billowing out from behind Daemon. In an instant, the majestic sound of orchestral music filled the air as Daemon conjured a shimmering blue blade in his hands.

Daemon's eyes caught sight of a massive boulder hurtling towards him, Aryanna, Selena, and Arthur. With impeccable precision, he swiftly sliced the boulder in half, the upper portion crashing into his own body while he stood firm, absorbing the impact. The lower half was forcefully kicked away, colliding with a nearby building.

As the shattered boulder fell to the ground, Daemon remained standing, his chest and cheekbones bearing the marks of the collision, yet he was alive and breathing.

Suddenly, a cold hand rested on Daemon's shoulder, and time seemed to rewind to a point before he sustained his injuries. Smiling hesitantly, he mustered the words, "Thank you, for everything so far." His gratitude and admiration were palpable in his voice. Arthur stepped forward, dismissing Daemon's gratitude with a casual wave of his hand. In a mesmerizing transformation, the Angel of Time morphed into a small black orb adorned with a white cloth strap. It gracefully descended towards the small crater where the boulder had been flung.

Turning his attention, Daemon spotted Aryanna lying on her side, peacefully resting while Selene provided comfort. A soft smile tugged at his lips. "Where is Elijah and the others?" he inquired. Selena was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected voice, but quickly composed herself and grimaced, "They... I don't know, but I believe they're trapped."

Daemon's heart skipped a beat at Selena's trembling voice. "Trapped? The boulder... Arthur's orb's location..." His mind swiftly pieced together the answer, causing him to abruptly turn around.

With a rush and a sense of urgency, Daemon sprinted towards the edge of the small crater. As he approached, he could make out the figures of three people shrouded in smoke. Utilizing his incredible Spiritual Bio-Elemental abilities, Daemon summoned a powerful gust of wind, dispersing the smoke in an instant.

And there they were, just as he expected - Matthew, Elijah, and Augustus.

His heart sank as he saw both Matthew and Elijah lying motionless on the ground, blood trickling from their foreheads and necks. Augustus sat beside them, cradling their heads in his lap, visually unscathed.

Without wasting a second, Daemon descended into the crater, dropping to his knees beside Elijah and Matthew. His voice filled with concern, he urgently asked, "What happened?!" As he spoke, a reddish-green spiritual energy emanated from his hands and began to flow through the unconscious brothers.

Augustus was taken aback by the display of supernatural powers, temporarily stunned into silence. Eventually, he gathered his thoughts and responded, "I honestly don't know... It all just happened so suddenly. I found myself enveloped in a black sphere, and when I woke up, it felt as if the world was brand new."

As Daemon's healing energy worked its magic, closing the wounds on the two brothers, a realization dawned upon him. He knew exactly what had occurred with Augustus.

"Rebirth Phase!"