
Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift

"Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift" unfolds as Matthew Mitchell, a 21st-century gentleman, finds himself mysteriously transported to an alternate Victorian-era world fraught with enigma, peril, and looming chaos. As he navigates this realm teeming with both supernatural entities and mortal adversaries, Matthew discovers his newfound ability to unravel the veiled mysteries shrouding the land. Entangled in political intrigue, facing ancient adversaries, and forging alliances with both the living and the spectral, Matthew's journey is a relentless quest for answers amid the shadows of a society gripped by death and secrecy. Each step propels him deeper into a realm where the boundaries between life and the afterlife blur, unraveling a tapestry of fate, death, and the unknown.

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Chapter 11: Encounter with the Golden Eyes Part 3

To them, they had been killed instantaneously without cause or prior warning as only the six of them remained conscious during this period of unmoving time. The blonde man with golden eyes swiftly turned around, his gaze bored as he uttered three simple words.

"We should talk…"











In the vast expanse of time, where everything stood still, there was only one figure who dared to move. This man possessed a captivating aura, with his shimmering golden hair that seemed to emit a celestial glow. But it was his eyes that truly mesmerized all who beheld them, for they shone like the radiant sun itself.

As he graced the world with his smile, the grayness around them began to dissolve, replaced by a vibrant burst of colors. Yet, despite this transformation, the world remained motionless. Above the man's head, an hourglass stood, its sand trickling away with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a dark abyss materialized in the sky, its vastness and dimensions beyond comprehension. A single glance at it threatened to drive one to the brink of madness and lose control of all senses and reasoning.

From this abyss descended a white table, adorned with golden edges and intricate depictions of sacred beings. It stood tall, reaching the man's abdomen.

With a smile, his ordinary civilian attire - a simple black suit; disintegrated. Giving way to pure white robes of a clergyman, accentuated by golden outlines. His demeanor transformed as well, his features becoming sharp and defined, while his eyes held a hint of both softness and madness.

He gestured for them to gather at the other end of the table, but soon realized his critical flaw. They were still trapped in the stagnant realm of unmoving time, their consciousness the only thing capable of wandering freely.

With a snap of his fingers, the gray stillness vanished instantly. Suddenly, a cloud of dust enveloped the surroundings, causing the ground beneath them to crack and tremble.

As the dust settled as Matthew, Selena, Elijah, and Augustus Black stood in awe as the married Eggers couple materialized before the man with the golden eyes.

Aryanna Eggers stood atop the gleaming white-gold table, her slender arms adorned in an intricate, flowing gown - clutching a slender and formidable white saber blade poised at her neck.

Yet, this man effortlessly halted the saber's advance with a mere two fingers, his charismatic smile never faltering. Daemon Eggers, positioned to the right of the table, froze in his tracks, his hand instinctively reaching for his neck. A complex array of golden symbols etched themselves into Daemon's neck as he struggled for breath.

Releasing his grip on Daemon, the man inhaled deeply, savoring the air with pleasure. In a sudden twist, Aryanna's body turned gray, her movements began to reverse to the moment before she leaped across the table. The man relinquished his hold as Aryanna skidded to a halt on the floor, reaching the opposite end of the table.

Throughout this one-sided battle, the man maintained his charismatic smile, his eyes devoid of any malice or ill intent. He simply gestured towards the half-siblings, Augustus Black and the Eggers couple, indicating they should join him at the other end of the table.

They obediently followed his instructions, their eyes fixed on him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, but he remained calm and composed throughout. Upon reaching their destination, he let out a slight cough, exposing intricate symbols etched into his throat and neck. The designs were so complex that it was nearly impossible to describe them accurately, but one thing stood out - a colossal 'S' at the forefront, entwined with the sinuous body of a serpent around his neck. Another cough escaped his lips, instantly capturing their undivided attention.

"I placed this table here to alleviate any concerns or apprehensions you may have about 'him'," the man with golden eyes spoke softly, his voice clear and angelic. It did not escape anyone's notice that he referred to himself in the third person.

As a prominent figure within the church, Aryanna possessed extensive knowledge and experience. "'He' couldn't possibly be...," she pondered, well aware of the implications of referring to oneself in the third person.

The 'man' before them had transcended 'his' mortal coils, no longer bound by dimensionality or even a specific gender. "Are you... a birth Angel?" Aryanna inquired, her hand unconsciously resting on her stomach.

The man chuckled softly, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "No, no. I was once a human, just like all of you. But I shed my mortal coils many lifetimes ago," he explained. A wistful smile graced his lips as his gaze shifted towards the shimmering stars, yet a tinge of regret and animosity flickered in his eyes when he turned his attention to the full moon.

"But you are correct about one thing. I am a member of the Tantamount Order, an Angel of great importance." Aryanna appeared taken aback, her confusion outweighing any fear she may have had. "I understand that your position within the Church of the Barren of Knowledge and Insight is not high enough to be aware of the Tantamount Order's existence…" The man dressed in golden robes spoke with authority, and he was right, as Aryanna had only been given limited information.

"To put it in mortal terms, the eight Churches have been divided into two factions since the beginning of the second Epoch - the Age of Luminance." Aryanna and Daemon took a step back, realizing the magnitude of this revelation.

The Churches have always been in conflict with each other, even beyond their birth and most likely death. "Although the true name of 'this' individual has been lost to time and memory, 'they' do have a title and a nickname, if you prefer to refer to them as such." Selena took a step forward, showing initiative, and looked at the 'man' in golden robes, confirming the name and title.

The man wore a familiar smile as he saw Selena, pleased that she accepted his offer. He bowed slightly, "I am an Angel of Time within the Tantamount Order, you may call me... Arthur Seraphim; the Deceiver cloaked in the Divine Veil of Time." Arthur introduced 'himself' to the half-siblings, Augustus Black, and the Eggers couple.

Selena seemed momentarily confused, as if she had heard the name Arthur Seraphim before. Arthur noticed this and smiled, attempting to say something. However, no words escaped his lips as an ear-piercing beep came from nowhere and everywhere, suddenly, blood gushed from 'his' mouth.

Yet, a twisted smile remained on his face. "Curse you, golden eyes," Arthur muttered, 'his' form instantly transforming back to when 'he' wasn't injured. "Wha- What the fuck just happened?" Elijah Black exclaimed, his words laced with colorful language. Arthur kindly smiled at Elijah.

"That, my friend, is the very purpose of my descent into the mortal realm. I'm sure you've all witnessed it before," Arthur Seraphim announced, observing the bewildered expressions on their faces. He let out a self-deprecating sigh and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a mesmerizing golden illusion materialized on the table.

The illusion portrayed a majestic golden figure hovering above a vast metropolis, 'its' fingers outstretched and crackling with energy as he'd snapped. Waves of power rippled through the sky and the earth, affecting every city, country, and continent.

"This is why I am here... to track down 'them'," Arthur declared, before anyone could even question him. His eyes transformed, splitting into three pupils each, as if he could see every single person in the area. A mischievous smile played at the corners of his lips, radiating a sense of delight.

"'It' has always been 'my' purpose here...and also your reason here…" All six pupils shifted their gaze, they excluded Aryanna, and shifted towards the rest of them.


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